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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. When it comes time for the "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace", just please try not to holler anything out real loud, or if you must, have something super funny all prepared and well rehearsed for the occasion. Best-of-results to you with those doozy-preventer seeds!!!!
  2. I've hidden that double post @BoscoPiko. Meantime they say you can't go back, but sometimes it is also "you shouldn't go back" - sorry it is bad memories-ville USA there . Here's hoping any future trips to the coast can be to fresh new places for making good new memories. Weird (and awful!) that spikes to the left mean an imminent doozy to the right. Still hoping you can still somehow dodge that cluster bunny bullet though. Beautiful pic!
  3. Such a relief to hear this phase was such a success. Big kudos to the surgeon(s) and medical team - it sounds like she is in very capable hands!
  4. Oh thank gosh - that op tomorrow sounds like it will be a huge milestone for her recovery, as will the point at which she wakes. What @BoscoPiko said!!
  5. Hi @Titan32 - there is D3 info here - a thread started by the illustrious and ultra knowledgeable @CHfather. I advise anyone fortunate to receive input from him to take it very seriously. You'll notice this photo, worth more than a thousand words, at that link, showing exactly what pills (and quantity) to take for starters. It's the D3 regimen at a glance, something I particularly appreciate. Last I checked nobody should just go on that D3-50 as a set and forget daily dose though, without blood testing for D3 and calcium levels - it's typically more of an initial, high loading dose for fastest route to getting things under control.
  6. This is horrible - really sorry to hear this is happening to you. As far as I'm concerned, @BoscoPiko has become one of the trusted experts, with some most helpful observations and ideas dished out above. ^^^ Yep, sleep (definitely including naps) is truly a very common trigger. If you're going to take an imitrex pill, some have found that if taken at bedtime, it can prevent the sort of wake up attack that occurs somewhere in the vicinity of an hour after falling asleep. Strange yes, but it is often the nature of cluster cycles. Legions of us have recognized what seems to be a predictable, repeated cycle pattern, only to have it out of nowhere then become unpredictable, much as yours has. Speaking of legions of us, that's about how many are finding significant prevention success with the D3 regimen and/or busting. They can be a major game changer/life changer. Busting info can be found at the blue New Users - Please Read Here First banner above, near the top of the page ^^^.
  7. I can see why you'd be incentivized to go for a demand valve for this aspect you mentioned: And that @Racer1_NC mentioned: Anyone who has been caught on a weekend, holiday or whatever having run out of O2 because they went into sudden unexpected high cycle and burned through tanks faster than anticipated might agree with me that there can be a priceless component to avoiding such a situation.
  8. OMG, unspeakably horrible. Tears just reading this. She's so young though, which always helps for best recovery capability, so pulling with every fiber for a successful wake up this weekend. Undoubtedly the best surgeons get involved in cases like this, and there's a lot to be said for modern/advancing medicine with such trauma/injuries.
  9. I'm sorry, I have nothing in the way of experience or reference, so for the moment the only real thing I have is deep sympathy, because it's bad enough for sleep to be a trigger, but now both sleeping and eating? Sheesh what's next, breathing? Hmm if there are trigger fumes/smells in the air I guess breathing actually can be a trigger too, so that does it: Everything can be a freeking trigger now. I do like @mitch brown's ideas, and as a test maybe a benadryl could be taken before a meal to see whether it would make any difference (not that it would be a sustainable approach for regular use)?
  10. Oh OK - you have now officially tripped your face at least partially off.
  11. I know - have been trying to carry on a bit of conversation here or there as if nothing was wrong, but also gutted and very sad for Shaun. My best guess is that that those seeds you took walloped the cluster bunny! Whatever the case, what a relief that an actual good thing has occurred! Of course I'm the one guy who has awakened tripping a little after taking RC seeds before bed (I think it was around that same 80 quantity you took), so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of them being the cause of someone finding themself out of it while under the influence - especially right after having a 4.5 hour attack rip through the brain.
  12. With the usual tremendous amounts of cringing and bracing for it, I ask if there is any status update @BoscoPiko on the cluster bunny's recent unwelcome antics?
  13. Oh no, this is easily the worst thing imaginable to learn of here @Shaun brearley , so sorry. With you all the way.
  14. I wouldn't classify that as a long winded rant at all. I would definitely classify it as distressing to hear of an official beast revisit like that. I've seen the decreased intensity such as you're reporting attributed to both the D3 regimen and busting. 4 hours so far and still going - yikes you really get stuck with the longggg ones. And yep I too would be inclined to blame the fact you had to wait to get on the O2 this time for the current O2/abort resistance. Kind of a ripoff that you didn't get your usual warning sign - like broke neck - before the attack, but I know you've grown accustomed to how the cluster bunny is the ultimate ripoff artist, notorious for throwing these diabolical sort of curve balls. Best of results to you with tonight's seeds bust - NO SLAP BACKS ALLOWED!! (there will be enough fireworks tomorrow!).
  15. Personally I recognize there can be legit reasons for some people to avoid busting, and I don't want to push it on anyone - you might get great results with the D3 regimen alone - but if this source is correct, magic mushrooms are legal for medical use in Quebec and other Canadian provinces
  16. Me: Not a qualified diagnostician. But from your description I would say if it is CH, yes it sounds a bit atypical regarding the duration of the attacks, and maybe the pain level too. I've noticed that after many years, the attack durations can extend to a good 3, or a bit more, hours for many of us, but 8 hours sounds especially long. The fact that it responds to triptans does make it seem at least cluster adjacent though. And it makes it sound to me like it may very well respond to the D3 regimen and busting, which can bring some impressive preventive relief for both full blown attacks and shadows. Many find that ginger tea or pills can relieve shadows BTW. If you're interested in busting, info on it can be found at the blue New Users - Please Read Here First banner above. ^^^^
  17. A rattler in the greenhouse!!?? Now THAT is one decidedly unwelcome visitor - wow, what a way to turn those good vibes bad in a jiffy. They'll be all the way back to good toot sweet though.
  18. Ugh, yep that makes sense. Here's hoping this Full Monty kicks in right away! Just as the beast will surprise us by slamming us with a cycle right when we least expect it, I like to think sometimes we can get surprised by not having one kick up when we do expect it. Seriously hoping that for you @BoscoPiko!
  19. I had already piped in closer to the inception of this thread, but here I go piping away again. I semi-agree with this: ......in that in high cycle, there are those of us who will be awakened hourly with yet another attack, following our O2 aborts. That's a lotta attacks, and since I've aged into the 3 hour long attacks (when not aborted), it is a greater quantity of attacks than would have been possible without the O2 aborts. Still, I think of these hourly attacks following O2 aborts as being more like re-aborts of the same single attack that keeps just wanting to come back and break through. And the question can come up regarding whether O2 technique/set up/adjuncts could be that much more optimized for longer lasting aborts.
  20. Deleted. I had thought maybe you just wanted to doubly emphasize your point. Seriously though, dunno why the pesky double posts happen.
  21. I figure if your doc is not a headache specialist, he is unlikely to have much (or any) clinical experience with CH, hence his references to what he knows - migraine. It sounds like he is not super into researching CH so far, so I'm gonna second the suggestion of @BoscoPiko to seek out a headache specialist if at all possible. And yep, triptans and stuff are prescribed for both migraines and CH, but everyone and their clusterhead mom will tell you that one of the best things you can have prescribed by a doctor is the more CH-centric oxygen for aborting attacks. Then a lot of people 'round here (I'm one of them) and their clusterhead dad will tell you the D3 regimen and busting can be very effective, non toxic ways to prevent CH whilst bypassing the pharmaceutical RX routine and doctors in general.
  22. This is a common issue for CH'ers unfortunately. I don't know if it could be a possibility in KSA, but especially since the pandemic, virtual doctor appointments became more commonplace in various regions, so just mentioning that in case you haven't looked into it yet, in hopes a headache specialist might be available that way. You've happened upon advice in this thread from some of the world's most informed lay experts on effective ways to combat CH, @CHfather is one of them, and he's right about those steroids. My anecdote is I'm still trying to recover 33 years later from a too-long-on-prednisone stunt I had pulled out of desperation, and at this rate it doesn't look like any full recovery is ever going to occur! Also I found that following my numerous other pred tapers, the CH did seem to want to come back with a vengeance. I've found busting to have been more effective than any drugs for prevention, but I won't be surprised if your remission chances will be high with just the D3 regimen, if that is your main option for effective non-toxic prevention.
  23. I'm still seriously considering having the corrective surgery, but haven't been entertaining the thought that it could also alter my cluster status for the better. Mainly just hoping the epinephrine they need to use wouldn't set me off. Glad to learn it sure didn't for your uncle!
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