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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. I hear the Atlantic is quite refreshing this time of year for a dip / crossing. Then just thumb it on over to Chi-town once you're ashore stateside and you're all good.
  2. I've met aplenty at previous conferences, and can testify it's a crazy-good experience, not to be missed for anyone who can swing it.
  3. Ooh nice find - gonna stick this at the top of my to watch/listen to pile, considering the subject and the interviewee.
  4. Dude I have those too. (Not really bad tho)
  5. I WANNA GO. But external circumstances are now making for about a 5% chance of being able to pull it off.
  6. While acknowledging the major recovery challenge still ahead with the physio, she looks like she's doing so well at this all-tubes-be-gone, out of the woods stage!
  7. Thanks for the report snafu, and glad to see you are so on it with the preventives for this otherwise threatening cycle.
  8. Yes, thanks Vipul. Issues requiring hip surgery are commonly the only extended use pred side effect mentioned, but, from https://creakyjoints.org/living-with-arthritis/coronavirus/treatments/prednisone-steroids-immunosuppressing-coronavirus/: Corticosteroids like prednisone have a laundry list of potential side effects, including high blood pressure; high blood sugar; glaucoma; issues with sleep, mood, and memory; weight gain; fluid retention and swelling; osteoporosis; and more. Side effects tend to increase with higher doses and longer duration of use. Another common side effect of corticosteroids like prednisone is increased risk of infections, including bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. This is particularly important to understand right now in light of the current COVID-19 crisis. A May 2020 editorial in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism cautioned that people who regularly take oral steroids should be considered higher risk for COVID-19 and may be more prone to developing complications.
  9. Talking as normal and sitting in a chair??!! Wow, so glad to hear it, that sounds like incredible progress. And as much of an unpleasant ordeal the fuss kicked up over feeding tube must be, it sounds like it could be a good sign in the overall scheme that she's so determined to return to normal functioning ASAP! Did she inherit this rebellious behavior stuff from her dad?
  10. This report, besides being disturbing, is definitely intriguing and useful, including the neurologist's mention of the observed uptick, as attempts are made to parse what the bleep is up with COVID/CH correlation. Thanks for going on record with it @JY05, and here's hoping you can get to that point of complete relief ASAP!
  11. Congrats on the restored wiggly nose Bewitching capabilities! And the fact that you're still keeping the cluster bunny at arms length like that isn't half shabby either(!!!!).
  12. Happy Birthday @Titan32, and best wishes for a 7-8 hours of straight solid sleep night, as unusual as that might be for a typical clusterhead, whether in or out of cycle!
  13. Oh come on @BoscoPiko, you'll be missing all the fun and exhilaration.
  14. WHAT - [I'm now realizing I instigated] all this because I couldn't discern the difference between stop and end? Augghh As far as temporarily stopping attacks is concerned, my observations (and heavy bias from personal experience with I dunno, maybe 10 or so different pred bursts), says pred will usually stop attacks temporarily. In my personal history, it has always temporarily stopped attacks. Then often when the attacks return, they do so with a pent up vengeance (for me).
  15. That must have been an occasion for 1,000 ecstatic victory laps when the pred taper actually ended all attacks mid cycle!!! I do gain that much more respect for the pred bursts when hearing of such a result. And I suppose even 20% or so could be considered "often" in some contexts, but now strictly having fun with the nitpicking of semantics far beyond what should be considered reasonable, here's one gauge of what 'often' and other indefinite adverbs mean. Going by it, my guess is that prednisone stopping a cluster period occurs closer to rarely than to often: FREQUENCY Frequency refers to how often something is done. How often something is done can be described with indefinite adverbs and definite noun phrases. The most common indefinite adverbs are: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, and never. Adverb Frequency it represents always 100 percent of the time (or almost 100%). usually about 80 percent of the time. often more than half of the time. sometimes less than half of the time. rarely about 20 percent of the time. never at no time.
  16. Far be it for me to mince words with one of the world's leading CH experts, but I feel like "It occasionally stops the cluster period" might offer a more accurate idea of what the chances really are. If one of the world's leading CH experts has convincing hard statistics to back up that "often" claim though, I might have to back down.
  17. Wow. Man that seems outrageous. It must have been a hell of a sticker shock moment when you checked out at GNC. I'll hope you may find equivalent stuff, cheaper, as you return to online ordering (or maybe Costco?).
  18. Talking a lot like that seems like it would have to be a really good sign! I would imagine the heavy pain killers etc. she must be receiving could be partly responsible for the lapses into the "Spain" thinking. And wow, possibly removing feeding tube and moving her off critical ward soon? One hurdle after another constantly being overcome. She does sound so strong indeed!
  19. It's always that much more of a relief to hear of another critical milestone like that met - thanks for the update Shaun!
  20. The times they are a changin' - FOR THE BETTER IN THIS CASE! Thanks for the good news! M Tanks are the shiznit.
  21. I second Spiny's WOW - seems like just yesterday you announced the near completion of green house construction, and now full on crops! Some nice lady bugs too (if I remember correctly that they can be desirable company for keeping bad pests at bay).
  22. No bangers!!?? That is exactly the hoped for best case scenario - so glad to hear it. Congrats on pulling it off with that strategic seeds bust!
  23. Here's hoping you're now making it back home to that incredibly nice greenhouse etc. in one piece!
  24. Wow, thanks for this report Shaun - the biggest of the big events ever, and the ultimate cause for celebration! Let the healing continue, and as swiftly as possible! Also, amidst all the hubbub, please don't neglect to swig down your daily D3 regimen pills with that champagne.
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