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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Once you're in a better place physically, go to the board entitled ClusterBuster Files. Then start clicking and reading. It's all the nuts and bolts of busting.
  2. I must have been asleep, because I have no idea what you're talking about.
  3. You go, girl! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Ain't life grand?
  4. Brew

    What is

    I've been looking for the answer to those questions for 50+ years. The only answer I can come up with that makes sense to me is this: We are here to love and care for each other - because it would suck being here alone. I try to let my life's decisions be guided by this principle.
  5. There are no cures. Only treatments. So far. Stay tuned.
  6. Maybe there might be migraine applications.... Methinks they might just be the types to see to it that family is taken care of first.
  7. Well, there's yer problem, right there. Yer usin' the cheap stuff.
  8. Bravo! Well played. I'm not worthy!
  9. I'm glad for you. But people who extrapolate an experiment, a study, a "cure" from a sample group of one don't understand science.
  10. I use a pepper mill I got at Goodwill for $2.99.
  11. Why do I get the feeling you don't really? Color me suspicious.... Because if you did, you would NEVER use the word "cure."
  12. Only a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment, if Ron has anything to say about it.
  13. Glad you've found relief.
  14. Many happy returns, Jason! May the best day of your past be the worst day of your new life together.
  15. At the risk of repeating myself, "The Blues Brothers" is one of the funniest movies of our time. If you haven't seen it, you must.
  16. As long as the user can get an airtight seal with the lips around the mouthpiece, I'm good to go. And let me repeat what Ron has said - this is really important and valuable work you're doing here, Jeff. Thank you.
  17. I find that by using the mouthpiece on the O2ptimask and removing it every time I exhale, I don't have to clean things near as often as I used to (except the mouthpiece itself, that is). If there were a way to easily remove this scuba demand valve between each breath - in other words, have a mouthpiece that didn't have a part that has to fit between your teeth and the insides of your lips - it would be the katz sass.
  18. P.S. - My bride apologizes for calling you the "oxygen bi+ch." She thought that was your unofficial moniker. (It kinda was, but in a loving, supportive way.)
  19. No - thank you! It always makes things easier when there's one go-to person for oxygen, and you performed swimmingly. Now chase the whole experience down with an ice cold Budweiser. I know I would!
  20. Brew


    Thanks, everybody. No imbibing for me this weekend.
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