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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. Nice!!! ;D ;D ;D Don`t know anything about seeds.... Good luck with the mushrooms!!!
  2. About busting and OCD. I don`t know if i had it, but some tendencies at least. I don`t know if it dissappeard because busting helped me moving on from things i didn`t want to remember, and the tendencies left with that solved. But what i do know, is that i don`t have the tendencies anymore
  3. Hi Gettin hit on top of trip, has happened to me as well. Good to hear he is doing better, and you two keeping it up anyway!!! In my excperience, watch out for that dinner nap. Following a regular sleeping pattern, and eat regular and healthy, does a big deal. I find it that good, that i follow it weekends and holidays. If he get tired, go to bed earlier, instead of taking a nap. Don`t lay in bed at morning, get up at once and eat. I swear to this, it may be different to others off course. But it`s worth a try. Looking forward to next post!!! Wishing you two the best, hang in there :)
  4. Hi Happy to hear that!! I would go off verap and topamax. And really dp everything to stay off zomig. Since i dosed without flly detox, i could feel differences maybe, busting on diff meds. I found the triptans such as zomig, imitrex etc blocked more than other meds. But anyway, something always happened to the better. I think it sounds like a good plan what you two planning for now. I would done the same. Whising good luck!!!!!
  5. Hi Welcome to you Seems you read alot. But if you wonder you ask a hed. If you need talk about something, go ahed Gooog luck to you tonight Hope to see your post soon!!!
  6. Ok, good to know.... Started to wonder if i was a little bit odd.... Because i still wake up at night, but no pain. Strange. During day, i also can tell what time it is, every third hour i just know, in a way..... But is it common to others, not feeling any "difference" to day and night? !! morning and 11 evening, it`s same same to me.
  7. Hi Your a episodic CHèr? This is your cyclys, or did something else break it last time? Hope you will stop by little later to the board, to ventilate and get the support from everyone here. It helps so much you know, even if there`s noone else that really see you in this sit. Wether i`s friends, at job or just a feeling in general. We gonna support you every day If you fight the devil that far, you have been stronger than i can even imagine. I don`t know what treatment you used before? But there`s hope for the better beeing here!!!1 Don`t give up, hang in there and let us help please Tingeling :)
  8. Agree. Because when you first gonna do it, i certainly would like it to be as comfortable as possible. And thank you so much for that. I wouldn`t have been here at all. Thank you. I respect you guys more than anything. Tingeling
  9. Hi Welcome to the both of you How are the family doing? Have you ordered the seeds? I think there`s a big difference between 15 and 25 flow. 15 works sometimes, but it takes much more time. at once he feel anything coming, little tingling feeling f ex, he then runs to the o2? The faster he get`s to it, the better. If you feel as a family, he can`t manage to detox.... Sometimes if very exchausted and fatigue, it seems unbearable if pain rambles up even more. I didn`t detox the first time. And it didn`t work the way it sshould, but it worked enough for me to detox. It is best to detox of course, and if there`s any meds that you can not combine, he has to. But i just want to mention it, if he feels it gets to much at the time. Wishing you all the best :)
  10. I just want to metion my wonderful doctor. I was sat on pred when i saw a specialist. She didn`t care about the sideeffects i got. Went to my doc, i told him i never want to do this again, ever in my life. And he actually said that i shouldn`t either. We should turn every stone, to find the most natural treatment. And he wondered how i used o2, when i told him what info i got, he now actually use this kind of forums to get info. He says when treating a rare or difficult condition, we have to look at the ones who have it, what they tried and use the results they got. Because they often try alt med you can use for life, and doctors doesn`t. He`s a wonderful man, a man of respcect. And maybe, if more and more people give info from alt treatments. From the use of o2, ginger etc, more and more doc`s will turn he`s way?
  11. Hi And welcome to you Since you can`t make something grow overnight, use what you have at the moment. You have coffe. What can help constrict bloodvessels. where i live you can`t get proper taurin drinks. And some can`t take all that sugar or artificial sweeteners. or the sparkles. But i found a drink with only water and taurin yesterday, M150. Little glass bottle. But you have good old coffe. I drink it cold, along with ice cold water. And when you drink that, you can hold a ice pack at your head. This might help you a little right now hopefully. Ask and we will answer, the best we can
  12. Being CCH with 4-9 attacks a day, i had to get on a higher dosage. And that is also described at info about this treatment. It had gained such a foothold, so complete, there wasn`t a medicine that helped. Small doses didn`t do a thing. I started low, to get the lowest dose working. That also slowed down the total remission, but gave me the chance to use smallest dosage needed. But the recreational doses, doesn`t go any near that direction. And as time goes, i will try to lower and lower it. Because i don`t go for any effect just for fun, only the therapeutic effect that helps us, the one we`re after.
  13. Experience's with hallucinogenic`s, yes, it may be pleasant and fun and all of that. But, as a chronic f ex. For how long would normal grown up people consider it that fun, week after week, month after month, year after year? I think that you get to a point, and that is more or less pretty fast, and exactly because of how powerful experience's with such a potent drug might be. And we`re not a exhaustive source of intellectuality either, for what that reason mathers, not, due to this treatment. Intelligence, intellect, yes, we all have it. But keeping up with reality and other living people around us, can be more important, than to explore the potential of our intellect. You got to have somebody to use it with as well. To adjust with your surroundings, is an important side of our human intelligence. Some consider it to be one of the most important part. And i have to say, after being maybe lonely because of this condition, feelings of being outside from what everybody does, i would rather go outside, jumping on one foot with my neighbours, than sitting in having a intellectual conversation. When you stepped out from the dark, and begin to once again form a normal life, that`s the only thing you long for. A normal life, not trip around a couple of times a month. If that continue to be your wish, then i would say you may have developed a problem, or should have some expert help to go on in your life, if you cant find out how to do so. And i then mean when we get more or less pain free. When you lived with this pain everyday, year after year, you just want to be normal again. That`s all really. And we need that. That`s why it would have been very nice to be able to just have a couple of drops with BOL in a glass of water. Wednesday, after work, between kids football practice. Then we function in everyday life. That`s life, simple as that. That is what i longed for, all this years at least. That was my dream. To participate in everyday life. I had my dream fulfilled thank`s to Cluster busters, BOL can make that happen in the future, just in a easier way to allot more people. That`s how i see it :)
  14. tingeling


    One of the nastiest drug there is.... Flying is a trigger for me, huge. Bob W recommended me to take a little rec dose right before flying. My hole holiday was good. The first i had since i was 20 Thank you Bob!! Oh.... I also dissolved blotters in tiny amount of water. got it on a cotton wool pad, and had it in my cotton wool package...... Because i have been very anxious to travel, and wanted a good holiday. Hope your flight will be ok, no matter what you do PS. I have dosed after three days. Maybe not optimal, but it worked out well. Go chase summer
  15. Me too, and if you stay inside, being inactive,- that`s not good either!!!
  16. Maybe because of anger management class? No, just kidding just had to poke you a little
  17. OOOoooh..... ER...... ;D.... Last time i was there for CH, long time now..... I must say i`m a little embarrassed LOL ;D ;D ;D
  18. Hi and a little late welcome to both Carol and Yury66 Carol, you dont have to be scared It will be ok I have been a single mom myself, i understand. This is the best that ever happened to me. I was a CCH. no med worked. Now, i can live a normal life with my daughter. Go out and do things, without it being h... on earth. do everything that i missed being inside sick, tired and feeling bad for my daughter. It have been the biggest and the best change in my life. It brought normality back. So don`t be scared, your not feeling better with any of the other med in your body. Good luck to you on fri, and i looking forward to your post PF wishes from me
  19. That`s for the fruit agent to answer. I wouldn`t know
  20. Darrin, excellent way. I told a friend about this treatment. she work in psychiatric, and did not like the treatment at all. I told her to go check out Clusterbusters, she did and came to me and said i thnk it is time for you to go get some of that. It get more real, when people see it themselves. And it will be the easiest to compare with the worst we know of ourselves. It`s just human nature.
  21. oh no, not cut up thrown and mixed in a bowl these fruits. We're to intelligent to get in that sit we're wrapped up nicely, and placed in a beautiful basket. And btw, we don't rot...Â
  22. Denny, LOL ;D absolut ;D ;DÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â and lucidity, i think AO look the fruitiest here. He is after all a big orange, and a agent.
  23. Thought we already stated about the goodlooking part. All toghether, we`re a big fruit basket!! ;D ;D What a sight when gathered on a conference!!
  24. Hmmmm.......... What you writhe here Denny, i have thought myself, i have never heard of any asian with CH. I`m not grown up in my own country, a loooong loooong way from there. Can`t see why any should see it as a question about raciism. It is well known that some deasieses are more common among certain races. On the inside we are all the same, nope, we`re not. Me as an asian, can`t take alchohol very good, it poisen us. We have less enzym that brings the alchohol after being ethanol down. So, instead we get very red, warm, and in general VERY drunk, we vomit and sleeps around the cornesrs. ;D If getting any pleasent out of alchohol, it last around one min maybe. Terrible ;D ;D This enzym varies from race to race, the europians are the once with highest amount of that enzym, and can therefor take more units, without getting actually poisoned. Nearer you live ecvator, health in general is better. Take f ex KOLS, asthma and this sort of things. You will find values of Brom, Magnesium and Kalium in the air, and also the highest amount of o2. So even if the air is humid, you gonna breath better. And for a while, even after going back to other parts of the world. And this is the small ex, there allot more of them. And that said me being a asian.... I am a mix of something, i just don`t know what!!!! And i can`t say it is possible to guess something either.... AO, you seen me. Youre guess ;D And clima, food and some kind of mix.... Can`t say much from that.... Any looked it up? My computer is almost black, i hardly see what i write ;D Now i gonna wonder about this, until i get a new one!!! That damn computer!!!
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