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Everything posted by TakinitEZ
that's no package, that's an e-tank ;D
And to you, Les. Ting, Do you realize what time it is that you're still posting?!?
OK, here's my pic. -T [edit]maybe the original was a bit too small to see, so, lest anyone think it crude, I reposted a larger image[/edit]
You have no idea how much you all are appreciated. I often take a peek at how many just stop by to browse as guest and the numbers are pretty high, usually as many as members. Glad to be here with you. -T today - 27 guests
What I really don't get is who's so much against it. The baby boomers are very open to natural medicines and as a whole support medical marijuana. I'm sure mushrooms would gain similar acceptance if there were broader awareness. Understanding who exactly is benefiting from these drugs being illegal is an important question to try to answer. Sure, there are plenty out there that will not handle legal drugs well, but I would wager much fewer than there are alcoholics or prescription drug addicts. There are pletny who use these drugs today who are no less productive in society than the next person, maybe more. Sorry to ramble, but this is a hot button for me. -T
OK, I read it more as making fun of his presentation of a serious topic. My apologies for that. Still, would rather not call anyone on this site "full of shit". Everyone is here to the benefit of others and for themselves. There's no call for being nasty like that. -T
OK, I read the thread and agree there were only two posts that were negative, all others were positive. I don't think he's full of shit, though, about the sense of negativity from your post there or here. Maybe you meant well. -T
Potter, Do you really need to bring your negative crap over here? Everything in that post is positive, sound, and well meaning. -T
Same for marijuana. It's rediculous that we spend the fortunes we do fighting the use of a plant that is so far less disruptive to peoples lives than alcohol. And with proven medicinal value for so many ailments. The people who are against these things are so misinformed and so afraid. Meanwhile, the criminalization of these items has really stopped nothing as far as I can see, but has introduced a significant opportunity for the criminals of this world to strike it rich, regardless the measures they take to get there. You want to stop marijuana smugglers...make it legal. I've never known anyone whose lives have been torn apart by marijuana or mushrooms. Crack, meth, nasty stuff that should be off the streets. Why can't we just focus on those killers. -T p.s. I like brocolli, so let's keep that.
Jordan, You're crackin me up today! "Red Thunder" LOL I LOVE the Red Bull sponsorship idea!!! I really think we're getting somewhere now. Jeez what a collaborative group here. Only question I have Ting is who has the concentration level to be able to pull off putting the calendar together? I don't think I could do a lot more than contribute my pics, private bits behind the e-tank of course. 8-) -T
Les, I enjoyed reading every bit of your message. I found no fault in any of what you had to say, and I actually also enjoy your writing style. I especially appreciated your explanation of cause, which to me makes a lot of sense (other than the chakras which I know little of). Thank you for posting. I will definitely head out today to get the materials to give this a try. -T p.s. I would advise you to delete material from the CH site, as I have, if you feel the negativity taints good information that others will benefit from. Many visit and only read.
verap, anxiety, antidepressants and other fun stuf
TakinitEZ replied to Jilly from Philly's topic in General Board
My simplistic recommendation is to take the meds you need to be effective, then plan your bust. It'll take at least a couple weeks - the first to wash out prescription meds (a tough time) and then a bust and a week or so to see if it's working. If you can afford to do it, plan a 3 or 4 week busting period. Hopefully, if all goes well you'll never need to return to the meds. The holiday breaks seems like a good busting window if you can get through dealing with the relatives. -T -
I think that's a great idea, Ting. I've often though that it would be very helpful to have a sort of "CH Diaries" kind of book with true life stories of the individuals dealing with CH. The beginning, tribulations with diagnosis and medications, successes, etc. -T
Lee Ann, I'm thinking you need to doll up that tank of his to keep him company. Don't feel threatened, she's gassy and a real airhead. -T
We all have different reactions to the pain. I know that some shout, some appear momentarily insane, some dance, and others cry. The pain is so intense, it becomes a very personal trauma. What most good docs will look for is a combination of at least 4 primary symptoms that align to a diagnosis of CH. However, there are plenty of docs out there who pick up on the outliers first and hang their hat on it - ah, another problem solved. If we worked that way in our careers, we wouldn't be very successful. So, as AllyOop suggested, take some care not to provide a red herring out of the gate that they can easily hang their hat on. Focus on the most critical and the most prevalent symptoms first in order to get at the right diagnosis the fastest. Once you have one solid diagnosis, you may find that there are multiple confounding headache types at play, as though they work together. It's hard to know what's aura and what's a reaction to the intense pain. I don't believe there is a "typical" reaction that applies to all. I have intense ear ringing and an actual loss of hearing on my pain side. No explanation. I also have severe vertigo and syncope (passing out) at times with or without headache. No explanation. The headache center's head honchos got on this and decided it was CH with aura. Apparently this is not unheard of. They also determined that, since I have ongoing pain (shadows), that I concurrently have chronic migraine. I don't actually believe that, but apparently I exhibit the symptoms, minus light and sound sensitivity and no nausea. My point in this is that I've been to a couple of the best headache centers around - Jefferson and Cleveland Clinic, and it appears that beyond the general diagnoses, they're just guessing based on a list of symptoms. You have to keep them focused on the most concerning issues and get to the rest later. -T
verap, anxiety, antidepressants and other fun stuf
TakinitEZ replied to Jilly from Philly's topic in General Board
Jerry, Whatever supplier you used for O2 should be shot for not installing the regulator for you. That was seriously dangerous. Keep in mind that O2 saturates things around it and acts as an accelerant. Flame and O2 can be quite explosive. My supplier couldn't be nicer or better (Miller Medical in Phila). Jilly, All good advice above. I would recommend one large M or H tank to start, several smaller e tanks. At 15LPM you'll go through an e tank in about 3-4 episodes. You'll want one of these at work or in the car so you can get it fast when hit during the workday. The Nonrebreather mask they provide isn't bad, but for higher throughput and to eliminate seepage of external air, you'll want something like the Optimask (see link below). The regular one is fine. http://www.lifegas.com/gas_devices_and_therapies/o2ptimask.asp Keep in mind you can always ask for more once you're started with a company. For good reason, the quantity of O2 is not part of the script. They deliver based on your consumption. Regarding the verap, I'm currently weaning off by my neuro's direction and dropping a pill every 3 days. I've been on for a lot longer than you, so assume that to be plenty safe. I've never had any of the anxiety symptoms you mention from Verapamil, although I guess it could be possible. I'd suggest though that the panic attacks and anxiety you are feeling are very real symptoms of an anxiety disorder associated with CH, which many have regardless of the therapy they are taking. Don't ignore it, it very well could be a chemical imbalance that could continue to affect your work. Unfortunately what you are going through is pretty similar to what a lot here have been through. This thing can hammer your ability to work, so go as aggressively as you can to get in front of it. Sounds like you are. -T -
The future of BOL and Entheogen Corp.
TakinitEZ replied to Psiloscribe's topic in Research & Scientific News
Hey Lee Ann or Bob, Any update on new articles? -T -
I don't see a duplicate attachment for this article" The Lancet: Treatment of medically intractable cluster headache by occipital nerve stimulation: long-term follow-up of eight patients file:///C:/Users/Bob/Documents/Cluster%20Info-%20Misc/Occipital%20Nerve%20Stimul... Looks like the link points to your c: drive AllyOop. Could you post? Tx. -T
Hey! Great news Jordan. You know what they say - timing is everything, especially with CH. (well, I guess I just made that up) Dan, I can see the attraction. -T
Chock one up for episodic v. chronic. -T
Smart chip implant will combat chronic pain
TakinitEZ replied to alleyoop's topic in Research & Scientific News
I'm glad to see there is continuing progress in pain management. Near or long-term solution, it's a focus on the effects of chronic pain and on improving the lives of patients. -T -
Oh man, ROTFL. I think you got the producer role, Bejeeber. -T
How much do you know about the long term effects of rc seeds v. the long track record of mushrooms? Personally, I think mushrooms are a safer choice based strictly on knowing more about their effect on the body through clinical study and experience. I'm not dissing seeds, just saying one has a much longer and more robust track record than the other. -T
Those kids are thinking "I will NEVER throw snowballs AGAIN!!! There's a crazy clustermom on the loose, and she's really fast."
Jordan, I'd try staying on for about 10min past abort, then hit it again when it comes back. See if that kicks it out completely. If I don't catch it right at onset, the O2 doesn't work well for me. -T