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Everything posted by ThatHurtsMyHead

  1. CHF, My go to energy drink is Monster in the blue (low carb can). For the night attacks, I usually slam 1/2 a can (roughly 8 of the 16 oz). I started with Monster because it was cheaper than the others when I started drinking it. I don't remember any other research or consideration to prefer Monster. It worked, so I didn't change. At the time it tasted better than Red Bull.. ha ha.. J
  2. Looking at Jon109's list above; We might want to add a 4th category "Food Additives" to the Food, Drugs and Events categories. CHF, Hope we're not confusing your original intent. Just hoping to categorize for easy surfing. I'd say once a pretty thorough list is built out we might want to create a voting record, and see if people can prioritize their known triggers? Then reorder each of the categories by prevalence of known triggers? You rock CHF!!! Jeff
  3. CHF, I like the list..!! Another thought. What about breaking the list down to 3 sections. Foods, Drugs and Events? That would eventually allow someone to quickly identify scenarios they are familiar with. Like for me the drugs sprinkled through the list are irrelevant, as I don't take anything accept an occasional vitamin. On the other hand if I were prescribed something from the doc, I'd want a quick review of the drug list before putting anything in my body. Similarly if someone is getting afternoon hits, they could graze the food list easily to see if there's something they're having for lunch that might be a trigger. J
  4. Pro2See, Rereading your post; I have one more thought. Try making a dinner log (every single thing) that you eat in the evening for 1 to 2 weeks. The timing of your night attacks, could be partially related to something you're eating. You mentioned a regular bedtime snack you eat. Curious, what is it? PFW, J
  5. Pro2See, For your night hits: 1) Try sleeping in a recliner so your head is slightly elevated. 2) Also try going to bed slightly earlier. 3) Keep a semi room temperature red bull (regular one), or a monster energy drink (blue low carb can) close by. As soon as you wake with the first one, Hit an energy drink and then the O2 (when you get it). I find that I'm so exhaused after the night hits, I'll fall right asleep right after the attack, regardless of the energy drink caffeine. 4) Some people swear by the 5+mg over the counter melatonin. (It doesn't seem to help my night attacks, but quite a few others say it helps them. You should take it 5 mins or so before going to bed. Once the melatonin kicks in, you'll only be sleepy for a short while. If you take it too early before hitting the bed, it will wear off, and won't help. I'm very familiar with your night attacks and sorry to hear you get those SOB's in series like I usually do. PFW, J
  6. CHF, I see a few that are similar for pressure changes in your list. I'm a regular diver and can say that I've never gotten hit descending (low pressure to high pressure), but if in cycle, will always get hit ascending (high to low pressure). Now I don't know if that's common with others, or if I don't get hit descending because I always use a blended gas mix (higher O2 concentration, EAN36 / Nitrox). I'm trying to remember, but I know Spiny stays on the mountain due to pressure changes, but I don't remember if her attacks happen when doing down or coming up? Maybe we can group those on the list that are similar? J
  7. ClosetCHer, Here's links to a few that are dirt cheap. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Flotec-Inc-Oxygen-Regulator-RR800-0-25-LPM-/121953813571?hash=item1c65038443:g:Zd8AAOSwGYVXDOoo http://www.ebay.com/itm/AMERICAN-HEALTHCARE-PRO-FLOW-2-O2-OXYGEN-REGULATOR-3000-PSI-B-870-25-MEDICAL-NEW-/152175843617?hash=item236e631921:g:hu4AAOSw-tNXHqCg http://www.ebay.com/itm/B-F-MEDICAL-OXYGEN-REGULATOR-50-PSI-21025-25-By-ALLIED-/252155642387 http://www.ebay.com/itm/American-Healthcare-Brass-Oxygen-Regulator-Reference-B-870-25-NEW-/152172598087?hash=item236e319347 It looks like all these I listed are for the "E" medical tank (and similar CGA 870 valve). J
  8. Akbars, I'd second CHF's post. Your symptoms don't sound much like CH. You should get to a doc or headache specialist for a proper diagnosis. J
  9. CHF, If someone doesn't know the common CH triggers, then diet change can have a HUGE impact. Case in point. If someone drank beer regularly and got attack after attack, but they didn't know the beer they were consuming was a trigger... They could easily significantly reduce their attacks by cutting the beer out (which is a diet change). Before I first realized chocolate was a big trigger, I ate chocolate all the time. Then one day something clicked that my afternoon bad attacks were always shortly after getting a chocolate candy bar from the vending machine at work. I tried a brief test of no afternoon candy bar and my afternoon attack that day didn't happen. Then I decided to eat one that evening. Sure enough, BAD attack 15 mins later. Diet change right there had a huge positive impact on my attacks. I don't think the majority of those with CH realize how important diet change is to reducing their attacks (trigger avoidance). I'd bet there are a lot of other food triggers that are more difficult to pin down. For me to create that list above, was very time consuming (and painful) to take the time to do, but the return in the long run has been immeasurable. J
  10. Pro2See, I can definitely attest diet can have a significant positive impact on attacks (not cycle). I can reduce my attacks by 90+% by staying away from trigger foods: (listed in order of how quickly after ingesting they trigger an attack). Alcohol and chocolate can be as quick as 15 minutes. High calorie / sugar deserts can be up to 4 or 5 hours later, but are quite consistent via TONS of tests I've done on myself over the years. Alcohol Chocolate BBQ Sauce (not sure what in it is the trigger maybe MSG in combination with other spices) Fermented cheeses (blue, brie, american, swiss etc. Processed (fake) cheese is fine. High sugar foods Bleached white flour (white bread, cake etc). Whole grain wheat bread doesn't trigger attacks for some reason MSG (hit or miss on this one) Also Sleep can have a significant positive impact. When in cycle, I stick to a strict bed and wake times. Sticking to the exact same time every day significantly reduces the night attacks. If for some reason I stay up past midnight, I'm guaranteed a night of back to back attacks. Also sleeping in a recliner, with your head slightly inclined over my heart is HUGE in reducing the night attacks. PFW, J
  11. Cory68, If you can message me the email address you used for your prior login, I'll reset it for you, and email a new password to that email address. J
  12. LTDTheOtherGuy, Sorry to hear you're having a bad go of this round. Have you tried the 'busting' substances discussed on this board? I don't have hard stats, but I'd be confident to say the vast majority of us get partial or complete relief from our CH by mushrooms, or LSA (legal seeds). I definitely sympathize with your feeling of pressure from your job. If it happens, it happens, and something better will eventually come about. I was let go some years ago from the most prestigious and lucrative job of my life, but really... It was great I was let go, because so many better things happened after, that never would have happened had I stayed. A lot of people are finding significant reduction in pain and frequency with the vitamin D regimen discussed in the 'busting files' section of the site. A lot of people have taken the round of vitamins and reported significant improvement. J
  13. oops. need to attach the 'attachment'.... ha ha.. J
  14. All, Thought I'd post pics of an O2 tank rack I've installed on my boat. I always bring O2 out with me when going offshore. The tanks have always been a pain in the A, due to rolling around, getting in the way, or having to be constantly moved, due to divers getting gear / putting up gear etc. SOLUTION!!! I found that the 4" PVC couplers Lowes / Home Depot, ACE Hardware etc sell fit the O2 'E' tank PERFECTLY.. :0 In the pic below I've fabricated a 2 tank rack with the tanks horizontal on a bulkhead. The bottom of the tank racks use a 4" PVC end cap. The other end is a 4" PVC coupling with the small ridge inside the coupling filed away. All the screws are #10, 100 degree angled head stainless screws counter sunk. The couplers are attached together with #10, 1/2 inch 100 degree head, stainless screws also counter sunk with a pilot hole. You'll have to countersink the screws due to the screwheads blocking the tank from sliding in. This is the second time I installed this mount. The first time I only used screws on the bulkhead and it tore out the first time out due to the boat hitting waves. This permutation, I've also attached the rack to the top and to each other. It's significantly stronger this go around. This type of rack could be installed about anywhere we need to keep our 'E' tanks handy, but out of the way (closet, behind a sofa in the living room etc.). The couplers could easily be used vertically on the wall etc. The 'E' tanks fit perfectly inside the PVC with no additional clearance to move around. I have one of those metal rolling tank racks that just stays in the closet as it easily falls over, is cumbersome and makes the room look like a hospital... PFW to All, J
  15. Jeffrey, Your first conference will be a wonderful eye opener. These are some of the best people on the planet, that 'get it'. Look forward to seeing you there! J
  16. Bob, You're always keeping a lot of irons in the fire. Knowing you'll keep priority for your #1, sending well wishes my friend. J
  17. Criticalmass, You're a good supporter. I wish there were more like you around. What part of the country are you? Feel free to send me a private message. J
  18. Defiance, What part of the country are you? I have to say your father has a pretty awesome kid... Everyone above has some great O2 advice. If you were near me, I'd run a tank over to you. J
  19. There's a few on ebay right now. All of these are either 25 LPM or also have demand valves built in: American Healthcare = Part number - B-870-25 B&F Medical by Allied = Part number - 21025-25 MTR Oxygen Regulator = (Ukn pt #) All of those are CGA870 that fits the 'E' tank (and smaller sizes). The medline link CHFather posted above is the cheapest. Repost - https://www.amazon.com/Medline-HCS8725M-Oxygen-Regulator-Latex/dp/B00BLQKKQQ/179-1162706-0615424?ie=UTF8&keywords=cga%20870%20regulator&qid=1465345545&ref_=sr_1_4&sr=8-4 J
  20. Weatherman, If you follow the link from Bob's post for the hotel you'll get the discount rate. I'm sure someone will chime in shortly about your O2 question. Edit: I figured I'd just repost the link to make it easy http://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/austin/ausmf/hoteldetail?qAdlt=1&qBrs=6c.hi.ex.rs.ic.cp.in.sb.cw.cv.ul.vn&qChld=0&qFRA=1&qGRM=0&qGrpCd=CPC&qPSt=0&qRRSrt=rt&qRef=df&qRms=1&qRpn=1&qRpp=12&qSHp=1&qSmP=3&qSrt=sBR&qWch=0&srb_u=1&icdv=99801505&icdv=99801505 That link should take you directly to the discounted rooms. And here's the main event link http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ebp2jbca9e8a3010&llr=asfwt7iab J
  21. oops just got down to the last thread. Thanks Bob!! Looks like they are closing the survey. Love to all, J
  22. My Friends, I did the interview a few weeks ago. The questions are completely benign and they do not ask anything related to Busting. I provided information voluntarily regarding my busting, but their line of questioning is more about your CH, and a few questions on preferences in regards to the new treatment. I highly recommend everyone that can, to please participate. The more information this company has in regards to real CH sufferers the better. The last thing we need is them getting information from those oh so smart.. (sarcasm) doctors out there. (no negativity meant to those docs that participate here, as you guys / gals are ROCK STARS!! ) J
  23. Adam, Yep Sinusitis was my first docs (incorrect) diagnosis. Stuck for about 10 years before I figured out it was CH on my own. The triggers you list (with onset and duration) all sound like CH. You really need to hear that from a neurologist first though. Great advice above. J
  24. Ok, I just had a crazy brain storm (Didn't hurt too bad ). I'd like to put a suggestion in the box for a future CB conference in St Pete / Clearwater, FL. I'd be happy to coordinate Dive / Fishing / Boat rides. I know 3 to 4 guys I could rope into providing offshore boats J
  25. As an early opener: 99% likelihood I'll be driving from Tampa, FL (I-75 North to I-10 West all the way to Austin, TX. Anyone wanting to party ride with me, drop me a note. I like driving (sometimes with the Zeppelin up wayyyy too loud ). I'll most likely do a 2 day drive up and 2 back. Google says 17 hours straight drive. I'd guess about 22 with gas, coffee etc stops. I could easily be convinced to make some sight seeing stops, but if by myself I'll firewall it. I know that's a long drive for most people out there, but I really prefer to stay away from airlines. Cruise control and clear my head from the worlds worries. PFW All, J
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