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Everything posted by weatherman

  1. Hey davepmoll .... One things for sure. Even when we live with CH for years, track every occurrence, figure out what our triggers are and think we can deal with it ..... the Beast changes the game.  Your story is common with those who have dealt with this for awhile. Variation is prominent in the cause, might as well be in the treatment too. Try different things, you never know what will work. You can easily do variations on O2 use, time and flow rates. Energy drinks, cold air/water and sometimes exercise can help. They're cheap and readily available too. By all means go for the busting. It's really not that bad and you might just find it as enjoyable as some of us do. Getting supplies is the toughest, and growing is easy but takes some time. There is a TON of information and experience on this board that you are certainly welcome to draw on. Go for it! Jeebs and Chf's advice is GOLDEN ... you got a good start. Best of luck, I know you will beat the Beast this time ..... weatherman 8-)
  2. Hi Lisa.... A little late to the string of posts here, but just want to say that you are WONDEFUL!!  [smiley=dankk2.gif] My wife has supported me through 5 years of this crap, and I don't know how I could have done it without her. Having the reliable foundation of a spouse is just as good of medicine as anything else (well, almost anything)  [smiley=tongue.gif] The frustration of not being able to help, watching a loved one go through the horrible agony CH provides and having to explain it to people that will NEVER understand .... can lead to a pretty frustrating experience. Believe me, we don't want to have to share our pain. You have taken a huge step in the right direction and the people in this group will absolutely commit to answering your questions, give well-tested advice and listen to any rant you can come up with. I'll personally Thank You a million times for your husband, he's a luck guy. weatherman
  3. Hi Vickle ... Hang tough, know the feeling when your crop fails .... total bummer!  [smiley=sad.gif] Definitely get it going again. You know where to get supplies and how to grow, sounds like you need to make the experience pay off. Cold air and cold water works wonders for me, expecially on those late night hits. Glad to hear the O2 also helps. I hate the imitrex too !! Good luck and PF days!! weatherman
  4. ditto [smiley=thumbup.gif] weatherman
  5. Hey Ton, That is the coolest device ever! You get the award for "Best Apparatus Designed for Helping CH'rs Get Relief". I really admire the ingenuity and talent that went into creating/designing/building the drier.  Best of all ..... it simply works. I've used an old Ronco Food Dehydrator that I got on Ebay for $20. Load it up, plug it in and wait 24 hrs for cracker-dry results. I keep it in the garage where temps very from 45-65F, humidity from 30-90%. Very simple and effective.
  6. Hey Moxie, In a late reply, will just confirm that what happens during/after your attacks is something that I also experience. Bet most of us can relate and are just as baffled and amazed. Exhaustion: After every K8-9 adventure (thankfully very few of those), I have been known to immediately fall fast asleep. Unbelievable how pain, and internal exertion to fight it, can leave you so tired, like you've run a marathon. I think it's a good indicator for "level of suffering", that the amount of energy required to fend-off the agony equals the magnitude of misery. Skipping Meals: Whoa, there's a trigger for me. Combined with stress, lack of sleep or allergies ...... it's the perfect storm for the Beast to appear. The regularity of everything; eating, sleeping, exercising, working ..... keeps the Beast at bay. Skip meals, stay up late, get lazy and work too much overtime is my request for the Beast to come right on in and kick me arse. Sticking to the known safeguards and avoiding the recognized triggers is our best defense. I keep logs like you do, so we should know them VERY WELL. After extended periods of relief, it's easy to forget the routine that got you there. Best of luck and so sorry to hear you're in this situation now. Sunny skies and PF days weatherman
  7. Yup, the Beast is lurking around ....... Last weeks time change and the coming Equinox has rattled around the hypothalamus again. Time to start busting again. weatherman
  8. Dreams (good or not-so) seem to have a connection to my CH also. I don't have nightmares, but they are not exactly Fairy Tales with Disney characters either. Since aquiring CH, dreams are more frequent, seem longer (and with color and sound) and are remembered better. I still wake up after a dream and it used to almost always be followed by a K7-8 head crusher. Haven't had that happen in over a year now. On this subject awhile ago, one of the admins forwarded an article to me. It was fascinating!! http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/yabbfiles/Attachments/CH__Dreaming___Neurogenesis.pdf An excellent read and although the author was not a Doctor or clinical researcher, his writings sure made sense to me. Enjoy and dream-on ..... with PF days and nights weatherman
  9. Yes Spiny, these folks often contribute to our nightmares. I have not had attacks triggered by getting EPI-laced anesthetic from the dentist. My last crown (about a month ago), wasn't associated with CH in any way. So ...... In wanting to try everything, I copied the above highlighted information, printed it out, then took it with me for my second crown I was getting last week. She said, "Sure, no prob, I can give you anything you want ..... but the epinepherine-free stuff wears off faster and doesn't work on blocking the pain as well". I said, "Go for it, I am doing research".  Well, even the double-doses of non-EPI anesthetic did not work. It was like water. I asked for the EPI-laced stuff anyway, hoping for the ability to endure the pain. It didn't work either .... what the heck is going on?! The lead dentist (this guy is amazing) gave me Stabi-dent .... and I'm not making that up. IT WORKED, and then the procedure could be finished. Thank God the EPI loaded anesthetic does not trigger CH for me. I'd have to be unconscious for any future work. Actually, that doesn't sound to bad. Moral ...... continue to try everything, then give your dentist hell for adding pain to someone who "definitely DOES NOT need the experience". weatherman
  10. Welcome Timmy ..... You will discover the whole domain of experience here. Literally, from the most knowledgable clusterheads that have dealt with this for decades, to first-day noobs. These folks have seen it all and been around the block. We are all absolutely dedicated to one single idea: To put an end to this miserable crap that tortures our lives. This very rare malady is why we associate in groups like this one ..... it always helps to talk to someone who understands. Even most of our Doctors don't have a clue about CH. Always amazed when Cluster Headaches get connected with the younger generation (let's say less than 30 years old). Whether a sufferer, or supporter, these Generation X and Y's seem to have a greater potential for understanding and actually caring. Way to many people I know (50+ yrs old), just won't have anything to do with you and most never believe the levels of pain encountered. It might be the lack of human-to-human contact that technology offers us today as a mechanism for social connection, but these kids just get it right and are sincere about it. I've been known to say ......... "We don't need a fountain of youth, we need a fountain of smart". That's where you guys fit right in. welcome again, weatherman  8-)
  11. Moxie (and all), Seems that tooth/gum/jawbone trauma can make the Beast change tactics. I had two adjacent crowns done last week and for the first time EVER, had light CH symptoms on the right side. WTF, this is new! At least aspirin takes care of the ever-present dull ache. Will check on numbing agents also, is there a preferred one for us CH'rs? weatherman
  12. With plenty of O2 at home (25 lpm regulator / Optimask) and lots of Imitrex ...                   I WOULD NEVER CONSIDER THE ER By the time I got to the hospital and waited (surely writhing in pain) for an hour to be seen, the CH would be gone. Must have blood coming from some orifice to really "get their attention". Rather just sit at home and wait it out. Luckily, this idea has never been tested. Have heard too many horror stories on ER trips. weatherman
  13. Good Luck DD You know we're all rootin' ya on to hit the jackpot. Give 'em HELL! weatherman
  14. The grief we impose on our support system, and ourselves at times, can get out of control. As understanding as my wife and friends are, the inconvenience of CH puts a strain on all of our lives. We become weary of the battle and the frustration gets the best of us occasionally. I still hide the attack symptoms when a good time is being enjoyed, trying to minimize the "downer-effect" that can occur. The overwhelming attitude that CH will NOT control my life, often causes the pain to be ingnored until it gets really rough. Yup, the grouchiness sets in and the abortives are lined-up. I'd have to agree, raising kids would be a difficult parameter to incorporate into the pain/treatment/busting process. Kids have a great awareness for sympathy and understanding, although comprehending the entire situation is impossible. Even though I don't have kids either, the younger generation (pre and early teens) is most compassionate and understanding. Just give 'em the chance. MG .... Best of Luck with the busting!!! CHS .... Oh yeah, there is a magic potion out there somewhere!! iPain .... Congrats on the PF time. I'm on a month now!! YAYE! [smiley=happy.gif] PF New Year to all .... weatherman
  15. Hi Art, Welcome, and sorry to see ya ..... as the typical ClusterHead greeting goes. Many of us have been in exactly the same situation.  Will the benefits of Psylocybin outweight the risks? Legal, moral and just fears of "tripping" will keep most people away. Its also difficult to obtain and time consuming to grow. No, you're not paranoid. You are quite normal. The difference-maker is the pain levels. More attempts at finding alternate solutions for relief have probably been tried for Cluster Headaches, than most illnesses. Even death is a solution. Despirate situations need radical solutions. Although I have much to lose, the benefit of growing and using FAR OUTWEIGHS getting caught and prosecuted. I fully understand that the risks are huge and the chances for negative outcome is small, but I will take the responsibility for my actions. The extended periods of relief are worth ANYTHING. I would gladly stand in front of a judge and explain my situation. It helps that I was familar with Mushrooms and have an understanding wife that supports my illegal activities. She's is very aware of what the ugly side of CH looks like. Seriously, try growing at home. It's not very expensive and pretty easy to do. The quality control is good and there is limited exposure to arrest. I don't think anyone is going to be prosecuted for growing their own medicine for one of the most painful medical conditions known. Best of luck and wish ya many pain-free days ....... weatherman
  16. didgens .... Thanks for being such a wonderful supporter and parent. The previous posts have surely highlighted the reasons for CH to appear now, alcohol, the "let down after finals" and wild temperature variations will spell doom for most of us. Wacky weather across the country this month. So many records have been broken for low (and high) temperatures, rainfall and late Fall snows. CH'rs must be screaming all over the US. Yes, the one common denomentor is that some of us can NEVER figure out the patterns that send us over the edge. And once you do, they will change. I too am bewildered by the Beast's activity, but for exactly the opposite reason. This December has been the first completely pain-free month in five years for me. I busted like a mad-man in November with no other changes to anything. The poor monster must be confused and running into walls with his eyes closed. Attack CH will everything you have available, eliminate the triggers, then cross fingers, toes and eyes. You both will beat this. Wishing you and yours may pain free days and relief over the holidays. weatherman [smiley=cool.gif]
  17. Clear skies, wind at yer back and grin on the face. May the New Year be the best for everyone!! PF days to all weatherman
  18. iPain, Anxiety ..... an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behavior, somatic complaints and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over something unlikely to happen. Fear ....... an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull far away from it and usually hide. It is a basic survival mechanism. It would seem that your actual tripping experience is different from what you though it would be. I know we all see the "Hollywood" version of mushrooms .... or maybe you just read "Fear and Loathing" one too many times. It's the perceived lack of control that causes the belief that an outcome will occur that could be unpleasant. That somehow translates into getting killed, hurt or at least embarassed. The difference in information leads to confusion. There is no lack of control. No matter how comfortable/safe the environment (with trusted companions and all) you just have to realize that another level of consciousness is going to be reached. And it's a better level too. I always use excercise to moderate the "trippiness factor" when busting. Walking or bike riding works very well for me, because it takes your mind from a complete inward focus, to enjoying what is around you and what your physical senses can gather. The outdoors is the only place to be. I've sat in a very nice/comfortable/safe environment and got lost in the ozone listening to Pink Floyd's Umaguma and Atom Heart Mother before. Wholly cow, I didn't see God ...... I WAS GOD. Then again, on the same dose, an afternon ride or walk can be a very pleasant time. The key (for me at least) is to realize that normal relaxing activities, like TV watching, reading, hobbies, cooking, chores, etc ...... cannot be done. They are simply WAY to far down the priority list for the mind to accept. All of the daily humdrum rituals are totally unimportant when entering the realm of a mind that better understands its universe. Just let it go to where ever it needs to. You will never get hurt, injured or even embarassed. This is why its illegal. If too many people did this, humans would live in a large very happy society with no one controlling or profitting from anyone else. We'd go extinct in weeks. I did Shrooms plenty of times in the "college days" ..... always heroic doses with lots of friends. It was fantastic. The only side-effect was the sore ribs the next day from laughing so hard for hours on end. I too don't enjoy it that much today, and would most likely never trip unless there was a medical benefit tied to it. I just don't like having to set aside 6 hours of time for "recreational receptor-resetting therapy". I calm the "butterflies from Hell" in the pre-trip phase be eating a small meal before. Best I've come up with so far. As a side note, I could never Bust with my wife (of 22 yrs) around. She's just too conservative, and although she allows me to Bust and grow, could NEVER understand what is going on between the ears with shrooming. Besides, she thinks its cute to "mess with my head" when I'm really cookin. Gotta admit, we both laugh pretty hard afterwords. Lastly, Potters advice (of taking a smaller dose) is most likely the best advice. At high amounts (depends on individual tolerance) nothing can stop the music-colors or sounds of sight from occurring. The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. Hunter S. Thompson Best of luck and PFW...... weatherman
  19. ub, First of all, THANK YOU for getting involved. Another intellegent person is added to the battle against CH ..... and is not even a sufferer! Hurray for your motivation to help people with this crappy condition. No doubt, the hurdles are monsterous. I've done more than the casual collection of reading (and asking) material on this subject, and though I'm scientifically educated (physics, not medicine .... sorry), there seems to be a plethora of unanswered questions and confusion in areas that need more study. This is a horrifically complicated illness and needs detailed study by people who are capable of this task. Sheesh, at least don't discourage them. There are plenty of bright folks in this group who have lent wonderful, intelligent advice and support ... now THAT's what I like to see!! Let's at least give 'em a chance to find something that can help us. You just never know when that "discovery" can be made. If enough attention gets directed here, and just maybe when the level of endorsement is raised high enough, Big Medicine may take notice. I can surely imagine the day when my doctor can write a prescription, I can get it reasonably priced at my local drugstore, and my headaches are gone. Wholly crap, what a miracle that would be ........ and it's only just out of reach. That's where Bob W started the whole thing. Let's keep it rollin'. weatherman
  20. Hey Moxie, Several subjects you touched on in your post I can definitely relate to. I was also a pilot. Got licensed in 1974 when I was 19. Flew for many years recreationally (Cessna 172) until finally giving it up in the mid-1990's because it was just getting too expensive. That was just before getting a job with the largest "Flight Information" provider in the world. I've worked for Jeppesen as an aviation meteorologist for 18 yrs now. I also was sad that I never could fly again, but I still go for an occasional ride. Lots of my co-workers are instructors. Changes in the weather happen at about the same speed they do on land, it just matters where you live. The atmospheric friction caused by mountains and rough terrain definitely slow down the winds and weather. Over open ocean the fronts just move right along at fair speeds. Thinking about traveling the open oceans ..... this lady is my true inspiration as she has now completed three ocean crossings by solo rowing. Her books are amazing and it was fun following her online blogs while she was at sea. http://www.rozsavage.com/ I also was scuba certified back in college days. Haven't done that in quite awhile, and can't even imagine what a horrific experience getting CH at depth could be like. Although, for most of us "pressure sensitive to CH people" it's the DECREASE that triggers a HA. Hey, maybe you could carry an extra tank of pure O2 and just switch regulators to abort any type of Beasty harrassment. Just kidding. Have fun and do it all !!!!! weatherman
  21. The most profound narative on Psychedelic Medicines EVER!!! Thanks for sharing Cindy!!
  22. Diagnosed 5 years ago and have always been chronic, although, there have always been variations in CH occurances with the seasons ............ First 4 years .... Spring was worst This year .... Fall is worst
  23. Truly, the sudden wake up calls from the Beast in the middle of the night are one of the worst traits of CH. Of course, getting hit with anything above a K6 is pretty disruptive to ones life anytime of day. I'm hoping for the Gamma Core device to be available in the San Francisco area myself. I'd like to try it too. I spoke with Jennefer Berman at the Chicago CH Conference and she was thinking that someone would take up the project at SF State. Haven't heard from anyone yet. Please, keep us posted on any effects (good or bad) the Gamma Core device has. More tools against the crappy condition, the better. Good luck Keith............. weatherman
  24. Heck, I'd say go fer it. 21 only comes around once a lifetime, and if he's like most of us, an occasional "adult beverage" will punctuate the highest celebrations and the lowest pitfalls of ones existence. This opportunity may cost a lot, but in my opinion, shouldn't be missed. Have an Old Fashioned, just like dear ol'e Dad used to make. Personally, I'm like the typical CH'r .... gotta avoid alcohol like the plague. I'm in a monster cycle now and after 6 months of not tasting wine (red of course) thought I'd give it a try. Wholly crap what a mistake! One, ONE sip and I was sent screamin. This situation just sucks, but the Beast can't be allowed to rule some decisions. Happy early BDay, a toast to you, and best of luck !!! weatherman ps ... If ya want PAIN .. Wine is the worst, beer a close second, then liqueurs.
  25. Two full days of the best comfort-people experience in the world. It's like getting your soul revitalized and mind energized. Total overload with renewed information and support from a community of genuine human beings who really care. Amazing how the true spirit of helping your fellow sufferer comes across even more than the website chats (if that's possible). It's as real and genuine as it gets. Clusterheads might be the most blessed and most tortured people on the planet. Thanks b.g. for the great photos, wish I'd taken more too. Looking forward to Nashville already weatherman
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