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  1. ...this is one of those "it seems like it should work" deals. ...the old CH board (clusterheadaches dot com) sadly nearly forgotten and increasingly hard to navigate (a cursory search found nothing) ...used to have a discussion on this on occasion. nobody ever reported success, and the consensus was "it doesn't work". it always seemed a bit of a knee jerk "no" to something different to me when brought up.... and perhaps some were disinclined because of that... ....we really don't know enough about how O2 works for us to dismiss out of hand any method. whether this could work or not i know not...certainly worth the try. i'm guessing...just like adding caffeine/energy drink to O2 usage enhances effectiveness for aborting a hit for many, perhaps some adjunct like that would be effectiveness enhancer/enabler for continuous low flow prevent.....dunno, but carry on..
  2. ...just remember, one must ask politely
  3. ...OXYGEN.....
  4. ...old saying...Dr B i believe: if you are not sure a med is working...it's not! but, when you say "cans" it sounds like that faddish and worthless "Boost". you need at least 15 lpm, a proper non rebreather mask, and a breathing technique that works for you. at best an O2 abort takes 5-8 mins...a boost can gives less than 1. you ALREADY got the breathing technique which is a highly effective one for many and the type advocated by the expert on O2. get thee some tanks (not a concentrator) for pure oxygen. and to paraphrase @CHfather, if the O2 doesnt work its one more diagnostic clue to rule out CH. it sounds to me that either you have a very odd type of CH or one of the others he mentions.. best jon
  5. jon019

    New here

    ..LC...as the saying goes...we hate the reason you are here but glad you found us...welcome. best jon
  6. ...the inject into another container then draw from that is what i would call a hack of desperation...like when folks run into issues hacking the statpens (seems its harder than it used to be with new design). what you REALLY need (besides OXYGEN) is the 6 x 0.5 vials of Sumatex/Imitrex. using insulin needles you withdraw 1/3 of vial which is 2 mg med....this works for most of us. you can always up the dose as needed. i could get 15 aborts per script with a much lower chance of rebounds. since you are already getting the auto injectors its just a script change. periodically this med in this form has shortages...i just checked and its available in half a dozen pharms in my area. call around ...last time i checked Amazon Pharm did not carry...but that was a while ago.... ...the D3 regimen is a near must...us seniors are low in D and it is critical for many health functions besides CH... ...now then, ALL THIS (except d3) CAN BE MOOT once you get OXYGEN. saved my sanity, perhaps my life starting decades ago. absolutely the best abort for most clusterheads when used at the right flow (15 lpm to start), right non rebreather mask, and a breathing technique best suited for you....and don't let 'em pawn off a concentrator on you...gotta have pure O2 and enough flow which they don't. ...get thee OXYGEN brother!! best jon
  7. ...i find it def sleep related...but kinda opposite here....which tells me same ballpark! ungoverned would sleep 16-20 hrs straight....always a fight not to exceed 10-12 (especially escaping pain) now. CH was a literal nightmare screwing endlessly with sleep. wonky hypothalamus fer sure.... ...thank you...i second "Fascinating"!
  8. ...if you are subject to drug testing it is wise to be EXTREMELY careful with CBD in any form. it is NOT FDA regulated and packaging labelling is notoriously incorrect in this area. ...not to say ineffective...i know not....just go in eyes wide open. even strictly regulated N/A beer has 0.5% alcohol in it...i would be surprised if many/most CBD products don't contain some amount of THC...
  9. ..thank you Den!! ...it's not the quite bottomless pit i'd hoped for, but for now. this pair deserved each other, the CH family did not....
  10. ...any news on son danny boy...anyone?
  11. ...i won't post the link (starts "internationally renowned"...ed aka quack) but this SOB has been arrested for murder. besides years of ruining lives he has now been charged with murder for killing one of us. like a stop sign on a dangerous road, they don't put one up til somebody dies. betting not the first........sheesh
  12. ...mee...2 days or 2 weeks post cycle...depending on the need and the courage...
  13. ....no particular place on head is definitive..... but anywhere the trigeminal nerve goes is a possible. my pain was a straight red hot poker from temple thru eye, into tooth..... ymmv
  14. jon019

    About cycles

    ...yup, part of the curse..."just give me a friggin' reason!" plays in my life library..
  15. ...that struck me as good thought...why not? haven't heard of for Emgality before but seems might provide enough extra blood serum level to work. will never forget the first methylprednisolone IV that stopped a cycle mid cycle for me. seemed miraculous! alas, never worked again...
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