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dmlonghorn last won the day on March 7

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  1. For me it's a positive and necessary component of every bust
  2. Yes. I get this on every dose to varying degrees. In the early days, it happened hard core with MM, but now it doesn't happen as much when I dose with L, but it always happens. I've referred to it as the "Snap, Crackle, Pop" I've only heard this explanation of sensations from cluster heads, I don't think this happens to "normal" people. It fascinates me, would love to know the physical mechanisms in play and what is actually happening.
  3. I asked an A.I. image generator to convey the dark agony of a cluster headache...
  4. Yes, as I understand it, our natural conversion of sunlight to D still falls way short of what we require.
  5. For what it's worth... I came off of it a few years ago after fully committing to M as my treatment method. I did a long taper. Feels good to not be on it, I wouldn't put the idea to bed entirely. Be well
  6. This describes mine as well. I refer to it as a histamine cascade. Sometimes the sneezing is absolutely uncontrollable... My face builds up like a pressure cooker. I take a daily Zyrtec to mitigate this. My heavy cycle period is right around the corner, we'll see how this year goes.
  7. dmlonghorn


    Yes, I have essential tremors. It's mild, affecting my right hand when I try to do things requiring dexterity. They don't happen when I'm at rest. Caffeine is an amplifier for mine. Same for my mom also has CH and tremors. Hers are worse than mine though. They got worse with age. Neither of us take meds for them.
  8. Yes, they did such a good job covering what we go through.
  9. I tried several apps, none of them were able to capture the nuance of my CH, so I reverted to journaling with pen & paper. I found it therapeutic.
  10. I'll be there. Excited to see my Cluster family!
  11. You could try running. I have aborted attacks this way. You have to start running as soon as you feel it coming on. Then you'll need to run to a point where you're essentially maxed out and you're having to take really heavy breaths. If you don't run long enough, the attack can pick right back up so be careful. I've also heard of people doing push-ups to abort. Same principal, get your HR up and take in as much O2 as you can. Good luck
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