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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Thanks for breaking this down to me. Jeesh...this stuff is further above my head than I initially thought
  2. Thanks for posting this. I am always interested in new developments. Truthfully I was not aware that psilocin converted to psilocybin after breaching the blood brain- barrier. I do indeed need to research and learn much more! I suppose it was sad to read the focus of the study being partially geared toward children with severe anxiety... Since when did children suffer from anything other than how the next mud pie would turn out or if that rock you snuck into the middle of your snowball would inflict a proper sting on your brother's noggin effectively to worry about? I was happy to read the part about the sub-hallucinogenic levels in this study but at the same time conflicted with what I have researched on this site to be effective. Either way I appreciate you posting this. Cheers!
  3. Hi Johnny, The triptans are highly suspected to increase attacks and durations of cycles. I don't touch them unless on my death bed as they have extend my cycles and blessed me with many more attacks per day. Sometimes the effectiveness of prior aborts and prevents just simply become immune to the cluster bunny.. I do have to tell you that the topomax/Toprimax most likely wont help much unless your looking to fog out whilst being banged up. Verapamil can help a bit, but the D3 that you started is what I would consider to be much more effective. I am always so mystified by remission times of the duration you speak of and can't help but ask what you were doing during that time? Maybe your just one of folks that get the longer time off of which I am happy for you. Sure seems like it would be harder coming back to the pain after such a long remission so for that I am sorry. If you haven't already, do have some lab work done to see where your D levels are at along with your calcium (you may need to load a bit longer). The D3 reg takes a bit to kick in so stick with it and do your best to avoid the triptans. Lastly do read the blue banner (new users read here) for additional methods of treatment. I am sure at some point the more knowledgeable will come along and try and help you!
  4. Guess I should have read Jon's post all the way through as he basically said the same thing
  5. Could she possibly just be around something that she is unknowingly allergic to when the attacks come on?
  6. That's great that you got diagnosed so quickly! Rare indeed as @Bejeeber mentioned. Again to reiterate Jeeb, hang around on here and if you read and ask questions you'll find a fast track to self help with many a method outside the typical box. I couldn't tell ya if your cycle is ending or just responding well to the verapamil. It would be good to know dosage and type (Extended release vs. Rapid release). One great thing about you sharp GP is that he/she will most likely be willing to script you some 02 which you will absolutely want to place in your toolbox. Information on proper mask type, regulators excreta can be found by using the search bar. Additionally you will want to read up on the D3 regimen which can really help a ton! If you have any problems locating this information just reach out on here and I am sure a fellow cluster head will lend a hand. As someone else has said in the past "Welcome to the club no one want's to be in". Pain free wishes!
  7. Makes perfect sense, although I must admit there have been a few times I've tried cranking it hoping for a last bit of high flow to no avail. On the flip side I have kept it lower hoping to conserve if on my last tank, neither method ever helped. I do try not to let myself get into a tankless predicament but have been guilty a time or two... Guess that's where the "live and learn" saying comes from
  8. Naw. Your experience helps the rest of us... Odd but I sleep to a white noise via sleep buds that is very similar to the hiss of a low tank. Cathartic to me. Odd ball i know....
  9. I have to second this. I tend to think that I need to get every bit out of my tanks but have noticed that the end trails of the tank are less effective. Not sure if this is because you can no longer adjust the LPM's higher or what but find this true. (at least for me).
  10. I admit that I sure did toss all routine out the window with everything that's been going on (rooky move on my part)! Yes I am feeling better especially after the dosing and REAL BED
  11. Forgot to tell you that I most definitely will be using your "sucktastic" brilliant word combo posted on a different thread the other day
  12. Don't worry @Shaun brearley, He knows the drill. All he has to do is manage to not worry as there is nothing else he can do if I'm getting hit. I am hopeful that I caught the creeper in time! Fingers, toes and all crossable extremities crosses!
  13. Thanks Jeeb! I am one sleepy critter and can't lie, I so am looking forward to my "Real Bed"!
  14. Mind read much? We just came to an agreement to rotate. Got some seeds soaking and eating a bit of dinner. Got Abby squared with meds and what not and its time to down the yuck and make a play for sound sleep!
  15. I can’t really tell what’s been going on for the past 3 days with regard to my head pain. Most that have chatted with me here and there, know that I’ve had bad issues with constant shadows. The past few days have been different though. The pain is unlike my normal dull, continuous and in the background pain. It is more like surges of pain on my CH side, not nearly as bad as a full-blown attack, but seriously uncomfortable. The surges come at about the speed/rate of an attack but are muted in comparison. The pain doesn’t feel to me to be shadow like but at the same time not worthy of being considered an attack. Is it possible that the pain is a muted attack of sorts? Or do shadows morph like the stupid cluster bunny? Always on que to drop fun bombs? My sleep schedule that I adhere to like Gospel has had to take a hike for a bit after my Abby Doo’s surgery so I am up at random hours to give pain meds etc. when needed. Maybe that accounts for the change? I am past due for RC dosing and maybe let my maintenance dosing with them slip. Anyhow I am just curious if anyone else has experienced this and what measures they have taken to quash it.?
  16. You and me both @spiny.. I wanted to clean my house up today so I proceeded as normal. No sooner had I changed the sheets than Abby decided to finally poop after five days. FML.. All is ok. deep breath... I'm spent....
  17. Thanks Shaun! We sure hope she gets better sooner than later..
  18. I started with an air mattress but Bosco decided to sharpen his nails on it Abby has gotten supper crowdy since being hurt so if we are on it, she wants on it and would try and jump which is a no no after this recent surgery. They say the recovery period is around 8-weeks.. They did detect cushing's disease in her blood work which is most likely the cause of the tendon giving way. We had to do a imprint cast of her leg and send it in for an orthotic boot that she will need to wear for up to a year.. Here is what it looks like:
  19. Hey @spiny, yes the harness is a huge help! You know it! That girl wont budge and sleeps sideways Oh how I wish it was a real bed... We are currently sleeping in the dining room on a bunch of mattress toppers Our house was built in the 80's when it was cool to have a drop down into the living room which is a no-go at the moment for Abby. I feel like I just spent the night camping in a poorly scouted spot atop a bunch of rocks!
  20. Well we made it through! Abby Girl went in yesterday for surgery and we got to pick her up around 10ish today. Some good news is that they did not need to place a screw into the bone to hold the mesh in-place meaning she will not have to go under again in 6 weeks to have it removed. Tough times for sure but Miss Abby Doo is home! I know this may sound like small potatoes to some but Abby is 11 years young and these types of surgeries are complicated at that age. Like @Bejeebersaid "modern surgical advances" have proven to make me a happy momma. Yea I wont sleep well for a few months as we now live in the dining room but we will make due. The point of this surgery was not to extend her life but to make the BEST of the end. I chose at a young age to not have little ones but never could escape being a fur baby momma.
  21. Well I have to say that all of you lift my spirts! I love the light hearted banter and mild jabs at one another. You all make my day each and every time I'm on here. I was speaking to my husband the other night and said to him that if all of social media worked like this site we would be golden. My pup goes in tomorrow morning for surgery and I am sick with worry. It's so nice to know that I have all of you! Of course my shadows chose to kick in big time today when I had to play hostess but .God willing I made it through. You all are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I appreciate you all very very much!
  22. Well at least I know it's not just my phone
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