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Hello, new here and first post. I started getting cluster headaches when I was a sophomore in high school. I would get them every day in 4th period during my first ever cycle. Fast forward 17 years later, I usually go into my cluster cycle every 2-3 years and that cycle last about a month. 

it’s sounds super weird when I say this, but when I feel my CH creeping from the back of the neck to the side of the head. I’ll hop in the shower with the lights off before it hits the eye. When it starts to hit the eye, I’ll masturbate in the shower. And after I am done, it shoots the pain away from the eye and to a VERY tolerable pain back to the side of my head. And then I’ll sit in the shower for another 10 mins and my cluster headache will be done. If I get woken up by one and the pain is already at the eye, I go straight into the shower and do that. 

sounds crazy, sounds perverted… I know. This isn’t someone trying to be funny, I have had to be rushed to the hospital during an attack because I was in so much pain. I went vegan for a year after that attack because I read that it may help prevent cycles. But this home remedy works for me. My ex in the past who suffers from bad migraines. On our 3rd date we were talking about our headaches and I told her my trick and she was like “hilarious because I do the same thing for my migraines.”


don’t knock it until you try it.

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The hot shower is a known aborting method that helps a lot of warriors.

crazy or not, it’s not the first time i’ve heard about aborting by masturbation.
If it helps you, who would have the right to judge?

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@Drew28, you're not actually the first person here to report that some form of sex helps abort attacks.  As I wrote in a post a few years ago, "Some people have reported that sex stops their attacks. Other people have been amazed that it’s even possible to consider sex during an attack."  As jon' says, oxygen will get you the same results more reliably, if not maybe as enjoyably.  With your relatively infrequent and relatively short-lasting cycles, though, I can see that maybe you would just go with what gets you off through them, but on the other hand (so to speak) you did do that vegan thing, so I'd suggest that you look over this document and consider what might be helpful.  The D3 seems like a no-brainer for long-term effectiveness, and oxygen maybe for aborts. Basic non-busting information - ClusterBuster Files - ClusterBusters 


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I've seen both positive and negative reports with regard to sexual interactions regardless of self preformed or a partner in crime. My take is the elevated heart rate either being the culprit or the savior.. Diffrent strokes I suppose:P All puns aside.. If a bit of single play worked for me and  would keep Mr. Dooms day bunny away i wouldn't really care what anyone thought... I'd be bating away!! Check out the D3 it may just keep ya hands free... sorry ... not meant like that.. shoot. Aww everything just seems to fit in as a joke but for real keep on keeping on and thanks for sharing! I hope for your continued success!

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14 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:

partner in crime

14 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:

Diffrent strokes

14 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:

bating away

14 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:

keep ya hands free


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Fair play to you, I defo don't have sex on my mind when under attack but my just ask the wife to do me a favour next time I get an attack, 

God if this takes off,us cluster heads will be known for being druggies and sex pest, can you imagine walking down the street getting an attack and just asking a stranger to jack you off, :lol:

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