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Chronic Migraines


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I have seen some postings on migraines and I am hoping for some help and some hope about my condition.

2-1/2 years ago I was in a car accident and started getting severe, chronic migraines (I had no history of headache before).  My migraines would last up to 14 or 15 days and were almost constant.  My migraines often include periods where I lose vision in one eye (usually left) and often my eyesight will degrade from 20/15 to extremely blurry in both eyes.  This usually only lasts for a period of time during the migraine, not the whole migraine.  I suffer a lot of nausea from the pain and the medications.  Doctors performed x-rays, MRI, CTscan and could find no physical abnormality.

I have been on a laundry list of medications.  Various triptans (maxalt, imitrex etc) dihydroergotamine, beta-blockers, oxycodone for pain and a variety of anti-nausea medication.  My neurologist started treating me with Botox in December 2010.  To begin with it was a life changer.  I still had migraines, but they were reduced in severity and length.

Recently however, the migraines have begun to get longer and more frequent.  Aside from the pharma, I have used chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, ice, and O2.  I have an allergy to acetaminophen (no Tylenol for me).  I recently had my sleep doctor prescribe a very low dose of Adderall (10mg) to help combat the overwhelming fatigue I feel.  I don't take the whole does at once, but rather break the pill into 4 and take 2-1/2 mg 3 times a day (occasionally 4).  This has helped one time to abort a migraine - and that was very unexpected and pleasing.

What I loved about the Botox was the cessation of pain (of course) and the ability to stop all pain meds.  I would love to experience life like it used to be.  One where I could plan things and not have to cancel because of a migraine.  One where I never had to call in sick because of a migraine (I used to have perfect attendance at my workplace).  One where I can handle socializing with people because I don't have to spend so much energy just functioning through the pain.   

The Busting technique seems amazing for it's ability to treat CH.  Is there any hope that it can do the same for migraines?

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The Busting technique seems amazing for it's ability to treat CH.  Is there any hope that it can do the same for migraines?

Absolutely.  :)

There have been many reports here of busting as a successful treatment for migraines, including CH'ers who also experienced migraine who found that the migraines were the first thing to disappear upon busting.  8-)

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Hi dd, and welcome to the group.

Migraines and headaches run in my family. I've had headaches all my life, and as a teen, if I missed breakfast would have a migraine in the afternoon.

They got really bad when I was 25 and going through a divorce. I had migraines last entire months, minus maybe 1 or 2 days.

In 2006 I was on an intense HRT program (another long story), and on Dec 31, 2006, I got a headache. It lasted 7 months until mid July, when it started to break apart and wasn't every day. This headache was punctuated with FREQUENT migraines, ice pick headaches, and a new thing called Cluster Headaches.

2007 was my year of Hell.

I too tried all the drugs doctors could give. At the moment, I carry with me: Zomig (zomiltriptan), Relpax (Eletriptan) and Migraleave - an over the counter paracetamol and codeine table we can get in the UK.

I found that if I took Zomig for awhile, it would stop working and I'd have to switch to another triptan for 9 months or a year. But then Zomig would start working again. So now I pretty regularly cycle my triptans. Maybe this is what you need to do with Botox?

I don't get sick with my migraines, or have aura. Just pure, unadulterated pain for 5-7 days, if the triptans don't work.

Like you, I was sick and tired of missing work, of having a boss give me that look 'oh, ANOTHER migraine', and cancelling social engagements left right and centre. I have always told all my friends that I would never use a headache as an excuse to not attend something. I don't think that's fair, as I have (had) so many.

All that was before busting with RC Seeds and Mushrooms.

In 2010, I had 63 migraines lasting 2-7 days each. In 2011, that dropped to 42. But this year, 2012, I've had 2. Yes, 2!

I started busting off and on in December, and it has significantly helped my clusters AND migraines. I still have headaches 4 or 5 days out of 7, but I can deal with that. A bad migraine, and my world would come to a scretching halt.

I was once told by a member of this group that she was preparing mushrooms for her husband, and just handling them stopped her migraines for 3 months. Or something along those lines.

So, will they help you? No idea. We are each different. But they've saved my life.

Please read all the information on this site you can before taking them though. There are precautions regarding mental conditions and shutting the door issues to take into consideration.

I hope things get better for you. xx Renée

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I liked how botox made my forehead look like I was 20 again....lol. Dont be offended but cannabis can and does work for migraine. Nothing like a cookie at night to get rid of migraines. Ingested orally when infused with butter, made in a food product works best..smoking it doesnt work as well.

Meegrainesss suck! Both syndromes have vascular indications so it would only make sense that busting would work on both migraine and cluster attacks. I found that busting for CH also made migraines disappear as well. :D Than again sometimes nothing works.. :'(


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Wow.  Thanks for all the support and information.  I just got back from an appointment with my neurologist/headache specialist for another treatment of Botox with a nerve-blocker added in.  I started crying during the treatment, not so much from the pain as from the utter hopelessness I am feeling right now.


Dont be offended but cannabis can and does work for migraine. Nothing like a cookie at night to get rid of migraines. Ingested orally when infused with butter, made in a food product works best..smoking it doesnt work as well.
  -  Blueballs, I am certainly not offended  :P.  However, my work frowns on marijuana usage even if it is medically prescribed.  I do know it is effective, but I cannot use it on an even occasional basis.  I hope that the medical marijuana laws change enough that I would be protected at my job.  But until then, I cannot risk that.

MoxieGirl ... wow, you have given me a lot of hope.  I am very interested in trying something that might have a real, long lasting effect. 

Oh, and sorry if my quoting came out wrong.  I am a newbie learning the system....

I spoke to my neurologist about licorice root, since i saw that posted here.  He encouraged me to try, said there were no bad side effect i had to worry about.  I think I will try that first while I research Busting more.

A question about Busting, if anyone knows.  I understand that these ingredients are not exactly legal.  Do they show up on a standard drug screen?  From what I have read so far, and correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like the common wisdom is to take a lower, therapeutic dose and avoid higher doses that could lead to psychedelic side effects.  It also seems like Busting is not a thing that needs to be done continually.  If need be, I can take some days off so that any drugs flush from my system before I go back to work.  Does anyone have experience with this? 

Thanks again for all the information, and for the quick responses to my questions.  It is amazing to be part of a community that is so knowledgeable and supportive.  You guys rock  :D

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I don't know if anyone can provide first hand drug test information, other than the regurgitated internet searches.  Standard tests don't screen for Psylocybin, and the tests that do, are only effective for a few days post dose.

On the dosing, I've found that I get a very uncomfortable anxiety with low doses.  Upping the dose just a little into the "effects" range, I'm calm and no anxiety (about 1.8g of fungus).

I think many here echo your concern about dosing and our jobs.  I've not read about anyone having been tested and caught though.  (Here's hoping we all can continue the current record :)



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Article from 2010.  Not in standard tests.  Can be specifically tested for, but only within 3 days of ingestion.


This website has various drug test times, for urnine, blood, saliva and hair:




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I spoke to my neurologist about licorice root, since i saw that posted here.He encouraged me to try, said there were no bad side effect i had to worry about.I think I will try that first while I research Busting more.

d'd, in case you had not seen this, there's a summary about the licorice root approach here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1298659068

At the top of that page is a link to a much more detailed discussion of the licorice root approach, written by the person who originated that approach, Les Genser.  Worth reading if you're serious about trying it.

A couple of people have had very good results with a combination of licorice root and busting.

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Those botox shots in the head with that needle hurt I think.


No kidding.  Yesterday I got 38 shots in the head and neck.  Botox has really helped, but I am definitely at a plateau in my treatment.  I have talked it over with my husband and have spent the last 2 days doing almost nothing but researching Busting.  I think I am ready to give it a shot.  I can take a couple of days off from work so at the very least I am supporting the spirit of the drug policy.  I would never want to try to do my job under the influence.

Off to look at some posts that will walk me through how to get the appropriate ingredients and how to prepare them safely.

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Hi again diver,

I am assuming you are going to start with RC Seeds? As they are usually easier and quicker to get than shrooms.

There is a lot of good information on the site, of course. I recently posted the recipe I use with seeds, which can be found here.


Let us know how you get on, and if you have any questions.

And good luck.

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I am assuming you are going to start with RC Seeds? As they are usually easier and quicker to get than shrooms. There is a lot of good information on the site, of course. I recently posted the recipe I use with seeds, which can be found here.http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1341183861/6#6

MoxieGirl - I looked at a lot of info on shrooms.  Seeds sound like a quicker start, but it sounds like shrooms are more effective for chronic conditions.  I found the link in the newbie FAQ for spore suppliers.  Not sure where to find the FAQ for seed suppliers.  I am probably just being a blind newbie...

I would like to give this a shot before school starts back up in a month.  Not sure I can Bust and do school full time and work full time...

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d'd, many people who are chronic have had success with seeds.  some of the most knowledgeable people in this field have said that LSA (from seeds) is actually more effective that psilo, except that dosing with seeds is more unpredictable because of varying potency of seeds, and sometimes, duds.  you have nothing to lose by trying seeds now, if you don't have access to psilo.  and busting with seeds will almost certainly have no effect on your ability to do anything -- most people have no psychedelic experience with the levels used for busting.  here are some seed suppliers that people have found reliable (RC=rivea corymbosa)





i have purchased seeds from all these places, and they all have been effective.

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I would like to echo CHF's comments, as I forgot to mention it in my previous post.

One of the things I LOVE about busting, either with seeds or mushrooms, is the complete and total lack of long lasting negative side affects.

Topiramate, now that too me 3 months to get through the bulk of the side affects, and it was messing me up all day long. Amatriptaline, left me groggy and not quite connected to the world all day too.

But busting! Had a minor trip for 4-5 hours, slept REALLY deeply, then perfectly fine.

The only 'side affect' I experienced was that I was no longer plaqued by post-tramatic stress after the attacks. And I had a more positive outlook on life.

Also, from what I understand, psilo doesn't show up on normal drug test screenings, and is completely out of the system in 3 days. Not sure about LSA, but guessing similar.


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CHFather and MoxieGirl - thanks for the info.  Will be ordering seeds today.  I really hope this is the beginning of something good.

The only 'side affect' I experienced was that I was no longer plaqued by post-tramatic stress after the attacks. And I had a more positive outlook on life. 

I could definitely use some of this.  Right now, my outlook is pretty bleak.  It is really challenging to remain positive when treatment after treatment fails.

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Hey dd,

In reference to having a bleak outlook. This time last year I was on a higher dose of topiramate than is considered effective for clusters. I had been on it for 18 months, gradually increasing the dose ever few months as it stopped working. And this was after a few years of trying everything the doctors could think to give me, and having unbearable side affects with it all. Topiramate was one of the very few things I could tolerate. Which is ironic, as the majority of people can't.

Anyway, this time last year I was at the end of my rope. I had mentally put a date in my calendar to end my life, and was just about to actually write it into my calendar. The date was Novemeber of this year, for I told myself I would have 1 year to find a solution, because I knew I couldn't make it on my own in the condition I was in beyond that.

I knew about busting, and the use of LSD and Magic Mushrooms, but I always, always! considered it a last resort. I realised that planning a date to end my life was a pretty good sign it was last resort time.

So I joined this forum, and started reading. And reading. And reading. Then asking questions. Then ordering seeds. Then growing mushrooms (over a course of months of course).

I now have NO DESIRE to die, what-so-ever. I have found hope. I have found a solution that is working for me. And is amazing, with no side affects. It is 100, 1000 times better than ANYTHING any doctor ever gave me.

I remember people telling me many months ago, long before I could imagine it possible, that I would one day be singing the praises of busting. And I predict you will be too.

All my heart and hopes go out to you. Renée

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MoxieGirl - thanks for the support.  I hadn't gotten to the suicidal limit yet.  I hope I never do.  Busting is definitely a treatment of last resort for me.  I have never been a rule breaker or a law bender of any kind. 

I have to admit, when I first found CB, I thought it was simply a board for people to use psychedelics and have an excuse.  That did not last long as I read through lots of post and saw so many people talking about non-recreational doses.  Saw so many people talking about how Busting enabled them to got off other drugs and lead a normal, more pain free existence.

I am still nervous about Busting.  I am not worried about getting "caught" in a legal sense, but about treating my migraines without doctor supervision. 

I know I am getting close to trying.  I am going to keep reading and researching.  Then, maybe, I will have the courage to try.

Then I will probably kick myself in the ass repeatedly for having waited so long....

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