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I am writing this in a depressed state. I thought I had busted the beast for good.

I had been an episodic CH'er from 14 to 31, although I did not know what I had until I was 31 and found ch.com.

I have always had a weekly migraine, basically a mild version of a CH in the exact same spot from as well, and every 3 years I would get the beast.

Well, 7 years ago I found this great site and busted them. Not only did my CH not come back until last night, but my weekly migraines were virtually non existent as well, other than very mild shadowing every few months that was easily handled with Advil.

Well, about 3 months ago my weekly migraines started coming back, and I started getting nervous, but hoped this day would not come!

Sure enough, 2 nights ago I was awoken by a nasty MF! I am beside myself for the past 2 days, getting hit my usual 5 times per day, I thought this crap was gone. It's been a rough 2 days, and I don't have a good doc anywhere near me to help, so I need to bust again.

Anyway, enough of my sob story, everyone here has them.

I have been pouring through this site to the best of my ability in my sleep deprived emotional mess of a state.

I am planning on getting some spores to look at under a microscope.

My question is, Ralphsters has like a million strands, any ideas of what would be the best strand to order? Also how many syringes I need to order?

I did this before 7 years ago, but to be honest I have pretty much forgotten the process and what I ordered. I kind of tried to put all of this crap out of my mind until now.

Any other help would be appreciated as well.

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CHk, don't you want to try something right away before you start that long-term microscope investigation?  RC seeds, which you can order today and have tomorrow, for example?

How's your O2?  Sounds like you haven't needed it for a long time.  Can you get something up and running quickly?  Energy drinks?

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CH Kire,

I didn't see mention of O2 or energy drinks in your tool belt you described above.  Those will significantly help reduce your pain level and length of attacks. 

You can order RC or HBWR seeds immediately, to help terminate your current cycle.  Otherwise your microscopy study will likely come too late to help with your cycle.

Spores: Cambodian - 1 syringe (+1 incase you get contamination).



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That sucks the big one. But, my son has recently joined the CH group after having migraines since high school.

Out of sight, out of mind. We all do it. I understand the hope. Be prepared. The dragon hides, but the sob is still there.

O2 and caffeine. Coffee or energy drinks with Taurine. Always keep them on hand and use them at the first sign of an attack. Even if you haven't had a visit in years, be prepared!!!! I sound like a 'prepper'! :-[ Well, it does pay to be prepared with CH.

Any variety will work I understand. B+ is recommended often from my reading. There is another, three word Oriental variety. Says something like 'Smooth Viewing' and some prefer it. Just get up and running before the beast does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeds are faster to get, so that is a good interim solution. May actually take care of the problem so farming is not needed.

Good Luck!


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Yes caught with your pants down..lol [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] Pull up the drawers and get to bustin. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] I got caught with my pants down..wont happen again. cubensis B+ they all work. 02 and caffiene.  [smiley=bath.gif]

What has been said above is all good. Follow their advice. You wont be sorry. ;)


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Everyone, thanks for the help.

I actually had never heard of RC seeds, trying to get more info on them.

I am definitely going to order some B+ as well.

For now, I am using massive quantities of water, which helps SOMETIMES, and the other thing that helps if I run up and down my stairs until I am about to pass out, again, SOMETIMES.

Unfortunately, I don't have any O2, and don't have a doc who will prescribe it for me.

Yes, I was completely caught with my pants down.

I really need to learn more about the seeds!

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Without too much effort you can get those pants back up pretty quick.

Main seeds file: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974

You can order them (rivea corymbosa seeds) from www.iamshaman.com.

They're not expensive.  They're easy to prepare.  They're legal to buy and possess -- just not to ingest.  You can have them overnighted and start busting right away as long as you are detoxed from meds for 5 days and have no contraindicated meds/conditions.  see this file: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130731

many people here have created their own oxygen system using welding oxygen.  you can read more about that here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1299901790

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Everyone, thanks for the info! I read up on the seeds. I am a bit nervous about them as a blood thinner for some medical issues I have. I don't know that I should chance it. I ordered B+ to look at under a microscope and I am going to pay for express shipping.

I am also going to try a small amount of seeds, we will see if ti works.

My last bust I needed a much higher dose than most do to bust, at small doses, I seemed to piss it off, it was not until I took a pretty large dose, with pretty crazy side effects until I actually got rid of it.

I know this is going to take a while to get going, but my cycles have lasted a while in the past, and over the years I have learned how to deal with them.

I am going to get some O2 today hopefully.

Fortunately, I don't think I get them as bad as some people get them. I get a feeling like my eyeball is being squeezed in it's socket, and it hurts like all hell, but I don't get the ice pick in the eye feeling.

The water has been working well, and I have actually been able to avert a few of them completely by chugging massive amounts of water right before the time they come.

The worst part is getting woken up in the middle of the night, as this is an every night thing for me. I am almost an insomniac now, I am afraid to fall asleep and tired as all hell.

Appreciate your help everyone!

I cannot tell you all how helpful it is to have found others who go through this crap as well, until my last cycle, I was completely on my own with this stuff.

Docs kept telling me I had a sinus infection, and nobody could help me. I would take 8 excedrine, and think it was working because by the time the excedrine kicked in, it was gone.

Taking that dose of excedrine 4 times per day for a few months aint good!

Thanks again!

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Have you tried taking Melatonin at night? Many of us find it helps with night time hits.

I would suggest ~ 10mg. Start with 3mg and work up as long as you don't feel too woozy when you get up at night. It can hold off that first attack for a while so you get some sleep. Most effective when not in full high cycle.

Good Luck

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Have you tried taking Melatonin at night? Many of us find it helps with night time hits.

I would suggest ~ 10mg. Start with 3mg and work up as long as you don't feel too woozy when you get up at night. It can hold off that first attack for a while so you get some sleep. Most effective when not in full high cycle.

Good Luck

spiny, My previous cycle I tried all different doses of Melatonin and it never did anything for me.

I am going to try it again tonight, at this point, I will try just about anything.

Thanks for the reminder.

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