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mid afternoon hit was rough. O2 for 30 mins. didn't work. had to resort to trex shot. hoping this m :Deans IM peaking now and things will start to ease up. keeping my fingers crossed. tired now time to sleep. not looking forward to it.

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That does sound like the hallmark of the way a peak cycle behaves for some of us.  :-/ Dammit. I hope it's a really short peak.

Sorry if we've gone over this ad nauseam before jimmys, but are you hyperventilating high flow non-rebreather O2? There are those of us who need to go higher than 25 LPM or use a demand valve system.

This may also be super old and therefore annoying news to you, but in the spirit of leaving no stone unturned, some headbangers find that slamming the energy drink/shot right before the O2 can make the difference between abort or no abort.

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Sorry you're hurting jimmys.  I feel your pain.  Had to excuse myself from a meeting with my boss to go chug a red bull.  Very awkward.  Are you using anything to bust?  I'll be giving HBWR a second shot this weekend.

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hey ipain, not busting because i can't get my hands on any vitamins

just have to keep blowing O2 and trex when necessary also punching walls helps. hope you have an understanding boss. good luck this weekend. hope you didn't ;D get flooded out today.,

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What mask are you using? The Optimask, sold at Clusterheadaches.com for about 30.00 makes a world of difference. The ones from the medical suppliers are no where near what you want.

Also, energy drink or coffee on your way to the O2 is a BIG help!! :)

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  • 1 year later...

I have a 15 regulator and I couldn't find my optimask (ordered new one it will be here day after tomorrow) so I'm using the rebreather they gave me with tanks. I can abort the attack, but it always comes back after 60 or 90 min. I've been staying on the O2. I even set my timer for 5 minutes after the pain stopped. Maybe that's not long enough, but I'm burning through the O2 quickly.I got no sleep all night and went tru a $15 tank of oxygen. My insurance won't pay for the oxygen either. I've read how to breathe,and it does stop,so why are they coming back? I don't want to do the caffeine, I want to sleep.

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Although what you describe is  pretty much exactly what I've experienced  with the wake up hits at the peak of a non-busted cycle, despite using high flow 100% O2, I hope your soon to arrive mask, and possibly a higher flow than 15 LPM, can still help you achieve longer lasting aborts.

Yeah who the hell would wanna do caffeine at 2 AM??!! Well maybe a super desperate headbanger might try it. I've seen several others report that for some ultra counter-intuitive reason, slamming an energy drink/shot before the O2 for a wake up hit will not only make the abort last longer, but somehow doesn't prevent them from going back to sleep (!).

These are some of the same folks who have switched to using welding O2, due to the expense of medical O2.....

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Although what you describe is  pretty much exactly what I've experienced  with the wake up hits at the peak of a non-busted cycle, despite using high flow 100% O2, I hope your soon to arrive mask, and possibly a higher flow than 15 LPM, can still help you achieve longer lasting aborts.

Yeah who the hell would wanna do caffeine at 2 AM??!! Well maybe a super desperate headbanger might try it. I've seen several others report that for some ultra counter-intuitive reason, slamming an energy drink/shot before the O2 for a wake up hit will not only make the abort last longer, but somehow doesn't prevent them from going back to sleep (!).

These are some of the same folks who have switched to using welding O2, due to the expense of medical O2.....

I've gone back to sleep after aborting with caffeine. I'm normally very sensation to caffeine but for whatever reason I've gone back to sleep.

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Just some personal experiences... when I found O2 in the nineties, worked like a charm, even lower flows (was episodic). The more I was medicated 10+ the less impact O2 had on my attacks. When became chronic (thanks meds!) I finally passed the magical 4 hour mark and had hits lasting 6 hours, more intense hell than ever before and my first grim reliefs (loss of consciousness). In my case, these insane hits to which O2 couldn't touch were only possible with loads of triptans (trex) and steroids (cortisone). When those two left the equation O2 started working again. Nowadays I am 100% (prescription) CH medication free and O2 works like a charm.

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I wonder if I was jumping into the O2 when maybe it was just a shadow too. I was afraid to fall asleep so just dosed off and on and every time I felt a tiny burn in my temple I panicked. If I wake up with a hit, it is usually too late. I think I am in the peak too. I had a 6 pm hit the other day out of the blue. I am so sick of being obsessed with these damn CH. Thanks for the help guys! I shouldn't bitch, I didn't get a full blown hit, just expensive and no sleep.

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