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Boswellia Serrata


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Doing a little more looking around on this topic, I see that that boswellia serrata oil is more commonly known as frankincense.  There are a few posts here (that you can find using the search bar) about frankincense, mostly kind of favorable.

How nice to have such a thoughtful neuro!!

Edited by CHfather
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It’s just one of those shot in the dark things my neuro suggested I looked into before my apt this week. Don’t think he knows much about it either. I haven’t looked that hard bc of how shitty this week has been. Just been enjoying my day time as much as I can in between CHs and am now a little fearful of late night d/t the crazy attacks I’ve gotten the past 2 nights. I’m hauling my m tank upstairs and saving my O2 for only at night. It hardly works during the day any way and I now consider my day time attacks a walk in the park compared to these new monsters. I just fear that these new attacks will become my new norm and I’m not sure what I’ll do if that happens. My day time attacks hurt real bad even the worst ones where those around me get nervous or upset by how much pain I’m in don’t compare to the two I got the past two nights. Hopefully they go away. I’m also detoxing from my new med and going to try a 5g mm dose. Last month when I detoxed and was still blocked by my old med I used L. Hoping I can get rid of these nocturnal attacks that have only come back in the last 5 or so weeks. 

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So sorry, Freud.  That's awful.

By any chance is the O2 in your tank pretty low (1/3 or less)?  Some people have reported that it works less well when the O2 is low.  Wish I could say more about this, but of course it's anecdotal (happens to my daughter, for example, but she uses smaller welding tanks, so I don't know whether "low" in an 80 cu ft tank might have the same effect as "low" in a bigger tank). 

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I ran through a whole M tank before I decided to use one of my precious injections I can’t get any more of. I have noticed the bottom 1/4 of these tanks produces less pressure and that I’m not getting a true 25lpm flow out of them when they get this low. But usually I can still bust with them. Keeping the O2 on made it just barely bareable (like I had an option besides the injection lol) so I just kept it on. I also left my phone upstairs and I usually set a timer so I if i fall asleep when the cluster breaks and I’m in that cool down/rebound preventing stage I don’t waste the tank. Mom had been up and I asked her to tell me when 15 min was up but for some reason she felt like since I was up or she was just frazzled from all the pain I was in she didn’t tell me. All in all it was about an hr I was on the O2 before I took the injection. I’m really hoping it doesn’t happen tonight. 

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41 minutes ago, Freud said:

I ran through a whole M tank before I decided to use one of my precious injections I can’t get any more of. I have noticed the bottom 1/4 of these tanks produces less pressure and that I’m not getting a true 25lpm flow out of them when they get this low. But usually I can still bust with them. Keeping the O2 on made it just barely bareable (like I had an option besides the injection lol) so I just kept it on. I also left my phone upstairs and I usually set a timer so I if i fall asleep when the cluster breaks and I’m in that cool down/rebound preventing stage I don’t waste the tank. Mom had been up and I asked her to tell me when 15 min was up but for some reason she felt like since I was up or she was just frazzled from all the pain I was in she didn’t tell me. All in all it was about an hr I was on the O2 before I took the injection. I’m really hoping it doesn’t happen tonight. 


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My wife was into essential oils and has given my a little frankincense oil on a little piece of tissue about the size of a tab of L. I would keep it on my tongue or under it or just in my mouth any way I could for a few minutes and it did seem to help. I could not set this up in advance to give myself and I could not get the oil on the tissue when I had a cluster but when she was around id did help. I used this before I got my oxygen and early on when I started busting. At this point I dont get the major hits like I did in the past so I have not done it in a long time. I meant to look around my house this weekend for a few triptan shots I had stashed away that I dont use anymore but I got hit a bunch this weekend and a few that lasted an hour each, must be that time of year in our parts.They are expired but should still be fine. I use to use them past the date stamped on them and had no issues. If you break them apart you can get a few out of one shot. I will make it a point to find them and try to get them over to you. I will let you know what I come up with. I may even still have a little Frankincense oil.

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For now I’m ok on the shots. A buddy is filling his while he gets his 2-3 yr break. It’s only these new crazy ones (they are all crazy but you get it) I use them for. Before this I was able to go a long time without. I’m an idiot though. It just dawned on me I have been detoxing from my bipolar med to bust but I used shots 3 times in the last 2 days. Friggin amature move but in the heat of the moment I wasn’t thinking straight. Shoot I crawled to the draw I keep them in if that’s an indication of my state. Sorry just dawned on me. At any rate. I’d love to find out how to get quality frankincense. Thanks in advance FT!

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