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so i know this has probably all been gone over before, but i wanted to ask really quickly people's opinions on mushrooms vs. rc seeds.

i have previously busted with mushrooms, and just got some rc seeds in.  waht i hate about busting with mushies is the totally MINDBENDING effects, i feel like im going to break and i dont like it.  i need to relax more about it and just go with the flow but its hard..

so do rc seeds tend to send you totally out of your skull as well?  from what ive read it might not be the case, but i wanted to ask.

i busted with 1- 1.25 g mushies twice, both times are very profound but sub hallucenogenic.  ive actually taken about 4.8 g mushies one time, purely recreational, and no hallucinations either, so.. yeah. irrelevant.

but im going to take 25-30 rc seeds, i know potencies vary, blah blah, but in general, will my mind be "bent"?

thanks :D

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I doubt you'll feel jack with 25-30 RC seeds.

I don't recall hearing of anyone tripping at all on that kind of dose.

But then there's this whole thing lately about whether the RC seeds from a given vendor are potent, so potency issues with RC seeds I've tried may be coloring my perception of what RC seeds will do.

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How much do you know about the long term effects of rc seeds v. the long track record of mushrooms? Personally, I think mushrooms are a safer choice based strictly on knowing more about their effect on the body through clinical study and experience. I'm not dissing seeds, just saying one has a much longer and more robust track record than the other. -T

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aw man i was all pumped on this new seed stuff, had the mushrooms before.

we'll see how (sunday?) goes.  was gonna do them tonight but got lazy, havent been getting hit too hard just gonna bust up some lingering shadows from previous busts (which were like a month ago!, hooray)

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I have used anti-anxiety pills with shrooms to help mellow the intensity of the experience, if needed.

Clonazepam (Klonopin) and Lorazepam (Ativan) seem to work best and are used regularly in emergency rooms, raves, Burning Man, etc., to treat "overdose" patients who have taken too much and/or have negative reactions to hallucinogens.

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That's very interesting, especially since I know that anxiety can be a mushroom side effect during the short time one is under the influence. Oddly I find that they seem to have a calming / anti-anxiety after effect though - anyone else noted that?

I actually have a bottle of skullcap herb here and plan to take some with the mushrooms next time I dose, as I read in the shroom guidelines it is a recommended anxiety easer, and unless I find out there's any reason not to, I'll be considering taking valerian and other relaxing herbs at the same time too.

I figure that when we have herbs that are relaxers at our disposal, might as well take them instead of drugs, for some of the same reasons we've found mushrooms to be preferable to drugs.

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Oddly I find that they seem to have a calming / anti-anxiety after effect though

I experience that every time. Usually for the next 24 hours after dosing. Everything seems to be "at peace" if I might put it that way.

Let me know how skullcap goes. I might give it a whirl.

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