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Easy on that oil, that`s my advice. I tried smoke some for a period to try eas on the pain, it just got worse and worse.

The reason why we are posting today, or any day, is the fact that we all been there. I`m a chronic, i been for the last seven years. I was hit up to 9 tines a day. I felt i was lurking around underneath that dark world. But i found Clusterbusters, now i live better than before i had CH. And i did for the last year.

There is hope, believe us :)

It is not good when bloodpressure goes down, at least not for me. Somedays i can`t sit for more than about 3-5 min. Or lye down.

What is important is to get to know your own body, listen to that inner voice, pay attention to the signs you get. I yhink we often get a "feeling" after eating something etc etc, just try to stay away from it then. It might help.

F ex onion, bacon, hot dogs, stay away from sweets etc etc.

Drink allot of water, try sleep in a more sitting potition. Get up at the same time every morning. That is one of the things that actually helps me more than allot.

It may sound overwhelming, but i can assure you, it`s worth the effort!!

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can't wait to see the back of today. all the waiting for people to realise what i've been going through, then when I can show them i don't want to ruin the day so still say nothing. can't bloody win sometimes  ;)... just had 8 proplus and a can of pepsi at the first sign of trouble, all i can do is hope now

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Hey Sam, well glad to see you've been getting the great advice here - you are definitely going to find MUCH MUCH more effective ways to deal with this beast.

I see you had a typical encounter with a terribly ignorant doctor who prescribed imitrex pills because he gets migraines (you're right of course, the pills are way too slow - if you're going to use imitrex, injectible is the most effective form). Here's the sad thing about most doctors IMO - they are arrogant, ignorant harm doers of the worst sort when it comes to CH.

And I'll re-emphasize the point that any alcohol is a HUGE mistake.

Anecdotally - like naps and sleep, I actually find meditation to be a trigger for CH when I'm in cycle. That is one ironic rip off.  :D

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Sam:  you'll get through today, tomorrow and the rest of them.  Keep learning, lots of good advice so far in this thread. 

Not trying to hijack this thread, but wanted to ask Bejeeber.

I've not had meditation trigger a CH, but most of my CH occur during the night.  I only get a few evening attacks (after meals), so I meditate earlier then when in cycle.

However, naps are a sure trigger for me, regardless of the time.

But I gotta say, meditating while 'treating' can be a wonderful experience.  :-)


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The naps being a trigger is the ultimate bitch. Totally sleep deprived and a nap used to be a guaranty that I would wake up within 15 minutes with a screamer...that was BM ...before mushrooms. AM I can usually nap and sleep through the night without the fear of the dagger.


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Yeah as the decades have flung by it's gotten to the point where the hits can and will happen at any time of day or night  for me (when I'm in cycle that is - I am one LUCKY lucky episodic).

For the first 20 years or so of my 30+ years with CH I would never ever get a hit during my waking hours after nightfall (before bed) and was able to meditate every evening with no concern. I would try to claim those were the good 'ol days, but in recent years I've learned from fellow clusterheads on these 2 sister forums such effective ways  to fight the beast that so far I've been able to consistently hit him back with nice crunching knockout punches  :D, so these are more like the good days now, even if being on 24 alert is necessary.  ;)

Meditating while treating - hey that does sound like it could be a heckuva voonderbar experience.  8-) With music or without?  :)

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Hey Riva, Like the new name better by the way - As you can see, what works for one may not work for most. You're going to have to try this and that to find out what works for you.

I think Jeeb was heading down this path but then he took an abrupt left turn - you may want to consider getting to a real headache doc. Not just a neuro, but a headache neuro. This is a rare puppy, and few docs have seen it or really know how to treat it. Your better off getting with a good doc, cause this, unfortunately, isn't going to just go away. It may go into remission for a while, but most often comes back. Better to be armed to the teeth for battle with many options. You're energy drink doesn't work, double duty with O2, if that doesn't work, hit it with imitrex injectable...you get the picture. Best case is getting full relief naturally, but always good to have a doc who can help guide in case there are other things going on or some of the strange side effects some of us enjoy.


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Yes before I hung a left I could've mentioned that a headache specialist is usually the only one who'll know anything. The only knowledge most run of the mill neurologists have about CH is a couple catch phrases they learned, and they're both wrong.  :D

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Yes before I hung a left I could've mentioned that a headache specialist is usually the only one who'll know anything. The only knowledge most run of the mill neurologists have about CH is a couple catch phrases they learned, and they're both wrong.  :D

Male, taller then average, lionesque features, orange peel skin, outdoor types....any ringing a bell? ;D   (from the 1970's description of CH!)

They're right, a headache specialist neurologist, is your best bet at an accurate diagnosis. Considering it's a lifelong affliction, a little extra time spent now can pay big dividends.


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Hey Rivaman,  so glad you found this place.  I would still be lost without this board.  The excercise thing sometimes can abort them if you dont have oxy.  Sounds totaly stupid but just start running in place, jumping jacks, whatever can get your breathing going.  No weed, no alcohol, no fun.  The night attacks are the worst!  When you feel ALONE, just come here and rant, we understand.  Hang in there!


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