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Can’t edit previous post


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There was a whole big first paragraph which didn’t copy and paste.  Can’t edit the post will retype later.  Bottom line is CH nailing me w kipp 10s.  Lost most of the progress I’ve made. Will contact mod about error msg when I try to edit and repost...  too burnt out to keep trying...

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So sorry about the forum bug that is causing the error messages and preventing some posts from posting.....I've been encountering it too, and it is frustrating enough when out of cycle, but when experiencing chronic Kip 10's it has to be beyond infuriating. :mellow:

FWIW a tech person has been looking into it.

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...and FWIW, in case it helps.....when this happened with my posting a month or several ago: changing the font (pasting into word and changing font there, then pasting here) of my msg allowed posting. lately, that didn't work, so tried the spiny "split the msg"....that worked...go figure (please!:ph34r:)

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I used to build websites before I got tired of it. My money is on the plain** Opps, rich text editor having the bug or possibly the version of php the server is running.

Edited by xBoss
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I suspect it may be in that area too xBoss. On occasion, if there is a smiley it won't go! It does not like 'hidden' characters for certain. And ya never know when there is a hidden one if you are doing a copy/ paste action. 

I am delighted that it is not my forte or job to fix!! :wacko:

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I've tried stuff like converting a post to plain text in an external editor, scanning it for unicode characters, pasting it back in, splitting the message up, etc. but still with no love. Once it came down to the use of the word 'just' causing the error in posts of mine, but that was a moving target that no longer triggers an error.

The only explanation left other than xBoss's is it's the beast f***ing with us.

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