Fork boy Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 just curious how many of us have got covid? Batch's vit regiment supposedly helps and just read that dyphehydromine reduces covid by 99% i know many of us including myself use dyphenhydromine every day to hold back the beast. just curious cause im considered an essential worker been exposed every day since the onset last year and have never caught it. is batches coctail plus dyphenhydromine the answer? just read that Fauchi said that full vax and boosted is not safe. am i lucky? an anomoly? or any of you all seeining the same thing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sue mcdonald Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 On 12/25/2021 at 4:11 AM, Fork boy said: just curious how many of us have got covid? Batch's vit regiment supposedly helps and just read that dyphehydromine reduces covid by 99% Expand I use benedryl. I dont think, and i may be completely wrong, that we rly have a silver bullet to protect us from covid. Its a virus. Vitamins, minerals, diet, exercise - all help us to be healthy and strong. I got vaccinated. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 Hi Fork boy . I've worked all the way through covid been exposed to it many time , whole household have had it . I've had my 2 vaccines but not my booster , but I've not been struck down with covid . But I've also never been hit by the flu virus in my life . I just think it's down to people's immune system. I could be wrong I'm sure some doc's on here will jump in . I'm 1 of these believers that the world is to clean know but that's just my take on it . The human body is a wonderful thing and I think it can fight a lot of things on its own without the help of vaccines but again that's just my opinion as that can start a lot of arguments .So please anyone reading this as I said just my opinion 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bejeeber Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 On 12/25/2021 at 8:42 AM, Shaun brearley said: just my opinion as that can start a lot of arguments .So please anyone reading this as I said just my opinion Expand Thanks @Shaun brearley - it's a seemingly innocuous inoculations subject, but if I understand correctly, one that has veered way off in the past during my forum absence into the dreaded politics with a capital P and high controversy unrelated to CH, so I thank all for not having charged this one up with such references - it's another Christmas miracle so far. I do know that as far as prominent forum members go, our legendary and highly beloved Dallas Denny is one who had a crushing whopper case of Covid, replete with lingering after effects. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 Hope I didn't cause a problem with my post Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bejeeber Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 A far as I'm surmising, everyone including yourself @Shaun brearley has treaded nicely, diplomatically and carefully so far, which is always appreciated on this particular tightrope, above the burbling lava pit of members potentially becoming highly annoyed with each other again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CHfather Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 "Highly annoyed" could be an understatement related to past "political" discussions here of coronavirus (but I'm not suggesting at all that Fork boy was doing anything other than asking a reasonable question. To partially answer that question -- I do know a person with CH, on the D3 regimen and using Benadryl in cycle, who contracted Covid). But just in terms of people with CH and disease, Rozen's study of 1,134 people with CH, conducted in 2008 through surveys of people here and at, had two very interesting findings. Considering that there is a strong prevalence of smoking (and often heavy smoking) among people with CH, there were only three reported cases of lung cancer among the 1,134 survey respondents (the CDC estimates that 10-20 percent of smokers develop lung cancer), and "cluster headache is associated with a low prevalence of cardiac disease as well as cerebrovascular disease, even though the majority of CH patients are chronic heavy smokers." This was long enough ago that that it's unlikely that more than a very small percentage of the respondents had been either doing the D3 regimen or using diphenhydramine. Could be just statistical anomalies, of course, but could also be that just having CH somehow provides some kind of protection against some conditions, in ways that no one really understands. 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bejeeber Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 On 12/25/2021 at 5:28 PM, CHfather said: Rozen's study of 1,134 people with CH, conducted in 2008 through surveys of people here and at, had two very interesting findings. Considering that there is a strong prevalence of smoking (and often heavy smoking) among people with CH, there were only three reported cases of lung cancer among the 1,134 survey respondents (the CDC estimates that 10-20 percent of smokers develop lung cancer), and "cluster headache is associated with a low prevalence of cardiac disease as well as cerebrovascular disease, even though the majority of CH patients are chronic heavy smokers." Expand That is mind bogglingly interesting as far as I'm concerned - thank you for posting this @chfather Santa ! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pebblesthecorgi Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 There is a lot of curious, conflicting, confusing and contradictory evidence out there. It’s always been the case but much more amplified and widespread as regards covid because no one is unaffected. There are so many examples of this from hydroxychloroquine to ivermectin to vitamin D to vitamin C to famotidine and on and on. There is also tons of controversy about anti virals and monoclonal antibodies. Won’t even address vaccine issues. Things are moving so fast and so much data is pouring in it becomes very difficult to vette information fairly and apply it appropriately. And then there is the rapidly changing landscape because of mutations. It is very hard to maintain a consistent treatment protocol and apply it appropriately. Then there are the resources which are taxed beyond comprehension especially in human terms. So by the time the sound bite is distilled the information reported seems confused and conflicted. And it is. I can’t thing of a time in history when so many people had access to so much information so fast in the context of an evolving situation. Then there is the interpretation of the data. For instance, if I am correct, the study sites regarding Benadryl was a report of in vitro (test tube) attachment of the virus via its spike protein to human cells. What is seen in the lab seldom translates to the real world. So while the observation may be correct what it means is a longitudinal population application is completely unknown. Of course there is professional fraud as example of the seminal report of ivermectin to treat covid which was debunked and withdrawn. Normally this process occurs within a small group of researchers with an interest in a topic. Everyone is interested in covid so it’s amplifies the big mess of info we are fed. On an individual level each person must do a risk benefit analysis and make a decision for themselves. It’s probably prudent to listen to what the mainstream, practicing providers suggest but if you choose to augment with other interventions and are not causing yourself harm why not? Things like masks and vaccines are a bit more controversial because the point of their use is to prevent others from being infected. It’s far from 100% as a strategy but its the best offer we have. Members of a society should work together to protect each other and support a common interest. Society has devolved a bit in the face of current events but I will remain optimistic our center will return. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 Dame I did kick it off wasn't my intention, sorry!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 25, 2021 Share Posted December 25, 2021 Sorry !! Just fed up with covid but this forum is not about covid so please can we get off this subject Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoscoPiko Posted December 26, 2021 Share Posted December 26, 2021 On 12/25/2021 at 7:34 PM, Shaun brearley said: covid so please can we get off this subject Expand I think many are with you as far as being over the COVID bit. It is something worth discussing as the after affects on folks with cluster have varied from drawn out cycles to nothing at all. I don't think you kick started anything with your posts @Shaun brearley. Your posts were level headed and non derogatory. The issue seems to lye in personal opinion on vaxed VS. un/vaxed, masked VS. unmasked etc... Unfortunately when folks opinion's on one thing or the other vary so far and they are passionate about it all the sudden we forget to be conscious of the words we write and how they may affect others that feel different than us. For instance take the video I posted on the music thread the other night (if it was removed prior to you seeing it then you may be lucky). I did not take into account the folks that may be offended by it as I went all stupid and thought everyone thought like me... Fact is that we do not all think or feel alike, however we should be able as adults to respect difference after all is is what spices the world up and makes us question even our own thoughts. That being said I will say that I do believe that most CH heads that are following the D reg are a bit better equipped to handle almost any virus as we have primed our body with a majority of what is needed kick most yuck's with a quickness. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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