Interesting experience last night. As you know I was without o2 and freaking the heck out. I was terrified quite honestly. So at midnight I went to the Norton hospital ER in hopes they would send me home with a tank of o2. I explained to them I was not in serious pain, but would be throughout the night because I had run out of o2. Shockingly, the ER doctor understood exactly what I was facing and sent me on my way with a E tank to get me through the night. And I'm sure glad he did. So thankful. Worth the $200 bill I will get for the visit? Yep.
Also, I want to clarify. I get my o2 from a medical supply and use your typical regulator for e tanks.
Also want to clarify why this happened. A washer on my regulator was all worn and cracked and so when I got my early morning hit my tank was empty, so I had to endure a really bad one, then go into trying to get a replacement tank yesterday. Normally this would not have happened. Check your washers!
Yes today I got 3 tanks and am all set. This will not happen again.
Thanks again for the support. As for sleeping upright, etc. Doesn't seem to help me.