Suggest you read the whole section on oxygen here:
This is an excerpt that might be particularly relevant in the short run: To avoid frustration, it might be wise for you to contact your O2 supplier before their first delivery to make sure you are getting the right equipment. Many of them are not used to providing for people with CH. You want cylinders (tanks), not a concentrator. At the least, you want one large tank (an M tank or H tank) and one smaller tank for portability (an E tank). Multiple versions of each tank are better. You need some kind of stand, at least for your larger tank(s). A rolling stand is best. You want regulators that go up to at least 15 liters per minute (lpm), and preferably up to 25 lpm. (I say "regulators," plural, because the large tanks and the smaller tanks take different types of regulators.) And you want a NON-REBREATHER mask. These are all things they should know to give you to treat CH, but often don’t. When the stuff is delivered, have the delivery person set it up for you and be sure it's working.