The role of ketamine is still pretty ill defined. I do not believe there is an established role or treatment protocol for ketamine. Most of the treatment options are case reports and individual reports. Because ketamine is “legal” and available it should be easier to study but because it can be a profit center infusion clinics are popping up with their own protocols mostly to treat depression and anxiety. Cluster headaches are largely a side business. Until there is a study (s) to demonstrate effectiveness the intervention is hit or miss ( experimental)
I have been successful at 6 L/min and 8 L/min by breathing out everything "crunch method" and then big inhale, hold O2 till 6 sec before bag is filled, then big exhale … repeat. For me a big inhale 3L bag, holding it for 10sec, exhale all takes 6-8 sec and then repeat ends up being 8-9L/min.
I agree. Lots of pain clinics will tell you that you "need" a certain number of days but this is definitely unproven. My bet is that it is different for everyone and that different people need different amounts. Some people seem to get by with just intranasal ketamine instead of infusions.