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  1. I start out at 15ml/s and huff fast and hard for a few minutes than turn down to 8ml/s and take a deep breath and hold it until the bag fills and breath out and take another deep breath until I get relief.
    2 points
  2. Welcome to the site! You will want to see a neurologist and or a headache specialist to have a few scans of your head done just to rule out anything major going on. Once you are declared a cluster head and given that id card you will have all the benefits of denied help from most of the doctors you will see. You are one of the lucky ones.. on a more serious note, click on the banner on the top of this page and read as much as you can on this site. Do not be afraid of asking a million questions! Oxygen is what you will want to get your hands on to abort your cluster attacks, this is the hardest thing to get doctors to prescribe to you (comment above). Read up on the vitamin D3 and Busting. Nobody has a cure for this lovely condition but we here all work together to make things as comfortable as we can. Some including myself will down a energy drink at the first twinge of a cluster coming on and this helps hold down the intensity a little so we can get to our oxygen. Keep a positive outlook and open mind and you will be just fine.. It is hard sometimes but people here are willing to listen and help get through the crappy times with you.
    1 point
  3. Episodic, usually a cycle in Fall, although I got an extra one last year in Spring. Typically 4-6 weeks. I started getting them when I was 27, not diagnosed until I was 36. I did buy the cluster mask from Clusterheadaches.com and found it to work well. I prefer the mouth piece to the mask. I'm currently running a "welding O2" setup as I haven't been successful in getting Medical O2 setup, even though I got my nero to write a prescription.
    1 point
  4. If your face is small, you might require a pediatric size mask. Or it's possible that it's the other way around, and you received pediatric masks instead of adult ones. The ClusterO2 Kit that you will be ordering can be used as a breathing tube with no mask. Preferences about mask/tube vary.
    1 point
  5. Welcome!....try this "cluster quiz" from our sister site first.... http://www.clusterheadaches.com/quiz.html best jonathan
    1 point
  6. ...just do the math....one hit at a typical 10-15 LPM for 10-15 min would be 16 cans (plus no mask and <100% O2)....at $15 ea that's ca $240....makes the drive down to the welding shop with a box of donuts for the boys a worthwhile trip...
    1 point
  7. There is not enough O2 either by concentration or volume to be very helpful. I tried it a couple of times to see if it would work for me. I respond to O2 in traditional delivery for clusters very well. The O2 in boost was not noticeable and did not respond better than hyperventilation alone and was inferior (my individual impression) to a 5 hour energy. Its marketed overtly for altitude issues and covertly for hangover treatment. It might be good for one of the two. I suspect any effect would be short lived and largely placebo.
    1 point
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