What you can do is affected by what your doctor actually wrote. It would be rare for a doctor to specifically prescribe an "oxygenator" (also referred to as a concentrator); it's more likely that the prescription just said something about O2 therapy, and your oxygen supply company sent you a concentrator, which is what they send to their typical customers (people with COPD). In any event, first step might be to assume that the doc's prescription was general, and call the oxygen supply company to discuss your CH situation (I have had to do this twice, with two different oxygen companies in two different locations). Of course, if the doc actually prescribed a concentrator, you have to get it corrected there. If either the O2 company or the doc is the source of this problem, and won't reconsider, there is literature you can show them about the proper prescription.
Did you get a nonrebreather mask, or just those things that go in your nose (cannula)?
Some people when first using O2 get relief from concentrator/10lpm (with nonrebreather mask). If you are actually unable to get tanks and a non-rebreather mask, though, you'll probably want to do some DYI and set up a system using welding oxygen.