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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2023 in all areas

  1. Honestly, I picked up the phone and called the new member just as he asked me to do in his PM. We spoke at length about 25lpm regulators, Cluster Masks, the homebrew demand valve, D3, where to find more information and meeting other people with clusters. I listened to his story. I find that actually speaking to people when they request it, asking questions and providing timely answers has great benefit for someone that's just discovering our community. My "Messaged received and answered." post was to inform those that spend many thankless hours monitoring this board and providing life saving information (such as yourself, CHfather) that indeed someone had taken time to help in a way that wasn't readily apparent.
    3 points
  2. While I don't have any personal experience with the practice Jade333 is discussing. Jade333 has been around a while and contributed positively to the board. I always like to temper my understanding of alternative treatments with the idea some years ago that Psilocybin and LSD could help us. Those treatments were treated very harshly by many in the public years ago (and in many places are still banned to discuss). It's been a long time coming, but Psilocybin, LSD and other treatments have been proven without a doubt to help us. While I don't personally think some experimental treatments are helpful. As long as they aren't harmful, I'm perfectly ok with letting there be open and positive discussion around them. Love all, J
    1 point
  3. The Fuster Cluckers. I just went all Sherlocky myself in a search here to date the inception of this legendary Clusterbusters and Bomba Shack house band, and it was over 13 years ago (!!) Whew time flings by in such a jiffy when you're having cluster attacks fun. You're an official member of the band now whether you like it or not SHallMusician, and if you bring a demand valve for sharing to the gig, I think that automatically elevates you to the position of music director, assuming DallasDenny is cool with it. Congratulations (??).
    1 point
  4. I have a major in Physics and a specialized in theoretical physics and in particular in Quantum Mechanics. Every time I hear Quantum in alternative healing, spiritual or esoteric contexts where they use the word Quantum, because it sounds so special and deep, it raises big red flags and shows me the lack of knowledge what quantum in quantum mechanics means. if your dad really was a ch sufferer, I am sorry for him and you, if your story is true, but my red flags have raised too much suspicion here and would like to warn everybody reading Jade3333 post, that this is probably even spam, somebody claiming miracles with their methods, especially a trend using the word Quantum which has nothing to do with Quantum Mechanics. whatever you are doing Jade3333, I think you are doing a very big disservice for us Cluster sufferers and you probably got fed or indoctrinated with this ridiculous, completely unscientific use of the term Quantum and claiming a miracle method or are trying to get people with incurable diseases to exploit their desperation, without any basis. Whether you are doing consciously or not, a call BS on QHHT method, just merely using fancy scientific words that mean nothing in therapies. If you believe what you are doing is real, I would advise you to learn what Quantum Mechanics really is, it takes years of mathematics and practice and unrelentless studying to understand the formalism, but using the word as a marketing strategy that I have seen so often to fool people, I am afraid you have been fooled too or are a con woman. I will report this immediately, because clusters is not to mess around with and even makes me angry, because you never felt what it's like, I call spam!
    1 point
  5. I take the Methyl Folate full time. The original 90 treatment recommended by Dr. Stasha Gominak proved insufficient so she now recommends the B complex full time. That was good enough for me.
    1 point
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