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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Good info in that follow up, @Kprice, thank you. My take at this point is that if you're going to continue to use triptans, there is a semi-hidden opportunity to get better results while significantly reducing risk of the bad side effects. It is there in THIS EXTENDING YOUR IMITREX LINK that the venerable @CHfather had also supplied. Reasons: Yep, you'll be greatly extending your supply, with much less risk of running out at end of month You should still get very reliable results with the 2mg doses. I found that pretty much impossible to believe at first, so I went with 3mg, but when I finally tried 2mg, even with very old imitrex, wow, it worked. In my experience injections with plain old syringe are surprisingly way less flinch and cringe inducing than the auto injector! Once you get the muster up to do the first one, you realize "oh this is nuthin". Of course 2 mg injections should present way less side effect risk than 6 mg, right? Syringe pro tip for abdominal area injections: pinch an inch of belly fat if ya got it, skin if you don't, and inject there. Most often it is practically painless. All this said, I would still advocate for use of O2 first whenever possible, triptan to only be considered as emergency back up, and I applaud your resolve to pursue the O2 again.
  2. Hi @Kprice, FWIW it looks like maybe some similar sumatriptan side effects are listed at mayoclinic: Less common changes in patterns and rhythms of speech confusion dizziness fast, slow, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse trouble breathing Rare lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting severe numbness, especially on one side of the face or body trouble speaking or swallowing twitching weakness of the arms and legs And as @Dallas Denny mentioned, you may wanna revisit preventatives for consideration of something more consistently effective. For many of us that includes busting, as seen at the "New Users - Read Here First" blue bar above^^^^^^
  3. @Maryo52 and @jon019 just dispensed such beautifully accurate, helpful and to the point info packets re: shadows, O2, etc., all I can do is look upon with awe and applaud!
  4. I'll throw the idea out there that it could be a licensing thing or some such that is rendering it unplayable from the UK (it's playing for me here in the US).
  5. I detect a theme here with the reports of consistently successful surgeries of this type. Now a prediction: You'll be dancing a jig out of that OR following your entirely successful version of the procedure, and will be experiencing major, sustained relief, after all these years and this more recent major crisis. The procedure will also be 100% epinephrine free, or everyone involved is going to have @spiny to answer to!
  6. How about just plopping into a bathtub full of cold water then @Shaun brearley? , Wuh woh now I might not have an excuse not to try this next time I'm in cycle.
  7. OK, so it sounds like maybe the rest of us who aren't currently on verap can just go jump in the (icy) lake. @spiny please let us know your results with this. Actually, if I had a cold pool and needed to abort an attack I think I would totally try this.
  8. Ah! well that would make sense I suppose - I was thinking of how going out in freezing weather with head exposed and breathing deeply through the shnoz used to abort some milder attacks for me.
  9. Yep, that same scenario and result has been reported by others, hence the "stay stressed" mantra/slogan of some CH'ers.
  10. Ooh pro tip there for the pic uploads - thanks.
  11. You did it @BoscoPiko! So good to hear of this latest long battle with the beast finally won. I too am tempted to indulge in "jinx" beliefs, but really they are pure superstition and have no basis in reality right? Well I might even stop knocking on wood. Also congrats on getting pics to upload - that's something I've been unable to pull off lately. Your big chunky bear of a girl Abby is my idea of a REAL dog! Now excuse me while I go pet our....um...chihuahua.
  12. WHOA - that was my typical sort of mistake - I made the overly long leap of a stretch and interpreted "MJ juice" as "marijuana juice" - as in a THC/CBD tincture or some such. Thanks for setting me straight, and never mind now about the MJ juice!!!
  13. I have a family member who has become quite the insomniac - any particular version of the MJ juice you'd recommend?
  14. Intriguing concept! I haven't personally attempted such a switcheroo, so I got nuthin', but am now popping the popcorn for the viewing of any responses.
  15. Yep, this seems to have been a real game changer in itself for a lot of CH'ers.
  16. LOL that's the best one of the day. On the not-so-funny subject, when I'm talking about CH induced anxiety BTW, I tend to characterize one aspect of it at least as the 'ol PTSD-like terror / extreme dread of upcoming attacks.
  17. Glad to hear he's on the D3, sorry to hear of the anxiety and the attacks.. If he ever decides to go the busting route, a welcome side effect of that can be lasting anxiety reduction for some of us. I'm still betting he's most likely to be episodic (which would mean no need to be hiding out forever), plus my hope is he can achieve some prevention of cycles altogether, very much lessening the requirement to be managing attacks and stuff.
  18. I've tried stuff like converting a post to plain text in an external editor, scanning it for unicode characters, pasting it back in, splitting the message up, etc. but still with no love. Once it came down to the use of the word 'just' causing the error in posts of mine, but that was a moving target that no longer triggers an error. The only explanation left other than xBoss's is it's the beast f***ing with us.
  19. What they said. But now here I go blabbing my mouth off even though I'm not chronic, and you have probably long been very well aware of the Jesus Shot, but yeah last I heard it was (anecdotally) showing better results for chronics than episodics. I even tried searching the forums for Freud Jesus Shot, to confirm my assumption it's nothing new to you, but came up empty, so this is me saying the dumb thing.
  20. So sorry about the forum bug that is causing the error messages and preventing some posts from posting.....I've been encountering it too, and it is frustrating enough when out of cycle, but when experiencing chronic Kip 10's it has to be beyond infuriating. FWIW a tech person has been looking into it.
  21. Sorry to hear of the bad side effects, but glad to hear of this bit and hope you can get back to it ASAP! I've had the same impression as Spiny, seeing mixed results reported from CH'ers regarding the shot, with no wide consensus as to whether it is nice or evil for CH.
  22. Hi @A-Z, I only have an exceptionally anecdotal contribution regarding memory. I don't know how much it may be related to CH, but I considered my memory to be 'bad' until getting on Phosphatidyl Serine (which is touted for memory) years ago. I've been on and off it a few times since, and whenever I go off I notice the memory slipping again. Feeling very fortunate that the memory is significantly improved, though certainly not so miraculously much that it could be described as stellar - I know I've displayed some glaring lapses right here on this forum. I think there was just maybe a sideways kind of response to your question about mood. Some of us don't know if depression is related to CH, because busting has had the welcome side effect of lifting our moods, and with continued maintenance busting, this mood lifting can potentially go on for years! Count me as one. There have been a lot of CH'ers here struggling with depression though. I don't know if it is a higher percentage than John Q Public, or maybe a correlation has been made that I once knew of but have FORGOTTEN! OOF! I personally like the meditation action (or inacation? ). Just recently there has been more discussion here about the Wimhof breathing method, and I notice he says it goes really well with meditation. I tried it a bit last last night, and intend to try it some more. The really dumb thing is I can't pursue meditation when in a full on cycle though - it's a hellacious trigger for me, just like naps, night time sleep, and most anything else relaxing!
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