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Everything posted by blueballs

  1. Thats Micheal Jackson juice.!....sleepy time. I want some.
  2. Damn Jeebers 9 years.. 5 years here. Didnt have that kick. Like a generic brand. Storing prperly helps. Huff on headbangers.!
  3. I get a Horner sometimes, but sex helps that a lot....he.he.he
  4. I also have striking good looks, a magnetic personality, and mojoitis....lmao... [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
  5. Suicide by blunt is a long term goal..lmao ;D ;D ;D
  6. Avoid anything that makes you drousy. Big meal, painkillers , alcohol,benzo's, sitting still. These are big triggers. Try toradol or other non narcotic for pain.
  7. Try the 02 again....25 lpm with an optimask. Save the vicodin for something it will work on. I love mushrooms. Thanks for your story.
  8. one is a prevent and one is transitional, you should have gotten both. Get another doc....please.
  9. Thats a good start girl. Good job, when you get rigged up , the trex consumption should go down. Dont quit your hobby job Chhell!..I want some....yum.
  10. Richard Petty, thats the guy.....headaches from runnin shine.
  11. Dale Ernhart used to sell that stuff...I have both med and welding 02. Same stuff, different bottle. Optimask in every room. Central 02 , I just keep the tank full outside. Then there is another rig in the shop, car......finally there is the concentrator for the cpap......02 is my savior.
  12. All you need to get is.....love, 02, headbangerz rule.....happy huffin. :-*
  13. We all love 02 no doubt about that.....I even hart you guys a, lil. if I put nitrox in my coffee, would it bubble?....lmao
  14. To each his own is wonderful. Different headache , different breathing techniques. We described a few ,there are more. I can hyperventilate on ten , but need no technique with 25, just have to keep up....lol
  15. Just remember that 20 min timelimit......if it hasnt worked by then , its not going to. Still disagree. [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]
  16. You need a letter of medical nessesity from your doc for the 02. Give it to your insurance and they will pay....25 lpm is not overkill when trying to stomp out an attack that is already fully involved. You want to induce hyperoxia..or hyperventilate on 02.....cant do that with 15 lpm...just my experience. I go 5 ft 3 inches at150 lbs...when its a kip8 or better I huff 40lpm. Overkill?.....I disagree.
  17. Your going to do it fine. Being anxious is part of the gig. You need more flow with the 02 and keep breathing the 02 for five minutes after you get relief...you can get better aborts with 02...optimask and 25lpm...were with ya. bb
  18. Man, you guys rock!!!!! [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=thumbup.gif] bb
  19. You just show up..02 all over the place. I looked at the battery of bottles lining the wall at Vegas and just got warm and fuzzy all over, might have Homer drooled a bit....02 porn...hmmmmmm ;D
  20. Never use opiates on a regular basis. Lots of variables involved, dosage, length of use, da, da, da. Didnt kill me, shrooms took over , didnt feel a thing. That was a anxiety experiment. Now that I reflect on that I wasnt as jittery.
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