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Everything posted by blueballs

  1. not afraid of heights. That would be a view. Then what?...lol
  2. Whats cool to do in the windy city...cides flying a kite? Maybe have Oprah hang in the room and try some meds...he.he.he.
  3. In the same boat as CHS, but I am looking second job for Joan so Ican help Potter with gas. Bwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa Anybody want to hire a headbanger?.......
  4. Kewl...Chicago....the emerald city....you supply body armor? Chicago is right up there with Bagdad as far as homicides go.lmao
  5. Our iv had different stuff than yours....lmao
  6. Works for me....we used it in shop many years ago for hangovers.
  7. If they put light in my ear, I am pretty sure it would just come out the other side...
  8. Full blown flashback....not me. Ihave some deja vu type stuff and after a large dose , it doesnt take so much the next time. It is as if there are some memory connections that are desensitized. Better get those peepers looked at coach. Good to hear your still having practice Bb
  9. When in doubt whip it out!....eat good live well and you will live longer than Betty White. Bb
  10. Sad news. Rip head banger. BB :'(
  11. There is only one mask worthy of persuit here and that is the optimask. They cost but are certianly worth it. You can use the mask, you can use tube and mouthpiece.......the versatility is just what the doc ordered.  Go to clusterheadaches.com and order one. Money is worth it, you get it back from not buying trex. Edit........insurance would be more willing to pay when the optimask is perscribed, with a need for medical nessecity letter. 02 suppliers are required to provide perscribed breathing devices..been there done that.
  12. They work great for starting the woodstove...lmao ;D bb
  13. Now you know you should back up that 02 with some caffeine...Dammit man! Get better dude. Get a sitter. bb
  14. I just dont think I could handle the taste.Sput on... all you sputters. If ya cant be good, be careful bb
  15. Those guys are all shits and giggles...lmao. bb
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