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Everything posted by blueballs

  1. blueballs

    tune for you

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARKNTDuNmk8 bb
  2. blueballs

    tune for you

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXp413NynFk&feature=related bb
  3. [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=thumbup.gif] [smiley=thumbup.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] bb
  4. I always miss the action. bb
  5. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/unique-everybody-else/201210/psilocybin-anxiety-and-depression-in-cancer bb
  6. Thats what the whiskey is for...lmao bb
  7. http://www.maps.org/media/update/ Happy reading bb
  8. Yes happy day.. for the young one..lol and many more. bb
  9. BBBwwwwhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!..funny shit right there. bb
  10. http://healthland.time.com/2012/10/19/qa-with-uk-scientist-who-gave-out-ecstasy-on-live-tv/ bb
  11. plus a guy can never go wrong wearing a tux! What a bunch of cool people. bb
  12. What a massive social stygma regarding lifesaving substances..considered, with no medicinal value. Makes me want to bang my head on something. >
  13. I would like you to go for me, if ya could Bob. Jeff and I would have to sell our cans. bb
  14. I still like ya Lenny. I like everyone. It would be hard to keep Potter from kissin Ruthie. She is such a gem. bb PS: What other people do is not important. That I do the right thing is what's important.
  15. capitalism at it's finest. bb
  16. Heavy reading http://www.maps.org/research/psilo/psilo_ib.pdf enjoy bb
  17. Dont forget to not to forget...lol http://www.maps.org/media/update/newsletter_september_15_2012/ bb
  18. I wanna go. http://www.maps.org/conference/ bb
  19. You really need to try one of my wife's cookies Ricardo. cannacookies..they are not a big motivator..unless you want to clean out the refridgerator.bong hits all around. bb
  20. My wife, kids, grandkids, and you guys give me all the motivation I need..Pain is a big motivator. That and running out of 02. bb
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