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Everything posted by blueballs

  1. It's all about clusters..lmao.. ;) Thanks for posting that. bb
  2. They believe the use of alternatives is irresponsible. > the admin there has deleted many of my posts and then began using the situation to pitch permanent flashbacks. I am still wondering why they haven't deleted me altogether. I can only post emotional support messages and such. They did let me promote HOH though, but only through the AHDA after much prior discussion through messages. If the AHDA had an update I would post it. Maybe some higher ups could help you or us or whatever.. I would like to tell all my clusterbuster brothers and sisters to be careful on this site should you go there and try to help with suggestions for treatment... just relaying what happened to me, I have no axe to grind unles it's the one I will use on my head. bb
  3. They delete any mention of clusterbusters...so that would be difficult. bb
  4. If you draw a blank when writing said letter...you are not alone. I did it though, inspite of myself. Just ask and help starting said letter will be available for those with ..challenges...like me....lol ;D
  5. Shrooms= big hammer RC seeds=lil hammer Bb
  6. I'm a donkey on the edge...its the endless treadmill of pain and torture. Hope your in a better fightin mood bro... BB
  7. Thats just spooky now,,!
  8. Matty AA shows up...Happy Birthday friend in Poland. bb
  9. Least I wont forget ur name Johnny. signed Johnny
  10. she be gettin her some now, yes quite mentally ill. I wonder if Deej still has those gigibytes. And how those logs could have effected this tribunal. bb
  11. Your screwed, we know who ya are now...lol ;D bb
  12. Get on MAPS.org check out the research and then see what you think, if you haven't already. There is alot of helpful information there for what you are proposing bb
  13. Off to get the ol' hip x rays. Soon as the VA comes up with approval for it..funny. Hips ? who needs em. Prednisone= septic necrosis. Oh well better than a knifwe in the eye. ;D :D :Dbb
  14. I just freak everytime I hear people using narcs for CH. This is just one reason. Those of us that had the pleasure of dealing with this person would agree with the term "chaotic" is very fitting. Narcs have a job, it is short term. RIP Daniel. Headbanger salute to you. [smiley=engel017.gif] bb
  15. I think I love mushrooms more after viewing that. Wouldnt blame anyone for doing it ....the pain will dictate. Bb
  16. I have to stick some of these RCs in the dirt and see what happens...anybody grow these?
  17. I am going with roid rage. Controlled chaos.
  18. http://www.ihs-classification.org/en/02_klassifikation/02_teil1/03.01.02_cluster.html
  19. I thought that was all PC. Ok like a really short dude in a ..........twenty dwarfs took turns doing handstands on the carpet...lmao.....Keep on truckin Denny. bb
  20. and this one is just fascinating. My big sister had a sweater. It had 10 buttons. But her tits were so big she could only fascinate...http://www.maps.org/research/cluster/psilo-lsd/cns-neuroscience+therapeutics_2008-passie.pdf Lotta receptor porn.
  21. https://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms_medical1.shtml This page should keep ya busy for awhile. bb
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