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Everything posted by blueballs
Poppycock! There are more trace elements in the air we breathe than in an 02 bottle, welding or not. I have read more posts regarding contamination in welding bottles than I have read reporting someone that has had a problem with it. That I am happy to report is none..zero.Thats lots of posts over many years by the way. bb
Get a different doc. Why not welders 02? What are your concerns..I have used it for years. bb
Sometimes I wake up grumpy. >..sometimes I let her sleep :-?...lol bb
My wife and I just hit our 18th year...divorced the 2nd wife, CH had something to do with but not all. Divorced the first one, CH was a mystery then and had lots to do with that one. People dont want a mate that has baggage, CH is a large bunch of baggage. Dating is out of my realm of thought however I hate it for ya. Finding a lasting relationship is a puzzle to me. I stumbled on a fine woman whom I love and loves me back. This makes CH irrelevant. Love is a fickle thing, but when it happens there is nothing more rewarding, comforting, and difficult. Keep dating and you will find one worth fighting for. Big ocean, lots of fish.
http://www.ouch-us.org/chinfo1.htm Reading this page and the links will help you so much. And follow the good advice above http://www.touchneurology.com/articles/cluster-headache-diagnosis-and-treatment This one in particular. bb
Hookers and whiskey!!!lol bb
Its all in the clusterbuster files...happy reading. bb
Yes caught with your pants down..lol [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] Pull up the drawers and get to bustin. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] I got caught with my pants down..wont happen again. cubensis B+ they all work. 02 and caffiene. [smiley=bath.gif] What has been said above is all good. Follow their advice. You wont be sorry. bb
This oughta shake everyone up...Dr. Oz is pissed and he ain't taking it no more. They stole his name and we are all being duped. Personally this really shakes me up. If he is pissed so am I. I will not stand to be bent over and duped in the the rear on behalf of the good Doc. Wait till Oprah hears of this travesty. Heads will roll. Steadmans loading his gun now I am sure. She will turn Chicago inside out to root out this heathen fraud. This should be the FBI most important case with dead or alive posters at every corner. I call for an outright ban of any weight loss tinctures, heart healthy vitamins or any other junk that Dr. Oz endorses until these villainous villains have been apprehended and beheaded publicly on the Oprah network. My world has changed forever... ;D bb People are using the good doctors name on bogus products. Check out the Oz show today.
I would think using alternative therapy with one so young would be a total last resort. 02 therapy should be the primary abortive, investigated and applied properly it is possible this could make alternatives unessasary. There are many other options for treatment that could provide relief before jumping into alternatives. I would not recommend anything considering the limited information provided here. I do know that many kids have experimented with psychodelics as young as 15. Some having no detrimental effects and some having serious problems during and after ingestion...It just doesnt seem the right thing to do until more traditional treatments have been exhasted. RC seeds have a lesser psychoactive effect, that would be the better alternative as stated by chfather. Thoughts and prayers are with you. http://clusterbusters.com/start Required reading before busting with anything. good luck bb
info sheet, general and IMPORTANT Oxygen info
blueballs replied to FunGuy's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
M's have a CGA 540 ... Ya'll post the photo now y'hear. -
info sheet, general and IMPORTANT Oxygen info
blueballs replied to FunGuy's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
Define "big tank"...lol CGA-540 connection? bb -
info sheet, general and IMPORTANT Oxygen info
blueballs replied to FunGuy's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
I will bring an extra e tank regulator if anyone needs it for the conference..15lpm but you can use it while your there.. :-* bb PS: somebody should sell stuff like that at these conferences..masks too..maybe like a swap meet thingy. Or maybe I am naive and they doo..... :-/ -
Never quit anything cold turkey. Best advice I ever got. Wished I could help more. Keep up the good work your doing Salander we are all behind you. bb
Tomatos if your good, fish if your bad...I am sure this will open up new avenues of thought..even for one who knows everything...lol [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] bb
I stand corrected... http://www.maya-ethnobotanicals.com/product_browse.phtml/catid/subid/herbid_107Â Maya ethnobotanicals oops! and anotherhttp://azarius.net/smartshop/psychedelics/lsa_seeds/ololiuhqui/ and http://www.salviasupply.com/our-products/rivea-corymbosa and http://www.shamansgarden.com/p-251-rivea-corymbosa-seeds-ololiuqui.aspx and finally http://www.shamanic-extracts.com/xcart/shamanic-ethnobotanicals/rivea-corymbosa/ take your pick it's all good bb
Glad your still here. Hackers suck! bb
Here's some info on drugs tests and shrooms..http://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms_testing.shtml Those botox shots in the head with that needle hurt I think. bb
I want one of those butt bongs..lmao Please bring one to Vegas...What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..Bbbwwwwwhhaaaaa. The Doctors suck! bb
I liked how botox made my forehead look like I was 20 again....lol. Dont be offended but cannabis can and does work for migraine. Nothing like a cookie at night to get rid of migraines. Ingested orally when infused with butter, made in a food product works best..smoking it doesnt work as well. Meegrainesss suck! Both syndromes have vascular indications so it would only make sense that busting would work on both migraine and cluster attacks. I found that busting for CH also made migraines disappear as well. Than again sometimes nothing works.. :'( bb
Conference Hotel Cut Off
blueballs replied to Psiloscribe's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
Gosh I hope we dont end up next to Dans room...I dont think I could handle the noise..lol [smiley=bath.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] bb -
ethnobotanicals.com viable non-treated rivea corymbosa. bb
Now I am wondering how focal radiation could be used to treat intractable cases of CH. It is used to treat AVM, cancer, and other brain disorders. I reckon some research is in order. Just wondering bb
Another thing you may want to consider is the combo treatment. Using shrooms one week and seeds the next. YMMV. If you dont have the desired effect with the seeds this may be an option. bb