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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Brew


    Woke up at 2:30 getting hit. First time in a year and a half. And the day before we head out to the CB conference. Never got above a K4, and aborted with an energy drink and O2 within 5 minutes. Couldn't get back to sleep, though. Got a lot of work done so I can most likely leave the office early. But DANG! I had almost forgotten how much this can suck. Almost.
  2. You can check in any time you like... Sorry. Couldn't resist. Actually, you can.
  3. We're driving, so it's a matter of timing it right so as not to become a contributor to the Chicago rush hour. We'll probably get there around noon. Which reminds me, I need to call the hotel to find out if we can check in early.
  4. Good luck, sister! We'll all have good thoughts for you!
  5. Ting - You might get a much greater response if you translate the whole page into English. Just a suggestion.
  6. Can you bring O2 to work with you? Or can you take a week of vacation so you can park your rear end next to your O2 tank at home while getting off it? If you're planning on busting, you'll need to be off it for a minimum of 5 days anyhow, and those 5 days can be pure hell. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had to go through those 5 days without O2 and energy drinks. You're going to find that the vast majority of members here do not recommend becoming an Imitrex junkie. It does create its own sort of dependence. Once you've busted your headaches away (and the time it takes for this varies per individual, from just a bust or two all the way to months of hitting it over and over again every 5-7 days), chances are good you'll never be dependent on trex again. You may have to use it once or twice, but you'll get out of that horrible downward spiral of needing more and more.
  7. I'd be looking to wean myself off that stuff. Real soon.
  8. If the seeds are viable, I don't think it matters much. I've done it both ways and gotten good results both ways.
  9. A couple of ounces. Like a hefty shot of booze. Makes it easier to slam in one gulp once the time comes.
  10. Or strain the sludge through a coffee filter just before drinking.
  11. Soak 'em in red wine, or add some lemon juice to the water.
  12. Brew

    O2 bummer

    I believe LifeGas is supplying all the O2 we need for the duration of the convention (somebody correct me if I'm wrong). Bring a regulator and mask if you can.
  13. Brew

    O2 bummer

    I will be bringing all three of my regulators. Two CGA-780 (for the smaller medical tanks - one goes to 15lpm, the other to 25lpm), and one CGA-540 that goes to 15lpm. You may use whichever works best for you. But I'm not arriving until Friday. That may be a problem.
  14. Da Bears are playing the Saints in New Orleans that Sunday.
  15. Gas up the dinghy and go fishin' with Fredo, you are DEAD to me! ;D
  16. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are an unwavering truth. So is this: Our only TRUE purpose on earth is to take care of each other. By doing so we are the purest (or truest) reflection of the force that created all of us.
  17. Only one of the best comedies of our era. It's not just you.
  18. My first couple of busts occurred while I was still on verapamil. I had to continue my regular schedule of busting every 5-7 days for several months after I was off the verapamil, so it's really impossible to say whether it was blocking the effects or not. I can tell you that things felt different - like my pattern was being shaken (or maybe stirred) - after my first bust, so I'd say go for it. Especially if you have ample busting supplies.
  19. "It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Bluesmobile or what?" "Fix the cigarette lighter."
  20. You haven't left yet, have you? ;D
  21. Better make sure it's a fistful of singles - loose change ain't gonna cut it. This is Chicago, baby!
  22. But I'm not sure it's me... Only my bride knows for sure - and she's been somewhat evasive about a name so far.
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