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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Taking any other meds that might be blocking the effects of the bust? http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130731
  2. Many folks, myself included, experience an increase in frequency and intensity post-dose. But if he's anything like me, that will quickly settle, and the pain-free time will soon begin to stretch out.
  3. I follow a twitter account called "What the F Facts." It is followed by over 3 million people. Usually it's just mildly amusing. Tonight I read the following (that over 3 million others read, too): Progress.
  4. The perfect cover, dontcha think?
  5. According to our government, copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner. As an artist, I thank anyone in advance for non-violation of copyright law. Many artists depend on the royalties they receive by virtue of the copyrights they own.
  6. I don't go in much for the New Age stuff, but to each his own. Great post! Here's a link to my single favorite piece of music ever of all time:
  7. I got a shot in my groin once. Actually twice - within one minute of each other. A few snips later, then the valium wore off and - bada bing, bada boom - my wife would no longer be able to get pregnant. No more headaches! I call bullshit - that darling little baby turned into a teenager. Just the start of my "headaches."
  8. Home safe. For the uninitiated, a number of busters are reticent to have their pictures published with a group associated with the kinds of activities in which we engage. I'm just sayin', don't expect near as many pictures as there have been with, say, OUCH conventions.
  9. Shuttin' 'er down and heading to Vegas.
  10. I just thought of a title: FECK!!!
  11. Careful. There is a difference between correlation and causation. Not sure there's enough evidence here to point at a cause. I will give you this: those nasal sprays that cause a chemical shrinking of the sinus membranes can be very addictive in their nature. When you don't have them, the rebound swelling and stuffiness can be overwhelming.
  12. You know what they say about opinions, right? Having known my bride for 46 of my 51 years on this earth, and having been head over heels for her for the last 35 years, I can tell you that it's work. A LOT of work - in the form of keeping away the forces that will split people apart. Forgiveness is a huge part of it. But the rewards are infinite. I know that sounds storybook sappy, but it's worked quite well for us. The "love" part is the easy part, I'll give you that. I think it's the "like" part that requires work from both.
  13. It's helped us that I wasn't diagnosed until we had been married for 10 years. We'll be celebrating 30 next month. And, the state of being in "Cloud 9" is the penultimate goal of the Bodhisattva. Or so I've been told.
  14. Take a picture of it with something next to it that everyone can compare it to, then post it up here. We'll tell you what you have.
  15. Brew

    3 Weeks

    Prayer answered - Check.
  16. I don't know the answer to that. Once I've busted, triptans are the furthest thing from my mind. I have always "ridden it out" with O2 and caffeine for any post-bust hits. And I don't get migraines, so I've never had to test it from that perspective. Maybe someone will come along who has more experience with this...
  17. I always look at it as though the "blocker," if taken within 5 days of a bust, will negate the effects of the bust. Not completely, but to a matter of degree proportional to the amount of time that has passed. It doesn't seem to be a matter of black and white - The further one is away from the bust with the blocker, the better effect the bust will have. In other words, if you were to take a triptan four days after a bust, you'll get most of the benefit of the bust. Does that make sense?
  18. You are correct. Compressed air is merely what we breathe on earth, which contains roughly 19% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 3% everything else.
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