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Dallas Denny

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Everything posted by Dallas Denny

  1. Yup, heard that one before David! When all else fails, Read The F'n Manual!!! Lol! DD
  2. Thanks Siv, I'll look into that this evening!! BTW, I love the new pic in your profile as well as your new post status, "God Member"!!!!! You GO Girl!!!! Denny
  3. LMFAO!!! Ya'll are too much!! Been sittin here cryin my eyes out as I reflect on the past few days this morning so the laughter was much needed!! BTW Siv, I turned 63 the first part of May.....my dear friend Ron is ever so slightly my senior at 64..........as to my health, I am blessed although it does really, really hurt doing a lot of things that came easier in my youth.....but that's cool too....gives me time to sit here at the "puter" and rest and recouperate...LOL!! David, I think the problem is that since its iPhone, it is an Apple picture and video format....I'm sure there's some app that I need to convert to windows file as I download them.....I tried emailing the videos and it says they're too big but haven't figured out how to shrink them and NO, I still haven't taken the time to read the freakin directions!!!! I been sittin in the office, typin and noddin from the jetlag yesterday....don't wanna crash and not be able to sleep tonite!!! lmao!! It really does SUCK gettin old Siv, don't matter how young you look...lol!!! DD
  4. To everyone who had a part in putting on the conference in Portland!!! What an awesome time of sharing and learning!!! And what a wonderful place to have the conference.....absolutely beautiful country, I only wish I would have had more time to explore!! I especially want to say Thank You to Dr Halpern!! I feel so humbled and blessed to have had the opportunity to speak one on one with him on several occasions during the conference. You can't hang out on this board for very long without knowing how important his work on our behalf is, but it is impossible to guage the scopes of this mans compassion and dedication to ending the torture and devastation of CH in peoples lives!!! As John and I hugged and said goodbye yesterday he shared something with me that I absolutely can't quit crying about........I feel that it's something we all need to have in our memory banks as I know it will affect me for the rest of my life!!! While he is dedicated to helping all of us see the day when we can legally buy our "medicine" and be able to return to normal, productive lives......he told me that his passion and drive is for the estimated 300,000 CH sufferers in 3rd World countries......no internet to find out about us, few knowledgable docs, no imitrex, no O2....... I'll never be able to convey in words how fortunate and blessed we ALL are to have Doc Halpern in our corner!!! Dallas Denny
  5. Happened to notice this morning that DHR34 edited his origional post yesterday evening to include the following and wanted to make sure it wasn't missed by anyone: BTW, the next conference WILL be in Chicago!! I'll look forward to meeting ya'll there!!! Dallas Denny
  6. Hey Ya'll!! What a week!! It was so awesome to meet everyone in person and to be able to hang out with Doc Halpern!!! But, it's still nice to be home with my wife again!! We already have plans to take a vacation and drive up to Chicago for next years conference!! So.....still haven't figured out how to download pics and vids from my iPhone to my PC but promise I'll get my son or one of his "geek" friends on that first thing tomorrow!! In the meantime I'll post a few that I took with my other camera... It's nice to back here as well, I've missed ya'll!! DD http://s815.photobucket.com/albums/zz76/DallasDenny/
  7. Hey ya'll, Made it to Portland!! The visit with Ron and Bonkers and our mini meet n greet with Joe and Lenny was great!! Michael was so pumped and excited to meed other clusterheads that understood!! Look to see a post from him on the board soon!! Will try to upload pics again as soon as I hook up with someone more "techie" than I!! DD
  8. G'mornin ya'll, Had a great flight to SD and spent an enjoyable afternoon with Ron and Bonkers!! Ron as 10 acres bordered on 2 side by Nal't Forest land......he built his house on the peak of a mountain overlooking a canyon with a yearround stream at the bottom....absolutely breathtaking views from the deck!! Having problems posting pics from here though as his internet connections is via Satelite.....so will probably have to wait til I get to Portland Thurs nite to post the pics......took the most awesome video with my iPhone this morning at daybreak and will try to figure out how to download it to someplace on the net so ya'll can view it as well. Bonkers is havin a not very good day so will probably have to stay here today while Ron gives me a tour of SD and then to the beach for a while before we hook up with Joe and Lenny at the micro brewery this afternoon. Hopin maybe I can give Joe some of the vids and pics to post. More later Dallas Denny
  9. Made it to Ron and Bonkers but seem to be havin a problem uploading pics on their satelite inet connection dammit... just tried againl and no luck so will try to email them tomorrow in town for someone to post!! DD
  10. Hope you have a great day Cindy!!! Dallas Denny
  11. Hi Carolyn, Excellent first post!!! Welcome to the community!! Get Andy to come round as well if you can and we'll look forward to gettin to know ya'll a little better... Dallas Denny
  12. Already got that deal handled bobb!! Cindy is an MDS coordinator for the Nursing Facility she works for, (MDS stands for minimum data set and is the way that the Govt determines how much medicare money they will pay per day for a patient).......due to all the recent and upcoming medicare changes Cindy now needs to be able to plug in to the internet from anywhere in the bldg or at home so she can access a "application server" and input data......I did say NEED not HAS TO HAVE, but it will save her countless footsteps in a days time just in going somewhere for a chart, taking in back to her office and then returning the chart to the floor........so.......I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to buy her this MOST NEEDED tool for her job and then promptly BORROW it for my trip!!!! ;D ;D ;D DD
  13. I ain't never gonna live this down ya'll!!! Cindy and I are both avid online poker players......so Friday I saw an ad about a no limit holdem fundraiser tourney at the Forney VFW....$25 buy in, so we decided to make it a "date nite"....... Long story short.....she whipped all our azz's and took the 1st place money of $140......at least I made the final table but still busted out in 4th place on the bubble!!! DD
  14. Hey Johnny, I actually grew up in Colorado Springs and I remember well when Coors was still just "home" beer!! BTW, I have pissed in that rocky mountain stream above the old origional brewery in Golden on occasion...lol!!!! Great cut....hadn't thought about that Paycheck song in a long while!!!! In the late 70's I had a good friend in Okie City who was the spittin image of Johnny but about a foot taller (he was a little shit).......Larry was out in Vegas one time at a casino where Paycheck was doin a package show.......so he's walkin thru the casino and see's this crowd of people comin his way and it turns out to be Johnnys entourage.........he yells "HEY PAYCHECK".........Johnny looks over at him, does a double take, and then walks over to him, stares at his face then slowly walked around him, got back in front of him and says' Well I'll be F........!! Larry and his old lady ended up with passes to the show and an invite to his bus for the aftershow party!!! It was all the dude could talk about for years....lmao!!! DD
  15. Here we go!!! I'll start sending pics when I arrive in San Diego Tuesday mornin to hang out with Ron, Bonkers, Guiseppe, and Lenny for a couple of days before going on to the clusterbusters conference!! OMG!!! I'm as excited as a little kid fixin to go to Disney World...lmao!!!! Kinda worried bout one aspect though......I'm afraid my Colorado KoolAid is gonna get its azz kicked by Ron's micro brewery's "Pure Hoppiness"!!!! LOL!!! Plus, I'm such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol anyway.....this'll prolly be one of those "I drink, I get drunk, I fall down.....noooooo problem" experiences!!! Ya'll be good while I'm away now, ya heah!!! DD
  16. Someone posted this not long after I joined the board..... there's no tellin how many times I've listened to it....this chick can play the sax!!! DD
  17. Hope you're havin a great day clustermom!! Dallas Denny
  18. Hey Johnny, Missed this post earlier.....these are all great cuts and favorites of mine as well...this is another of my picks from that era.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNtmp43C5yg DD
  19. Hey Steven, Sorry to hear bout the bad luck!!! Don't nessesarily draw the conclusion that the problem was on your end though my friend!!! Since you purchased a kit, you have no way of knowing if the substrate jars were properly steilized (or even how fresh they were for that matter), so by all means....Don't be discouraged by this temporary setback. My suggestion at this point would be to consider preparing your own jars rather than risking your remaining microscopy sample on the rest of your "kit" jars which "may" be contaminated themselves! If you want to go ahead and try it with those jars, I would do 1 "test" jar first.....there is always the outside chance that you got a contaminated microscopy sample as well. DD
  20. This post by David is absolutely "spot on" and I would like to add my Thank You to you as well Doc!! Dallas Denny
  21. Hey Doc!! Thats great news!! I'll look forward to meeting you there!! Dallas Denny
  22. Hi Dee!! Good to see you back on the board!! The meds are also the reason "busting" has been largely ineffective for Vernon as well I'm afraid Deidre....... ......just try to get him detoxed the best that you can this time and hopefully he'll get enough relief to cut down some more before his next bust......as others are going to tell you though, Lithium, DHE, and all Triptans are absolutes!!!! I'm sure Lee Ann will be around shortly to share her and Dan's experience with ONSI..... As always my prayers and PF thoughts are comin ya'lls way!! Dallas Denny
  23. Hey Donnie, Glad to see you're back up dude!! Dallas Denny
  24. Hi J Don't know about the weight, but have seen Cassidy and others post about using SPUT"s ( Small Piece of fungi Under the Tongue) to abort individual hits. DD
  25. Hi Cakelady, I've been following your posts on CH.com as well........sorry the beast is back in your life!! Since I know from those posts that you're not using O2 therapy, I would urge you to get that in place prior to tryin "alt meds"!!!! In the mean time, as others have said, read the clusterbusters warning and the mushroom and LSA FAQ's in the Clusterbusters Files secton of the board.....then if you have specific questions someone here will be able to answer them for you!! Welcome to the community!! Sending PF thoughts and wishes your way!!! Dallas Denny
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