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Thanks all. I will carry on and let you know. I should be able to start a new grow soon now and will use the same syringes I have. We will see. I appreciate the input... Dan
Advice please. My last grow was very weak it seems. They were the second batch from the same spores. The first grow was potent...very potent. Should I buy new spores. I have plenty left and I think, since I have them, I will try them again. I just don't want to waste my time and effort. Dan
Good to talk to you on the phone about this, Bob. I am not down with moobs (good one Chris) or ED but CCH sucks ass worse that any side effect I can imagine. As long as I don't grow a vagina on my forehead from Clomiphene I will strongly consider spending $100 to give it a try.
Hi Bob. Thanks for the clarification on you not being completely PF. I understand about the ED stuff. Verapimil did that to me in a BIG (small)way. Maybe it's that rather than the clomiphene?? I appreciate you're being level with me about the side effects. I would have my thingy removed to permanently get rid of this affliction that we suffer. But I do like the fact that "it" works again. Good food for thought. So what is Xeno's deal. You mentioned Austin. I know he is in Mexico. Is he Mexican or what? Seems like he's a good guy...just like all of us Clusterheads. I'm a Parrot Head from way back. Love the tune. Dan
Hi Bob and Ting Bob, I can't help but wonder something. After thinking God for you that you have found the answer for you; why doesn't anyone else, like me for instance, or everyone else for that matter, try the same thing. Damn. It's legal, no trip.... I had my testosterone levels checked back when and things were in the normal range. Do you think I can get a prescription for clomiphene if I try to?? I have tried way more radical strategies, why the hell not. Do you still take Verapamil? It is pretty cool that you went to Xeno's place in Mexico. Even cooler that you got pain free for a time after. Hmmm You and I are very similar in our HA story. By the way: I think you are one cool guy to stay on board and support the rest of us (you having been without headaches for a couple of years now). Way cool of you. Dan
That about sums it up Tingling. I think I love you Dan
Yep, me too. Not often that an hour goes by that I don't think about not hurting. (triple negative) I really try to enjoy every minute of every day. Dan
53 years young, Ting. I had the first pain free thanksgiving in many years yesterday!
Hi there "little Bonkers" hahahaha Everything being relative...I guess blue balls aren't all that bad. : We have been spiking your drinks. Is "it" inverted yet? Way funny about a serious subject. happy Thanksgiving Dan
I'm old and chronic, so I suppose your talking to me Ting. I started chronic 7 years ago. Never had a headache in my life till they hit me like a ton of bricks I Tired EVERYTHING. Mushrooms are the only treatment that has helped. And helped in a remarkably big way. I am mostly pain free now. I am less than a year in and now bust about every other month. Noise in between yes, but it is child's play compared to the old days. I swear I was ready to end it. NO doubt about it. I was done. The fine folks...the extraordinary people on this board saved me. I have a pretty normal life now. No jinxing. Best wishes to all. Dan
I must say I liked the martini/boob analogy. Better late than never........HAPPY PF THANKSGIVING DAY TO ALL. I have made some really good friends on this board. I consider some as good or perhaps better friends than the friends that I know in person. I may never meet you, but I love you. Perhaps it's better that way. I may not like some of you in person. haha Love to all Dan and Lee Ann
Cool little ditty. The Belamy Brothers have come up with some good tunes over the years. I hadn't heard that one. Weatherman, it's a good thing that you have tried mushrooms in the past; as a lot of us have. You will be much less apprehensive and more prone to be willing try them. Read up on the molecule and how it blocks the receptors which in turn block the attack. All well documented and believe me...for the majority of sufferers they prove to be a miracle. Dan
Big Gulp. Ahhhh Good stuff Hope you have a good trip and come back real soon, We are all right there with you. I really hope this one does you some good. Let us know how things are going. Take care...fingers are crossed Dan
....So what is the forecast? ;D Hey man, sorry you had the need to find us. We are all proud members of this...the "Board of the Damned". Not really, thanks to the people and treatments I have found here I have been reborn, so to speak. Oxygen at 15LPM and the non-rebreather mask is the first thing that you HAVE TO DO. It makes an unbearable situation bearable. Your story is just like our stories. Simply amazing to read all of the symptoms of cluster headache and it fit like a glove isn't it? When you get to where you find yourself "On the ledge" you will be ready to try mushrooms. Seems as though one has to be on ones last leg before trying them. They have been used to treat headaches for 1000 years. The problem is that they are illegal and no Doctor will tell you "The Secret". They may well save your life as they have mine. Ask questions and read. We are all here to help one another. Dan
Don't be wary or scared. Nothing good will come from it. Mushrooms saved my life...not a doubt about it. NOT A DOUBT. The end does justify the means. Oxygen and mushrooms keep me sane....mostly Dan
What AO said. Hence my screen name. Dan
Dude! Thanks for the check in but damnit to hell. I am sorry that things are bad for you. I have been pretty much in your shoes but I didn't have a little boy. I have two kids but I was 45 when I had my first attack and the kids were pretty much gone. Just know there are people out there that give a damn...for what that helps when you're having a 10! Take care, things will get better. Dan
Hi egr2058. Your story is not unlike most of ours. Most of us have medical issues other than clusters. I had to fight SS for years but did it without an attorney (avoided being raped) and finally prevailed after 4 years or so. I got back pay which I wasn't expecting at the beginning> What I was after was medicare...like most on this board, getting insurance with pre-existing anything is impossible. Medicare is MY money that "They" have been collecting from my paychecks for 35 years. It is my money. "They" are entrusted with it, but it is my money. Same for you and everyone else who has paid in to the system. It is worth the battle and the roadblocks which are there to weed out the weak and in hopes of the applicant dying in the process. You will find lots of support here. Have you tried mushrooms? They have saved my life...literally. Dan PS Family doesn't get it unless and until they see an attack. They...doctors and family...understand much more after witnessing a 10!
Playboy ~ Psychedelic Renaissance
Hipshot replied to Psiloscribe's topic in Research & Scientific News
Bob you dirty old man. Hold down the ALT key and type centerfold. Dan -
The future of BOL and Entheogen Corp.
Hipshot replied to Psiloscribe's topic in Research & Scientific News
...and just think: Clustermom may have been the winning vote. a day late and a dollar short! -
The right mask makes ALL the difference. I used the old fashioned clear mask for a couple of years and thought it worked OK. Wow was I wrong. The difference is like night and day. Trust me on this one. Dan
No problem. No apologies?? Hope you get relief soon. Dan
Your thinking...damn everyone don't answer at once. You will find the help you are looking for on this board. Hang in there. Sorry you're having hell. We all understand. Dan
Damn man! This next dose may well do it for you. I feel your pain. Dan
Hi Dave O, Glad you got the oxygen.It is a life saver. Most of us use 15LPM to get max results. See if you can get a regulator that goes to 15. Ebay or a welding supply can hook you up. Take care Dan