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Everything posted by Mad6string

  1. Mad6string


    I have a big bad story about Pred. I can honestly tell you that the "miracle drug" you're taking is being taken in vein. That shit damn near killed me and extended my cycle to a year round, day after day, several times a day cycle. What you think is giving you relief is probably causing the hits. Take note of when you take the pred. and when you get hit. I would take a dose of the crap and be hit within 15 mins. By the way, this time around when you try to come off it, you might be worse then before you did this. I'm not saying, I'm just saying. Maybe it won't but from dealing with multiple clusterheads, it always turns out the same. I couldn't be any more against that drug. It does nothing for us at all. If it did, we'd all be on the shit. Does anybody disagree? Donnie >
  2. Mad6string


    Too hard to find here. I found some a while back but they wanted an arm and a leg for just a couple hits. I asked about a bulk discount and when they found out I wanted a vile they thought I was the police! What a bunch of idiots! People can be so stupid sometimes. I mean, I kind of understand. Who asks for a whole vile but, I had a friend who assured them I wasn't the law and they still wouldn't sell it to me. >
  3. Does you doctor live with his head in his ass?
  4. I finally got some fuzz in a jar!! I had 4 going, 1 contaminated, 2 starting at the injection site and 1 that I'm waiting to do anything. I'm praying to the shroom gods to help me. I so need these to work or I'm up the proverbial shit creek. Donnie
  5. It seems this has been a bad cluster season for all of us. I just wanted to take the time to step back away from that and wish all of the fathers out there a happy, pain free fathers day. I know that being around the ones we love or just getting a call from the kids on this special day will bring a little joy into the darkness. Have a good one guys!!!! Donnie & Jody
  6. Mad6string


    Mixing it up would probably be a good thing to try. I know a lot of people who swear by it. I have a friend that had to mix a tab and some shrooms to knock em' down. Don't give up on it until you've tried all the options. You have good people here with the best advice and all the experiences of what works for them. With all the knowledge you have here, you'll definitely find a combo that works for you. Peace and love to you my friend. Donnie
  7. Mad6string


    Are you CCh or ECh? Chronic is more difficult than episodic. Episodics have a slightly better success rate. Keep at it my friend, you'll beat it. I have faith. Donnie
  8. I also started when I was a kid. I can remember my first a around 4 or 5. Back then they didn't understand and my mother was just absolutely frantic. Back in those days I only had about 2 weeks of pain at a time so, we thought it was really, really bad sinus's. I feel for you and your son. I am confident that he will find relief and not have to be in hell for his whole life. Hang in there man. As a wise man once told me "it will all be over soon". Don't feel bad for having to bust, it would be different if you were doing this for fun. Think of it as a medicine not a "drug". You wouldn't feel horrible for taking Tylenol. This is just a medicine that doesn't come in a neat little pill. Praying for relief and peace in your home. I live in Newnan if you guys ever need anything. :'(
  9. I have a "garden" going and was wondering what some more experienced growers thought about the temp. I can't keep it at exactly 86 degrees. It fluctuates between 80 and 86. It's the best I can do. Is that going to mess them up? Also, when it comes time to change them over to the fruiting chamber, does it have to be exactly 10 degrees cooler? Any advice would be great. Thanks Donnie
  10. Mad6string


    Sounds like it might be working! I hope you had a better night and if so, I hope and pray for many more. The night hits always seem worse because they wake me up. (no time to prep) Donnie
  11. I'm still betting Bob W put us on to the best treatment we could hope for. It not only stopped the majority of the pain for me, it's got no really bad side effects that I can see.
  12. All I use is welders o2. Bobb turned me on to it when was on the business end of a .380. Believe me it's a LIFE saver. Thanks Bob. (if I never told you) Donnie
  13. Mad6string


    Most people get hit on the way down from your ride. Give it a couple days with o2 and see what happens. Like I said before, it might take a bit because your in mid cycle. Sending you peace and pain free wishes from us. Donnie
  14. Mad6string


    It will come to you my friend. You'll be amazed in the end at how simple it was. Then the anger kicks in because you realize the doctors could have saved you all the pain and suffering. PF wishes to you brother. Keep your head up. Donnie
  15. Well said Ron. The detox is a bitch but, in my experience, the shrooms helped the hits to not be so intense while I detoxed. Then, after all the crap cleared from my system the alt's finally took hold. You should also try to stay on the o2 for at least 10 mins after the hit subsides to ensure that it's gone for awhile. It's not going to be a cake walk by any stretch of the imagination but after you get through it you can look back and see how the imitrex was doing you so wrong instead of being the life saver you think it is now. PF wishes coming your way! Donnie
  16. Mad6string


    Dosing doesn't work overnight for most. In fact, most people see an increase in activity for a couple of days then, the hits get less intense and less often. It might take a few more doses to knock the beast on his ass but, when you do it's like a breath of fresh air. It's like, one night you'll go to sleep and not wake until the freakin' alarm goes off. How the hell did that happen? Oh yeah, the pain is gone, at last the pain is gone!
  17. I guess it's best for me not to think about it too hard. It makes my damn head hurt. lol 8-) Mad6string
  18. Have very good, happy, and PF b-day. Donnie
  19. Great info Bobb. Thanks
  20. I don't see why it wouldn't do the trick. I would probably not take to much though. You might be speeding your butt off for awhile.
  21. I use Redbull all the time. Does pretty good for shadows.
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