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Everything posted by kaboom
Keep at it, Laura Ann. CH's tend to get ticked when you rattle their cage. It can be very difficult to tough it out, but hopefully you'll see some improvement soon. Drastic changes in the weather seem to increase CH activity for me, too. Keep us posted!
*BUSTING INSTRUCTIONS* and info for Newcomers
kaboom replied to Dallas Denny's topic in General Board
Very nicely put together, Dallas Denny! I like your idea Bejeeber. Then there would be no mistaking the thread as etiquette info. -
Hi Lee Ann! That's not lazy, it's conserving energy. I'm sure you need all you can get just to keep Hipshot in line.  Mom? Is that you?!? And to think she told me she never used drugs before...or drank...or had sex.  :-? Seriously, is that lady in the video sweet or what? Can you imagine how in awe she would have felt if she had the experience outside surrounded by nature?
What interviewer wouldn't like to have a nice vaccuum cleaner comb-over? Hipshot, where's that wonderful wife of yours? I've been missing her!
I still have my wisdom teeth. I've played it over and over in my head "what happened to me that caused these headaches?!?". For me, if it came down to trying to identify a specific occurrence in my life that may have lead to CH's, it would be impossible. My jaw was dislocated due to a kick to the face about 3 years prior to my first memory of a CH. During the 2 years prior to CH's, I was also in two car accidents, was electrocuted, and was knocked unconscious while playing baseball. ???
Admittedly, I have reservations due to the need to protect my girls and my employment. But, I know that it's only because of these treatments that I'm able to be a good mom and hold down a job to support my family. I'll be signing up. If selected, one thing I couldn't do is promise to give a dignified representation of our group should they choose to film me while dosing. I honestly cannot foresee that happening... Â
Interesting topic. I've experienced attacks during a hard workout, so I'm not sure it has to do with just raising body temperature. ???
So, it's a soap opera? I've got plenty of unrealistic drama.  ;D I'll email you.Â
Since there is no way to know if/when the seeds may end your cycle, I agree that you should definately order more seeds. It would be better to be prepared with a supply on hand than be caught desperate without anything. I'm sorry to hear your having to cope with so much. My Dad was also recently diagnosed with espogeal cancer and is currently on his third week in the hospital recovering from surgery. Hang in there. Some people only have to bust once to be PF, and others have to continuously dose just to beat the headaches back to a lower pain level/frequency. I fall into the latter group, so coping can be tough. But I'm tougher - and so are you. Hopefully, yours will be a quick bust.  Let me know if you ever need a scenario for obtaining welders 02.   Â
There's lots of valid reasons to slack off or not continuing to post here, but there is never an excuse for not expressing gratitude when it's due. Your post made me think also of the numerous charitable organizations - Red Cross, Goodwill, food pantries, crisis centers, shelters, soup kitchens, etc.- that have assisted countless people, yet are often in desperate need of volunteers and donations. Some people feel more obligation than others to give back. Some people may honestly forget about the help they have received. (Clusterbusters accepts donations [smiley=thumbsup.gif] )
Wow! There's lots of interesting links/info/studies on that site. I became so absorbed in reading everything last night that I forgot to return here to say thank you. Thank you!
Sorry things are so rough right now. If I were you, I'd definitely go ahead and order the seeds. They could help you get through those last few weeks of your cycle. Have you tried ginger capsules or taurine tablets to take the edge off? Benadryl before bed? When I had really bad night-time hits, Ambien (12.5 time released) would help me sleep through some of them. I hope things wind down for you soon.
I'm so happy to hear the fog has lifted for you little.
*hug* I admire you so much, Ting. It takes courage for you to share the feelings that many of us would rather skate around - Depression. Lack of sleep and chronic pain is enough to make even the strongest person feel overwhelmed and sad. My heart hurts for you. You're dealing with so much and I know you're distraught over your daughter being sick, too. You're doing all the right things by keeping active and being social. Just please be careful - be aware and willing to seek medical attention if things get too dark. While it may be true that many anti-depressants/anti-anxiety drugs can block our alternative treatments, please don't let that be a deterent for getting help if you need it. Something that I haven't tried, but am considering is the Licorice tincture. Ron reports that Michael has had much better moods since taking it. Is this something you have tried?  I'd like to add that I don't think you are necessarily feeling sorry for yourself as you mentioned. You're tired - physically and mentally. My experience with people who feel sorry for themselves is that they tend to be selfish. It's always about them. You're far cry from that! You're a kind hearted and compassionate person who continuously looks out for the well-being of others. Unless, of course, we're talking about those rotten neighbor kids you chased down when they picked on your daughter.
2011 conference - update jan 30
kaboom replied to FunGuy's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
Yay! That's great news, Clustermom! As the date draws closer, we'll have to get in touch so we can figure out some fun things for them to do. -
Gel caps are the way to go.  Another thing I've done was to spread honey on a small warm tortilla, add shrooms and roll it up.   Â
Great to see you back Ting, missed you! How have you been feeling?
I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm sure all of us can relate to mood changes. I know I definitely can. When things are rough for me, I tend to withdraw socially. Sometimes CH's make me so irritable and moody that I can barely even stand myself.Â
2011 conference - update jan 30
kaboom replied to FunGuy's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
She's looking forward to meeting you, Dan. Your sense of humor is right up her alley. -
2011 conference - update jan 30
kaboom replied to FunGuy's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
Sidekickkk will be coming with me. Are there any other teenagers/young people planning to attend? -
Welcome! I'm so sorry your having such a rough time. You've come to the right place for support to cope with the pain and the whirlwind of emotions that accompany CH's. Reading through the various articles and experiences posted on this site has saved my sanity. Okay...it's almost saved my sanity. I have a teenager and a tween, so we all know I've got to be just a little nuts.  02 is certainly your best next step. If your gf didn't already locate a mask, I highly suggest ordering the opti2mask as was mentioned. They ship quickly - I had mine within just a few days after placing the order. I've never had any run in's with 02 being dangerous. I've used it as an abort for around 11 years or so. Back when I had the standard non-re breather mask, I would occasionally fall asleep with the 02 on. It would make me upset for wasting a tank of 02, but I never had any health issues from it.   Keep us posted on how you're doing!
Alcohol is a hit or miss trigger for me. I've learned to go with my gut feeling. If I "feel" as if indulging might give me a CH, I avoid it like the plague. Inexpensive or house liquor seems to be the worst. Right now I just can't take a chance that having a few drinks might screw my head up even more. No alcohol since June.   Â
Great answer, Cassidy!  ;D You're not a mental case. Here's a couple of perfectly rational reasons for your behavior... I think those two kids just provoked the "mother hen" reaction in you. If I were there, I probably would have chased them down with you! As far as the innocent electric guy, how about we blame PMS on that incident? We're girls, we're allowed to do irrational things sometimes, right? Just trying to help you out here...
Matching contributions
kaboom replied to Psiloscribe's topic in ClusterBuster Fund Raising Opportunities
There's only a couple of weeks left, did we make it to $1000.00 yet?