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Everything posted by kaboom

  1. Welcome, David! The seeds Beejeber mentioned have helped a lot of people. Most people just feel relaxed and sleepy when they take them. Although it's not exactly a "controlled" enviroment, the Bomba Shack in the Virgin Islands serves mushroom tea. http://www.tripconnect.com/tripconnect/FullReview.do?locationID=VG0002&uid=elf2588
  2. I recently weened myself off of Ambien and now use between 15-20mg of melatonin. (usually 10mg of instant release + 10mg time released) Like Alleyoop, I haven't noticed any interference with busting.
  3. Kyle - I'm not sure if you have already seen it, but monthly recurring donations using Paypal have been set up on CB's Facebook page under the "Welcome" tab: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Clusterbusters/102168033225406?sk=app_208195102528120
  4. [move]Did I do it???  Did I???  Did I???  ;D    ;D    ;D[/move]
  5. Sorry you're getting hit. > The ideal wait time everyone recommends is five days. If you get desperate and have plenty of supply, it won't hurt you to try busting a couple of days earlier. Either it will work, or it won't. For me, a bust will work after waiting only three days from the time I used a "blocker".
  6. Clusterbusters now has a Facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Clusterbusters/102168033225406 An easy way to help with our advocacy efforts is to "like" the page and then "share" the link on your FB page. Perhaps when sharing the FB page link, you could also add a comment about signing the petition with mention of cluster headaches. This D.C. event is an amazing opportunity for all of us to get involved with cluster headache advocacy! Even if your unable to travel to D.C., you can still make a HUGE impact by spreading the word or by making a modest financial donation to CB to defray the numerous expenses involved with advocacy efforts.
  7. PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK TO SIGN THE PETITION http://act.allianceforheadacheadvocacy.org/5624/urge-congressional-hearings-on-impact-migraine-headache-disorders/ When signing the petition, please use the comment section to write something specifically about CLUSTER HEADACHES. (the words cluster headaches in all CAPS is GOOD!) Don't worry if you can't come up with something fancy to write - anything is better than nothing at all. The more people that sign, the more impact we will make. There are links to "recommend" the page on Facebook, to Tweet, and to email. PETITION READS AS FOLLOWS: "We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, hereby petition the Honorable Senators Tom Harkin, Michael Enzi, Bernard Sanders, and Rand Paul; and the Honorable Representatives Fred Upton, Henry Waxman, Joe Pitts, and Frank Pallone, Jr. – 1) To recognize the following findings of fact regarding migraine and other headache disorders: [ch9632]Chronic headache disorders, including migraine, are among the top 20 causes of disability in the US according to the World Health Organization (WHO). [ch9632]19% of Americans will experience an attack of some form of migraine this year. [ch9632] 75% of Americans with episodic migraine are women, predominantly of child-bearing age. [ch9632]4% of Americans experience 4 hours of headaches per day, at least 15 days per month. [ch9632]Among veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts, 37% of servicemen and 57% of servicewomen reported ongoing migraine if there was a deployment history of concussive injury and any predeployment history of migraine. [ch9632]Migraine results in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease which has been linked to more than 1500 additional deaths in the US annually. [ch9632]Headache disorders, including migraine, are responsible for more than $31B in economic costs in the US annually. [ch9632]The WHO estimates that migraine causes more lost years of healthy life in the US annually than multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, ovarian cancer, and tuberculosis combined..., [ch9632]...whereas in 2010 the combined NIH research funding on these four disorders ($684M) was more than 45 times greater than that for migraine ($15M). [ch9632]NIH funding for all research on headache disorders comprised less than 0.05% of the NIH budget in 2010. [ch9632]Only one innovative drug (sumatriptan), discovered, developed, and priority reviewed specifically for migraine treatment, has been FDA approved in the past 50 years. [ch9632]A total of only 290 American physicians have received Headache Medicine specialty training and are certified by the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties. [ch9632]The US Congress has never held a public hearing devoted to headache disorders. 2) To hold public hearings in Washington, DC, before the Primary Health and Aging Subcommittee of the Senate HELP Committee and/or before the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, prior to the close of the 112th Congress to: •further the appreciation among the public and within the federal government of the enormous social, economic, and personal burdens imposed by headache disorders. •explore the roles of the federal government through the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of the Defense, as well as the role of private sector commerce, in promoting research into the causes of, and treatments for, headache disorders. •understand and suggest remedies for the significant barriers that exist for Americans with headache disorders to obtaining effective treatments as well as adequate access to health care providers with specialty training and expertise in the care for headache disorders." Thank you!
  8. The survey asks about current medications. Would you like us to list only only prescription/OTC medications or would you would like us to also list any natural supplements we use on a regular basis?
  9. This year's conference in Chicago was such a wonderful experience. I'm so excited for Vegas! Thank you for all of the time and hard work that goes into organizing this amazing event! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]  Â
  10. Bob B - thank you so much for applying for the scholarship. Huge strides were made bringing awareness to CH at this conference. Bob's presentation was EXCELLENT and generated a lot of interest. LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE IN D.C.!!!
  11. What a generous donation - beautiful! I've been out of the loop for a while and didn't see anymore info on the auction. Did I miss it, or is it still in the works?Â
  12. Ting, I'm so sorry. Is this the time of year when you typically go into high cycle? I seem to remember you having a difficult time around Dec/Jan of last year then your CH improved. Keep fighting - these are just moments in time that will soon pass. HUG!
  13. So glad to hear your doing good, Ting. YES! What, your cycle broke, Kyle? How AWESOME is that! I think that calls for a party in VEGAS! Tucker - I like your word, "bastardized".  Can I steal it?
  14. Has anybody ordered seeds from Shaman's Garden before? (they are out of Chicago) $44.99  500 RC seeds using discount code PREFCUST5    4.95  Flat rate Priority Mail $49.94   Total Shipped (out of state, so no tax for me) https://www.shamansgarden.com For my last seed order I used Tranceplants and was very happy with them. The product was fresh and they gave lots of bonus seeds. But, unfortunately, they've been having issues with their site and haven't been able to take credit cards for over a week. Â
  15. By the looks of his eyes, doesn't it seem like he suffers CH on the right side? It's no wonder he's so angry...
  16. Should you decide to go with Jeebs idea, considering you likely don't have much surface area to work with, I suggest a small breed dog, such as a chihuahua: (I made myself laugh!) If your looking for something a little more discrete, perhaps a Bromo-LSD, LSD, or psilocybin molecule?
  17. Thanks for extending the invite, Racer. I soooo wish I was able to meet up with all of you for some therapeutic cluster fun - maybe next time.     Looking forward to you posting some pics when you return. Have a great time!
  18. Welcome, b.g.! I know your head has you down in the dumps right now, but things really can get better. It's those same feelings of desperation that brought many of us here. HOPE, friendship and true pain relief are part of what keeps us here. I have to agree with the opinion of others - go for the seeds while waiting on your farm. The thought of detox can be frightening, but if the meds you're on aren't working anyway, what have you got to lose? The fact that you decided to go this alternative route after having CH a relatively short period of time is a great thing. Many of us Stubborn Heads who need to dose heavy are long time chronics who feel as though years of taking multiple medications contributed to our difficult cases. I sooooo regret not trying psychedelics sooner. Sometimes an energy drink will help me with a low level CH. Unfortunately, the opposite will prove true if I drink too many - they will aggravate my head. Glad you're here!
  19. I'm not sure if the detox is recommended because of the danger of serotonin poisoning, the blocking effect, or maybe both. ? Youuuuu whooooo, "Fearless Leader", where are you?  Â
  20. I'm speechless...nearly. Jeebs - You have been a solid rock of support for so many of us. You went above and beyond by taking the initiative to contact Goadsby. I have the utmost respect for you. Ron - I agree with Ting, you are a good man and have also been selfless in helping so many of us here. What comes around, goes around. It's easy to develop a negative attitude toward doctors when you are bounced from one to the other and they seem clueless about CH or, worse yet, they have a condescending attitude. Dr. Goadsby's kind gesture gave me a well deserved attitude adjustment. Reading this thread made my day.
  21. I'm anxious to hear how Michael is doing. Can you share any tidbits with us, Jeebs?
  22. Welcome, jfores19! Last month, my daughter and I had the privilege to attend the annual Clusterbuster Conference in Chicago. It was evident by the diversity of the group that cluster headaches is without prejudice. CH can affect anyone regardless of their age, race, sex, education, or financial status. The good thing is, that you don't have to have a degree or be wealthy to fight this beast. Oxygen - in my opinion, an absolute must. If you go to the "Home" tab on this page then scroll down to "Clusterbuster files" and choose "My Oxygen Page" you will find guidance on everything O2 related - including cost effective ways to get it if you do not have a prescription (#7 - Welders oxygen) and the most effective flow rates used to abort a CH. I've never had insurance coverage for O2 and have found it to be very inexpensive (I pay around $8 for an E tank refill). Congratulations on your sobriety - that is something to be very proud of! There have been numerous discussions about whether or not using these treatments will trigger a recovering alcoholic or substance abuser to relapse. I have never read or heard of anyone who felt that it has. Take care and please keep us posted on how you are doing.
  23. Eeeewwwwwwww....nasty! Poor you, Ting!
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