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Everything posted by kaboom

  1. kaboom

    1 year

    Sorry I didn't respond to your message earlier, Tingeling. So much of your story hit close to home for me and it's sometimes difficult for me to think about. Don't forget that you are a big part of what makes this AMAZING group so AMAZING!!
  2. So sorry to hear your hurting, Jilly. O2 is a very fast and affective abort for me. My doctors would prescribe, but insurance has never covered the cost. I purchased my own tanks and regulators and just exchange the tanks when I'm out of 02. My M tank is around $20 and the E's are $10 -12 per exchange. I recently moved to a small town and my doctor actually told me that if there were any issues getting a medical supplier to give me O2, to just go to a welding supply store. The pain of CH certainly goes way beyond physical.  Many of us here also experience difficulty sleeping and depression. It sucks. But, the good news is that you will find awesome support here on Clusterbusters. Welcome!
  3. It appears that I'm a loner in my family, too.
  4. So glad to hear some of your anxiety has lifted. I sympathize with you - anxiety/depression accompany my high cycles. No rest, CH's, and stress causing issues (or people!) are a bad combo! Sometimes dosing will help me to categorize and sort out things out in my mind so I feel better after - a little more in control. Warning - I get really carried away when I clean while doing a treatment. Every little spot on the tile, in the grout, etc. is exaggerated to the max!
  5. Thinking about you, Leslie. I sure hope your dose has given you some pain relief so you can rest.
  6. I'm with you on this one! I recently told a friend I was thankful I had CH's because they were saving me from a Patron induced hangover. My nerves were completely fried! Sorry about your furnace. Talk about bad timing! Finances are tight with our family, too so I haven't been heating my bedroom. I had to laugh at myself the other night. As I darted under a mound of blankets I found myself rationalizing that this was a good thing because maybe breathing the cold air would prevent a CH from coming on.  ;D Maybe? I hope you get some rest tonight. You sound way overdue for a break. Â
  7. A high level hit will bring out the potty mouth in me. It's crazy, but I've caught myself taking off my 02 mask just to say a few choice words.
  8. Thanks for sharing! I have never had insurance coverage for 02. I just pay out of pocket. I tried explaining to Blue Cross Blue Shield that it would be much less expensive for them to cover 02 than Imitrex injections. They said I had to have a blood test or something showing my 02 levels were low to deem it medically necessary. My doctor prescribed the 02 and I had medical records documenting 02 was an effective abort for me, but insurance refused to pay. I don't understand why they would prefer to pay over $300 for 4 shots over $16 for a tank refill that could abort 4+ headaches. ?
  9. kaboom


    Keeping a very detailed journal of head pain, symptoms, and times is what finally helped my neurologist give a proper diagnosis. I had migraines/tension headaches almost daily and also clusters so the symptoms would intertwine. For me, nausea and sometimes vomiting accompany a migraine. I don't experience this during a cluster. A couple of times I remember being shaky and vomiting after enduring a long level 10 attack. I associated this to my nerves being shot rather than a cluster symptom.Â
  10. I have CCH and used to have chronic migraine/daily tension headaches also. Since I've been doing these treatments, I have probably 75% less regular headaches than I used to. No exaggeration. The most bizarre thing that I've experienced was a "brain freeze" headache (was eating ice cream) while having a level 5/6 CH. The sharpness of the pain was similar but they were located in distinctly different areas of my head. Brain freeze headache was located in the center/upper part of my forehead area while the CH was, of course, behind my R eye. I grasped my head in pain and then just began laughing! I mean, what are the odds this would happen?!?
  11. Yay! Can't wait! Thank you for all of your hard work and effort!
  12. So many times we get frustrated with people when we try to explain CH's. They don't get it. But, really, how could they if they've never experienced it? My co-worker has migraines and has offered numerous suggestions for my "headaches". It can be irritating, but I know she does this because she is just trying to help. The other day I was in her office and started getting a CH. I excused myself abruptly telling her I was getting a cluster. It rocketed to a kip 7/8 before I could close the door to my office and get the 02 going. I had the mask to my face and was rocking back and forth when in she barged in. I wanted so badly to ask her to leave! But, I'm glad I couldn't say anything (02 was priority!). She turned off my light, closed my blinds (relating my CH to her migraines) and sat quietly in the chair across from my desk watching me. She became very uncomfortable watching me and went to get me my ice packs. After my CH aborted, she just looked at me with big eyes shaking her head stating "I had no idea.". She commented that I should seriously be an actress because to look at me there is no way anybody would ever know what I endured. (all CHer's should take a bow) The next day she came into my office to discuss all of the information she had found on the internet regarding CH's. Some was frustrating to discuss, but I appreciate that she cared enough to take the time to do the research. I was able to point her in the direction of this website, CH.com and Entheogen. One more person is now aware.   Â
  13. I've never had 02 give me more attacks. On a few occasions, I've had a CH come right back almost instantly after stopping the 02. I've learned to linger on the tank a little while after the headache seems to have aborted to prevent this. They play possum sometimes - I think their dead, but they're just faking. A good mask makes a huge difference in abort times. I'm off all script pain relievers. On my really rough days, I take Excedrin (the one with caffeine) in hopes of taking the edge off. Maybe your cycle is peaking causing the more frequent attacks?Â
  14. I feel so sorry for you. I wish there was something I could do - hold your ice packs (actually, you prefer frozen veggies, right?), share my 02 - something. Pm'ing you.
  15. Valarie, thank you so much for sharing with us.  There is no doubt your story will give hope to other sufferers who are desperate/hopeless but hesitant to try alternative treatments. Although we experience varying degrees of success, we do find relief.Â
  16. No, Tingeling, I've never had this happen during a CH. Does this happen to you frequently during an attack?
  17. Awhhhh...such a sweet video. I know this can be a CH trigger for many and I believe that for some CHer's the activity following this can be a trigger, too.Â
  18. I agree completely. Our mindset is so important before dosing. There have been a few times when I've been in so much CH pain that I HAD to dose despite my life situation being in complete turmoil. The only time this led to a bad experience was when I didn't have a sitter to help distract me/pull me out of it. (I love my sitters!) Now you have me wondering if maybe I didn't have my setting complete. I had the music, lighting, water, snacks - but I was missing the wine and naked women. Yes,
  19. For the cold air aborts, I like the car a/c while sniffing a Vick's inhaler and eating Altoids or menthol cough drops. The air just seems colder. My vegetable of choice is peas. I even found some flexible ice packs that resemble frozen peas with velcro straps at CVS last year. They are meant to attach to your knee/elbow, etc - but I just strap one around my head so it covers my eye/ear and one to my neck. Super sexy. I prefer a combination of taurine tablets, ginger capsules, and a b-complex vitamin followed by a big cup of black espresso over energy drinks. Sometimes I use the little shot bottles of energy drinks (like 5 hour energy). They are easier to slam because they aren't carbonated - but they have artificial sweetener. If I feel like I'm going to be especially sensitive to the artificial sweetener, I use the energy drink Rev-honey (carbonated).
  20. Thinking about you Ting. I can relate - sometimes get myself so worried/angry/anxious/scared having to deal with "family" that I make myself sick (usually a headache!). I have to remind myself that it is just a moment in time - it will pass and I will move on. You are a wonderful mom - it's because of the love you have for your daughter that you are able to cope with all of this. Leslie, I like your thinking:  Â
  21. kaboom

    CH song

    This video is a perfect example of what NOT to watch when dosing. ;D
  22. I hate the ride, but I love the destination. Just a small window of being PF during the week makes it worth enduring the dose. I hope you rest well tonight and catch a break tomorrow.
  23. Good luck, This Isn't Fair! Kick it, and kick it good! I'll even write your son's excuse for skipping school tomorrow.
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