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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. Tingeling, I read your post earlier today. Been thinking about you all day. Wish I had an answer for you. If conditions were more normal, I'd say get a nap, have a drink, have a smoke, take a hot bath. But wait, those are all triggers and will only hurt, not help CH. I think that is what is so bad about this condition, there doesn't seem to be any escape. No place to hide. No place to cry, when you have family worrying if you aren't your usual cheery self. You could talk to a friend but you feel like that friend is tired of listening to you about your weird symptoms. And so it goes! All I can say is don't let that silly woman in your door. And yes, go dance in the rain more. Hey, I made a rhyme. Leslie
  2. Thanks Jerry, What you say does sound familiar to me. Guess maybe I just forgot about it. Probably a good idea to use the spring water. Can't hurt. I usually use water from the tap and lemon juice. That works for me, but maybe spring water would work better. It is the little things that make me crazy. Leslie
  3. Let me rephrase the question. If you soak RC seeds in water, is tap water with fluoride ok to use? Or would you use filtered water? Leslie
  4. I was wondering if everyone that uses RC seeds soaked in water, uses non-fluoridated water? I've been at this for some time and have always used tap water. Don't know how I missed the part about fluoride, but I did. At the same time I have had success. So what do you think? Is this important? Makes me wonder what else I think I know but don't know. Guess that's why I have to check for news everyday. :-? Leslie
  5. Bob, Thank you for that post. We all need a reminder now and then. I guess you could say, "you took the words right out of my mouth". Except I couldn't find the right words. Leslie
  6. Cassidy

    Hey all

    Mase, If you have shrooms I would dose with 1.5g by way of tea. If it will be a long time before you have shrooms, I would order RC seeds and dose with 20. Wait 5 days and up the dose and repeat if necessary. If you order RC seeds today, you should have them by the middle of the week. Best shot is shrooms. Seeds work very well. I often start with seeds and make a final dose shrooms. And vice versa--- mixing it up---on a tough cycle. Good luck Leslie
  7. Hello Jeff, Bottom line is "I" don't think much of starting Verapamil. "I" think it would be a mistake to start traditional meds. If you decided to go the busting way, you would only have to detox. If you read some of the posts on here and see the side effects, you might re-consider. If it was me, I would order some RC seeds and start preventive doses ASAP. I feel my success with busting had a lot to do with using traditional meds. for a very brief time. Then I quit and went to fungi and seeds. Just my opinion. Good luck with whatever you decide. Leslie
  8. need answers, I will keep this short. If you have been diagnosed with CH and are taking prescribed medication or even if you are self diagnosed, the first thing you need to do to get answers is read the cluster files at the top of the home page. If you have already done that and have decided to try this method, then you are well on your way. As far as choosing mushrooms or RC seeds, I would take the one that is available. It is common belief that neither RC seeds (LSA) or mushrooms are tested for as far as employment drug tests. I personally would not be concerned about that. I understand being desperate. Just take the first step. And hang in here, there will be others with help and advice. We've all been where you are now. Things will get better. Leslie
  9. I'm pretty sure that the verap. will block the seeds. Some have used verap. with the fungi and had success. Leslie :-/
  10. Geez Dan, I don't know what the penalty is, but it sounds like a good time. I'm always looking for a new adventure. I have a mask. Leslie
  11. Dan, I should have enough sense to stay out of this conversation, but I think you might ask yourself a few questions and try to figure out what the deal is. What happened? Are you using different shrooms? Are they bad? Can you try a combo with fungi and seeds? Did you expose yourself to some trigger? We really need to try to get you comfortable and pain free. I know we all have to try different types of dosing. In my case I don't have to use enough to chance a bad trip. You certainly have the right to rant and I sure understand the frustration. The money issue, in my case was a blessing because I could not afford the RXs that were prescribed for CH. That paid off for me because I had to find a cheaper way to cope and a way not to poison my body and have even more serious health issues. I don't know the politics of BOL or any other drug that is waiting for approval. I do not feel it is the "inventer's" fault, that these things move so slow. It's sad when we have to go to another country to get treatment. And that could end up being an option. I hope not. All I know is that I have to cover my self and keep what I need on hand and use it so it lasts. I don't know what comes next. BOL could be approved and I might not be able to afford it. In that case I will still be using natures medicine. An awful lot of help has come from this site and Dr. Halpern. Most of all I want to tell you, I'm sorry you are in pain and I wish there was an answer. Guess we just keep on Truckin! Hope you feel better very soon. Hope you are pain free. Hope you know there are many of us that all want the same thing, that you get a break now. Leslie
  12. Yes, it is ok. Been in the same place before and couldn't go with the plan. No problem. I'd keep the drink in the fridge until you can use it. Leslie
  13. Hi helper, One thing you will hear around is everyone is different. In most cases regarding a dose, bigger isn't necessarily better. I would try to get at least 3 doses out of the amount you have on hand. So 1 to 1.5 g in tea is a good starting place. I would not expect any "throwing up". It is normal to get post dose hits, a day or so after dosing. Sometimes things are worse before they get better. The 02 will help, if that happens. Also energy drinks like Red Bull (or Red Thunder if you have a Aldis store---much cheaper) help a lot. The taurine and caffeine are what you are after. Drinking one at the first hint of CH can abort the hit. When in cycle I have had to drink 2 Red Thunders and aborted a hit, then fell asleep with no problem. Hope this helps your immediate questions. Others will have more to offer. You are headed in the right direction. Leslie
  14. Tingeling, I confess. It was Denny and me. But not together, at least 600 miles apart. After cleaning the shower. It's very logical, actually. You need a sterile room, so you take a hot shower, and the mist/steam pushes contams down. And you inject the jars. Works well. I can't remember if anyone else admitted to this process. But if they did, it is time to come forward. ;D Leslie
  15. Oh, yes. Right now in fact. After you have exhausted the usual, like ice, heat, or a sput or some ginger tea, you might try some Tylenol or Excedrin. Sometimes a couple of Red Bulls. Sometimes a Red Bull or any energy drink with Tylenol. Moving around a bit helps. But taking on a big project isn't good. Yes, it does suck. I've thrown in some sudafed and antihistamine because it feels like a sinus headache. A few sips of the LSA tea, sounds like a good idea to me. Or crush 3 or 4 seeds and put under your tongue, for about 20 minutes. Sounds like I'm reaching for straws. And I am. If nothing else, it keeps me busy. Short answer, it is pretty common. Leslie ps mine usually go away when the sun goes down.
  16. I am always calm, cool and collected. But the ret the world is sure screwed up. 8-)
  17. If you are asking because of a physical, you should not have to wait. They do not test for hallucinogenics. It costs too much. This is just my opinion, but I don't believe the shrooms or LSD stay in your system very long anyway. So if you were dosing and waiting 5 days, the traces shouldn't show up anyway. Leslie Sorry about flu and cycle. Same deal here and it's not fun.
  18. I had to put off dosing because of some flu like symptoms. All is well, and it's a wait and see thing for now. You are right, Tingeling, I think "our" meds, can bring us back to normal. I think the answer to the anxiety lies within the treatments we use. However; not sure what normal is right now. Kaboom, you have me scared. I've been obsessing over the grout forever. I will report on combo. Leslie
  19. I was counting my days wrong, and shouldn't dose until tomorrow night. And I will be doing the combo. Actually looking forward to it in a scientific way. You are right on about the treatment working better and better. Even though I complain about no sleep and multible hits, the hits are mild. My pain free time was just about one year. I have not had a hit over a kip 6 for a very long time and the hits are aborted in 15 minutes at the most. Mainly with an energy drink. I did prevent doses every three months this last year, and a couple extra doses if I knew I was going to be close to triggers. like heat and bright sun. That's good that you are staying ahead of the game. My place needs cleaning, I should give it a try while busting, might make the chores go faster. Interesting idea. If I get the right music going also. I'm still trying to decide about the antidepressant. With past history I believe I will not take anything. I'm not in the mood to play "you will adjust" games. After fighting the mega Vit D thing, that was enough. Keep it simple and drink enough water. And don't forget to "reset". LOL Leslie
  20. Tingeling, I thought I was done, but last night told me different. I think I will try the combo tonight. Good idea. I have alternated treatments but never mix together. Time for a mix up. Hope you are doing well. :)Leslie
  21. Have you tried energy drinks, like Red Bull. Also a tsp. of ginger powed in hot water makes a great tea and knocks shadows. Leslie
  22. kaboom, The dosing seems to be taking hold. I use 50 RC seeds, soaked in water and lemon for 2 hours. I about passed out an hour later and was feeling very positive. But it turned out to be a very bad post hit night. However the last 2 nights I have gotten good sleep. I think I'm on my way. Seems like all the anxiety has lifted also. Not completely but a big improvement. Once again it is a catch 22 deal. Did stress cause the cycle, or did the cycle cause the stress. And then throw in no sleep, and sinus pressure. Sometimes I think it doesn't matter. Just quit trying to find out why. Because the cycles will come and go, and we need to stay one step ahead. But hey the new furnace is in. So hoping for another good sleep. Your post sounds like you are making good progress. That is good news. Leslie
  23. the bb, The only thing to laugh about would be Nebraska is a medical mj state. I know the answer for me is at Maps and this organization. Unfortunately there are too many road blocks to get access to the people that can help. I feel lucky to have come this far and can only hope some day soon this will all change. Meanwhile we can keep experimenting with our doses and take advantage of what we have learned so far. And be grateful that we get help from the Bob Wolds and Rick Dublins of the world. Leslie
  24. It started out with Tingeling, then T and I was interested. I think we will have to order a very large spike mat, then you and Ron can relax also. Did we just go to an orgy? I really need some sleep. This is so out of character for me. :-[
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