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Did you click on the site that Alley posted to you? A form pops up and you can send Terri your question. Leslie
So how are you feeling now? I read your other post saying you had been on Replax for 10 years. That makes me think there should be some kind of taper off and not cold turkey. I am not qaulified to really know, but you need to ask someone that is, another member might help or a modifier. I feel helpless and I might be way off base. Do you have anyone you can ask? Leslie
Am I correct that dainbread is going cold turkey after taking Replax for 10 years? I don't know but I'd like some reassurance that this is safe? Anybody?????? Leslie
Along with heat or ice or energy drink, a menthol rub on your neck and/or shoulders might feel good. Or inhale from a Vicks Menthol Inhaler. I've used Tiger Balm on my forehead, being very careful not to get in the eyes. Just grabbing at straws here. Leslie
I just don't think it's important. It hurts bad and I need to get it under control. And the sooner the better. It could be a kip 2 or 20. I just don't care much anymore. A cluster is a cluster. They all are horrible. Leslie
And not crying can be a trigger also. Just like all the other triggers of many faces. Releasing the pain of loss with tears, might be more healthy than holding back. Tears of rage & tears of grief. Leslie
I did try HBWR. I started about a dozen, inside, late winter. Ended up with maybe 4 healthy plants, that got transplanted outside in late May. I had a beautiful vine all summer, but no blooms. Therefore no seeds. Apparently Nebraska's growing season is too short. Vine froze in September. I didn't try RC s because I thought for some reason you would get 4 seeds per bloom. However around here I believe the results would be the same. Leslie
I was very young, when I went to that game. My mother wouldn't let my dad go, unless he took me along. I liked the snacks and the atmosphere. I remember the hard bleachers and the dirt field. Not exactly a "Target Field." The ball park was near the train yard. But you are right, it was almost 60 years ago. (long term memory--good**short term not) Twins did it today. That will make your Tigers tough for the weekend. Wow, all 3 games. I'd be geeked up also. Not sure what that means, but bet you are counting the hours. They will be great games. Tigers and Yankees. Exciting! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]Â Â Leslie
b.g. Thanks for the invite, but I'm going to keep pulling for the Twins. It is a family thing, my Dad and I watched so many games together. Besides, I have a Twins cap and shirt. Did Prince really have ear muffs and a scarf on for yesterday's game? Ha! I'd like to see Leyland get to the series. Brewers game was great. I like the history also. I was taken to a game in Sioux City, Ia. one night. There were rumors about a new player. Yep, it was Willie Mays. And so it goes.
I just hate it. I'm a Twins fan, but the players I liked are spread all over the country. So now, it's Twins, Tigers, Brewers,Giants and not necessarily in that order. And the Rangers, because of Joe Nathan, who is struggling. What to do? :-/
Coach Bill, In that case, you might consider an exam. I had to do in depth eye exams because of a drug I once took. They checked me for color blindness and asked questions about red and greens. Also had to watch for pressure changes. The final results were my eyes are fine and no RX change for the last 5 years. However, I do see things that aren't there every now and then. Usually if I am extra tired or stressed, and sometimes for no reason. And yes, sometimes it gives me a scare or jolt. And I'm not crazy, so you can't be either. Before busting I wondered if those kip 10 hits could cause eye damage. Something like a retinal tear. A good sneeze can do that. Never have heard anyone report that. Leslie
Coach Bill, How long has it been since you had a eye check up? I would start there with the works. Just a suggestion. I don't think these quirky things have anything to do with dosing. Leslie
Carl told me that he was sure we would meet someday. There were things we needed to talk about, and now I wish I said more, like you feel Pete and Phil. How we become important to each other with an ocean between us is a mystery. Some say it's the clusters. I don't think so. I think we might be "mad". That bad ankle must have healed for that golf game. I truly know how happy that would make him. Leslie
David, Just guessing here, but your hits have a solid pattern and it's been a month since dosing, so I would dose. I don't believe dosing ever brings on a cycle, but the more I know the less I know. Leslie :-/
Moxie, I use index cards or recipe cards. After getting some good prints I fold the card in half, put a piece of tape on it and store the cards in a book. (should last forever) I use a razor blade or sharp knife to scrape the spores into a cup of sterile water. Then suck up the solution with the syringe. Leslie I don't make the syringe up until ready to use.
Jeebs, If your concern is the effect, there isn't any except some pain relief . I have used a SPUT to buy me a couple hours of sleep during a cycle. Or just to get me out of a bad shadow and I know a hit is on the way. I am very sensitive to the med. also. A normal full dose is 1.5 for me. CH, Maybe strain isn't the right word. But I have had stronger results and weaker results. Probably the age of the med. is involved. Or my measuring is a little off. Leslie
If different strains have different effects, I really don't think an exact measurement would really be all that important. SPUT = small piece under the tongue. Under the tongue is the answer. I never have used gel caps, but perhaps one would melt in a timely way , under the tongue. I have use a SPUT many times. Mostly for post dose hits. Or if I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time, like traffic. I hold the medium sized, dry cap under my tongue for about 20 minutes, however the SPUT works within 5 minutes. I have SPUTs with me at all times. Because you never know. If you fall asleep while using, don't drool because it will be purple. And that's not polite anyway. :-* :-*Leslie
Moxie, Try using a sput (small piece under tongue) for the really bad post dose hits. I thought I'd die the first time and then somebody suggested that. Use sparingly. I only used a sput for the first morning hit, after no sleep. That would buy me a few hours of sleep. A shroom cap is about the right size. I'm not sure but it has been suggested if you use too many it could screw up the next dose. Consider giving that a try. wishing you some relief Leslie
Tucker, Not knowing much about your equipment , vinegar is a very good disinfectant. Might be something to check out, or not. Leslie
Little Wing          Well, she's walking thru the clouds          with a circus mind that's running wild          Butterflies and zebras and moonbeams                    and fairy tales          That's all she ever thinks about                         RIDING WITH THE WIND This song always brought magic. Along with the wind. And everything wil be alright!                                   Â
Me too----done. Very easy. Leslie
:-*OK Alleyoop, You are right, I got a little off track. I can not call myself an ex-smoker, yet. If I feel the need to discuss my misery and the withdrawal, I'' just call you. ;D I have some other problems also, if your phone rings around 3am, it will be me. That will give us a few hours before the sun comes up. Leslie :-*
Tucker, I'm sorry I hijacked your thread. Didn't mean to do that. I'm thinking you are having post dose hits and they should let up in 2 or 3 days. If they don't I would dose again. Even if the hits disappear, I'd dose again. You said you used floaters, I assume you meant sinkers. Also you might try using a sput when you get hit. A tiny amount of seeds under the tongue. That could buy you a couple hours of sleep or just help knock out a full attack. I would look for Vit. M for sure. The day after dosing with seeds has a hangover effective for me. Everything you are reporting sounds quite normal for me. I'd stay with the dose you are using, you don't need the high for the seeds to work. It could be an extra benefit, if you enjoy it. I don't like tripping. In fact I have high anxiety over dosing. Leslie
Purple, I am relieved to hear that you are not upset with me. Some people would not take my post very well. I do think MJ is a very important medicine. And I miss it a lot when in cycle. It keeps me away from the drugstore and the antidepressants. And it's a little bit fun. My head doesn't like alcohol, except for a cold beer or a hot coffee with Irish Cream. That's nice sometimes for me. More than one however puts me in a bad mood. I have been addicted to cigarettes for about 50 years. Today is day 3 of not smoking. I'm going to make it this time. That is great you didn't start a new cycle. I'm glad to hear that. Watch out with the cold, seems like most cycles start out with sinus pressure, for me. Of course you are in the right place. I started busting in 2005. The CH was so terrible along with the R/xs. Now I'm down to one cycle a year and I can make it go away in two weeks and the pain is nowhere near what it was a long time ago. Yep, you are right we are a strange bunch. But being normal can be boring. Thank you for understanding. This no smoking thing is making me confused. And maybe a bit opinionated and/or bitchy. Leslie
Purple, For what it is worth, my opinion is 175 RC seeds is excessive. Soaking in vodka isn't necessary. Smoking weed can be a trigger. Sounds to me like you are missing the high and by using the seeds you are trying to justify. Yes, when trying to bust a cycle I miss the relaxation that some substances give me. I use a 2 week rule before I indulge. I have very high respect for RC and other busting methods because they are my salvation. My rules, for myself are strict. I learned from the original people and I would not change anything for me. I detox from any interference matter. As far as seeds go I use 50 to 70 soaked in water and a splash of lemon. Sometimes I don't get relief and after dosing 3 times 5 days apart If that happens I let it ride. Quit dosing. And sometimes the relief will come a week later. I don't tempt the CH until I am 2 weeks pain free. The 5 day suggestion, I have played around with. I've dosed on the 4th day and I've tried stretching out the time to 7 days. I do mainly tend to use fungi. Same rules except I make it in a tea. The tea helps me adjust my mental state. That includes depression, anxiety, anger. I think I use the tea for the pain and the improvement of my mind. And yes I've had paranoia and wondered if I belonged here. I do. It's my lifeline. I doubt you have brought on a new cycle. I think you will level off. I do not mean to reprimand you. I mean to share my program learned from "the old guys". I wish you all the best and peace and happiness. BTW, I have never tripped on seeds. I can't sleep when I have to dose with them. My post dose hits are the next day. Lucky for all of us we were given this chance to be pain free. I don't spit in the beer of the devil. love you no matter what you choose. Leslie