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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. Hi Ringo, I believe your thinking is a bit twisted. However; I have had similar thoughts. Welcome to the club. I believe you will find some helpful information here and possibly a way to a more reasonable form of treatment, if you choose to take that path. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Leslie :
  2. Hi MattyAA, I think I saw it was your birthday yesterday. If that is so, here's wishing you a very happy day. And if I'm confused (again) have a happy day, anyhow. Hope you are doing well and continue through out your 23rd? year.           Best Wishes  Leslie
  3. I removed my post, because I didn't want anyone to miss Bob's. I had posted, "tears of rage. That's all I have." And that still stands. I am so full of anger about the way this condition "CH" is treated. I'm angry because we have to ask the question. " should I tell my doctor, what I have decided to do?" And then we wonder and worry if anyone finds out about the alternative treatment, could we lose our job? Could we go to jail? I have the answers for myself. The help I have found using "our medicine" is worth all the risks. I had visions once about going to court to prove that point. It is a sad thing that we take the poisons that can ruin our hearts, kidneys and brains. And at the same time we tell ourselves when I retire I will try the mushrooms. When my kids are out of the house I will try LSD. When I get older the curse will fade away. Meanwhile some very valuable years are fading away. You know, I might be the oldest person in this club and the attacks did not disappear when I hit 65. Lucky for me I found help thru ClusterBusters. I still have 2 cycles a year. Most are easy, some are still very bad. I no longer can remember a kip 10. I no longer have an attack longer than 20 minutes. I'm not afraid of CH. I am afraid that my medicine might not be around some day, that would be a crime. I don't know if BOL will be available, but I have hope. I'm so sad that 24 year old boy is gone.  Leslie
  4. Me too, Wishing you a Happy Birthday Denny. Was gone for a couple days and missed the big day. Beings you are so old, was wondering if you were in Dallas when Braniff International was the airline for Texas? Not that I would remember those days, but I've seen pictures and remember hearing about the new airport when it opened--DFW. Not so new now. And some of the people around here aren't so new either. Best wishes   Leslie
  5. Happy Birthday Bob, "There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents.....and only one for birthday presents, you know."   Lewis Carroll                                Wish you love and happiness.    Leslie
  6. Hi Birdman, I agree with DD. Don't think there is a quick way to farm. Meanwhile you might consider ordering RC seeds or HBWR, while you are farming. That could help you thru this waiting time. Leslie
  7. Well welcome back. Think this might be the time to test out the theory of always stay stressed and never relax. I am in a similar state of mind. Can feel the pressure building, but I haven't dosed because I might have to make a run to the hospital to help a guy that had a heart attack. He's all better now but seems to need things at strange hours of the night and day. And then there is the constant phone calls from family and friends. Guess I have the answer, unplug the phone and dose. My PC is crap, been talking to tech people and can't deal with that anymore. But hey it could be worse____________. Just really don't need a cluster cycle right now. There is more but thinking about writing a sitcom and selling the story and donating profits to ClusterBusters. Keep on top those clusters, good to hear the meds are working for you.    Leslie
  8. I don't know what is going on with me, but I seem to be in a very emotional state of mind. I watched the presentation and just sat and cried. To see and listen to Bob makes me realize a lot of things I have gone thru with this disease are common to so many others. The long nights alone with nothing but pain and questions about what is this? Watching the clock, thinking just another 20 minutes and it will be over. Two more hits and it will be daylight. Not only are our meds. magic, but the people who discovered this treatment are magic also. Leslie thank you
  9. CArl, Ins. guy said you would have to sign a waiver. I tried to explain, this was in the interest of science, and helping out fellow CH sufferer, but he didn't care for the term trigger. I'm thinking some practice, out in the open, like the 6th hole of a golf course, might be worth a try. But "everyone is different."Â Â Lesliexx
  10. CArl, Don't worry, be happy. You are most likely in some sort of weird moon cycle. Is there anything I can do to help?     Lesliexx
  11. In regards to HBWR seeds. I started with four. Then moved up to 8. I was uncomfortable, anxious and sleepless for the night. I tried HBWR when they were first being talked about. I have to admit I didn't clean them properly and that could have been the problem. I probably should have removed all the husks. In my mind they are much stronger medicine than the RC seeds. And I think it is important for beginners to be aware of that. Don't get the 2 seeds confused. Yes, Jazz everyone is different. You almost make me want to try again. I did plant some and ended up with some healthy vines, but no flowers or seeds. Trying to get RC seeds going now and they don't want to come out yet. Nebraska's growing season is limited, I'm hoping to have plants to put outside by May 15. Sorry got off topic there. Hope you are doing well, Jazz. Sounds better than a few days ago.  Leslie
  12. Hi BP, From one short fuse to another. Please don't take the questions wrong. The people here are only concerned for your well being and want to help. Your first post you asked for help. I myself wanted to answer right away but was worried I might give you wrong information. No one is questioning you, they just want a little more information before possible offering some wrong advice. Hang in there, no surprises here. It's simple, cluster headache sufferers get relief from tiny doses of hallucinogens. That's the plan. There is hope, but need to prepare for the first step.                          Leslie                            Â
  13. Hi Tom, I'm guessing you will do better than ever, beings you are starting treatment drug free. But wishing you good luck anyway. Looking forward to hear about the progress. Leslie
  14. Yes, you are right. Leslie
  15. In regards to Kratom, does anyone have an opinion about using it as a sleep aide? Not so much as when in cycle, but maybe when out of cycle. Would it conflict with seeds or fungi? Would it be a bad idea? I wouldn't want to take a chance of messing with the program, just a thought. When I was a lot younger, I couldn't find the time to sleep. And now I have the time, because I'm a lot older. Who makes these plans?   Leslie
  16. Here's to you Mrs. Robinson, Sorry about that greeting, but I couldn't help myself. Don't suppose anyone else has brought up that song to you before. In regards to your question, I am not familiar with Sporesstore.com. I do however; know about "The Spore Works". I have been very happy with their service and products. I have never had a failure with their spores. I usually order their special 4 pack of syringes, at around $35 plus shipping. I am not a connoisseur on the subject, but the end result of good medicine is more than OK. I don't know what method you are lookings for, but their web site should help you decide. "We'd like to help you, to learn to help yourself." ( just more lyrics from Simon and Garfunkel ) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Leslie
  17. As far as clusters and prednisone go, I believe it is prescribed as a taper up and taper back down. If someone hasn't been been using that taper for a long period of time, it should be okay to taper down and quit. In my opinion. I am not aware of any success stories with alternative treatments and prednisone. It would be important to detox off the prednisone, if one chooses to use the buster methods. Doesn't get much clearer than that. Leslie
  18. MJ, Or anyone else, if you can find an address or name that we could write to, can we get it posted on here. I want to do something. Leslie
  19. Isn't Food and Drug a federal agency? I was in a bar/pub/joint, recently and they served moonshine. They weren't selling to my knowledge, so guess that was legal. The point is, we can make just about anything from weeds, like dandelion wine, etc. It is the same old story. Bad news for cluster headache suffers. Sort of makes you want to obtain the "real" thing. Leslie
  20. I went to Bouncing Bear to order and they are out of stock. Always used IAMSHAMAN before. So this is a bit worrisome. I did place an order with salvialight.com. The order should be here within the week. Don't have a clue as to what is going on, but sure it is some plot against RC users. Once again, it is reinforced that we should prepare for the unknown and grow our own seeds. I plan to give it a try, this time. Has anyone else ordered from these people?  Leslie :-/
  21. Hey Flash, I've been waiting for this day. Glad to see you found the way back. You were my mentor about 5 years ago, before I found CB. I followed your advice 100%. I just read your other post and I believe "farming" was easier than living healthy. But if you say so I'll have to give it a try. Leslie
  22. Cassidy


    It sounds to me like you did all the right stuff. There are a few different ways to soak the seeds, but what you did should be fine. My best guess is that you had a "post dose hit." That is to be expected after dosing and most often happens within a 3 day period. Sometimes those hits are worse than the regular ones, at least for me they are worse. Easy to say, but just hang in there and repeat in 4 or 5 days. I think you started out with the right number of seeds.             Best wishes  Leslie
  23. Getting sharper every day.
  24. Hi, This is cool, may have to learn some new tricks. But hey, I got this far. (and it only took me an hour) So, if this works, Hello!               Cassidy               aka  Sophie                    Stellabluelady                    Leslie
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