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Everything posted by Racer1_NC

  1. A higher flow than 15 might work when lesser amounts won't......just saying....
  2. Well done indeed! Whom ever this person is....I'm not far from you....if you ever need anything O2 related....reach out. I have a box full of stuff.....
  3. I'll take unknowing, incompetent and uncaring over f'n nuts any day of the week......just saying....
  4. Our man on the hill....tie of pink and balls of blue.....
  5. 99.999% stay Saturday night.....depart Sunday. Plan on staying.....trust me on this.....
  6. I've registered at both the Busters and HOH but have heard not a thing from HOH. Is that normal?
  7. Just FYI for future thoughts... http://www.abbottwelding.com/index.php?Oxygen%20Purity%20Levels
  8. [smiley=huh.gif] And the wait goes on......and on.....
  9. Still time to make plans for next weeks gathering!
  10. Come one...come all.....what the heck will you be doing in January anyway......
  11. Far right in 3......hanging in the back in 35.....
  12. That would be correct......it wouldn't be like a fresh "E" tank.
  13. I'd consider an honor to be thrown out for defending Bob. IMHO FB is the dumbing down of the internet....you can always get an answer there.....doesn't mean it's the correct one.....and most look no further.
  14. Watch out next year.....I'll be back in full force.
  15. Well....here be some photos......a few from the con and a few from my travels around town.... Names have been changed to protect the innocent..... An unnamed attendee bends over and kisses it goodbye..... A night of debauchery always starts in the bar....... And it gets worse as the night goes on....... Mastering the art of eyes closed cellphone usage..... Upon learning that the bar had ran out of alcohol the crowd got surly.... Letting us know what hard work has been going on the past year..... A budding young film maker films a documentary about clusterheads.... Auction items...... A visit to a Las Vegas landmark.......they had to call in a expert when I walked in..... High dollar dreaming...... I love this town......
  16. At McCarran waiting on our flight....red eye back to NC. Was good to see everyone....old and new alike. Vegas was a blast and the conference informative and well run. Chicago here we come.
  17. I am here.....should get thru hotel registration about time to check out Sunday. :-/
  18. I find that 4-way nasal spray helps with shadows and the like.....never has caused any negative effects in the years I've used it.....
  19. Indeed...... I shall......assuming they allow it. So far there are 3 going.....the more the merrier.
  20. As previously stated, I will arrive Wednesday evening...planning on touring the Shelby facility on Thursday AM if anyone wishes to tag along.....
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