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Everything posted by Racer1_NC

  1. It's up to us to educate them. In any event...the important thing is to get the script written......one can then source their own regulator for a high flow rate.
  2. He didn't explain it to you because he probably doesn't know himself. The proper flow rate is as much as it takes for you to hyperventilate.
  3. As CHfather asked, have you tried O2? My experience with Zomig was positive, but aborting with O2 has been my main course of action for several years now.
  4. Supporters....conventions......hard to live without either....
  5. If you are having to wait for the bag to refill, you need a regulator with a higher flow rate.
  6. The domain was registered to DJ...I think..... Looks like when it came up for renewal someone missed a deadline and the domain got snapped up. It's not right....but what can ya do?
  7. While I can't see guest info here....many times on message boards those "guests" are search engine bots passing through.
  8. Nah......never have done the FB thing. On Twitter, CH.com and here....that's about all I can keep up with. I certainly appreciate the kind words. The past week has been a very rough one but it's getting better in small.....very small ways. Not much would keep me from attending a CH conference but family is always the top priority.
  9. DD..... I had to cancel at the last minute for family reasons. I usually would post up more pics than people wanted to look at. I hate I can't do that this year. Hopefully next year I'll be able to once again post a few for those that can't attend. B
  10. There goes the neighborhood. . . . . . . . . . <Cool beans....glad you two are coming!>
  11. https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1384466239 among others.....
  12. They will let you leave Florida......or have you forgotten?
  13. I agree with your statement 100%. However........the waste comes when one stops to cough....down some water to combat the dry throat or any other such pause and the bag fills to capacity and then vents. For myself I don't cut it back under those circumstances because I will be back to it shortly. Maybe I'm the odd one but during use I tend to worry about getting enough flow and not as much about overflow. So that's why I say slightly....it's not much but it's enough to notice when your anal like I am. ;D I do try to stress that a demand valve is the high end option. A welding reg or a 40lpm med unit will abort just as well and at a lower equipment cost. I have tanks set up in my home office, my bedroom and my truck....only one is a demand valve. I sure won't run past the other two to get to it...that should tell ya something.
  14. O2 regulators are no problem..... http://www.wtfarley.com/ sells about anything you can think of. CGA 540 reg with a DISS is $55.00. There are of course other places to look such as Ebay, but if you want one right now they are a good option. There are also adapters.....If you were to buy an E tank regulator, you can purchase an adapter to allow usage on a 540 outlet....or the other way around. Go here: http://www.cumulus-soaring.com/mh-transfillers.htm to check that option out. There are other ways to get high flow o2 other than demand valves....they just happen to be the best and one of the most costly. I love mine, but I get about the same results from a 40lpm reg and a clustermask.....it just uses slight more O2.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6ZA7H2a9d4&sns=tw
  16. This coming from someone that used the pronoun "I" at least 12 times in one post.....just saying.
  17. Actually one or 2 large sites are a more effective voice than dozens of little ones. That being said, the cat is already out of the bag, so to speak. The advent of FB and it's popularity, has slowly erroded forums and message boards....and it's a shame.....they had a feel that FB can't come close to matching. FB above all is a marketing tool.....the forums were for help and support run by average people trying to make a difference. Anyway...have at it....everyone else does.
  18. Here's a 25 lpm reg on the cheap...and brand new. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004GC4I6K/ref=s9_psimh_gw_p364_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=16EPQYD8GKDAGDPH5N9X&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846
  19. Not on Facebook so anything I get is 2nd hand but I've never heard a single good thing about him or his FB group..... I'd wager if he had discovered busting, he'd be all over it...everywhere.
  20. I never have had problems with them uncapped. YMMV
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