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Everything posted by alleyoop

  1. Hi Kleinsopp and Welcome! Glad you found us, but sorry you had the need. I am not familiar with psilocybe semilanceata, so I can't advise you on how many will bring what trip level. But to answer your question, yes you can start with a sub-hallucinogenic dose -- as a matter of fact, I recommend it with your first dose. Many have had good results using these doses. You didn't mention what kind of meds you are on. You need to detox from most meds for 5 days to get the best results. Use the "Forum Jump" drop-down menu at the bottom right of this page, and click on "Clusterbuster Files." You will find a wealth of information there, including dose sizes and meds that you need to detox from. Good luck, and keep us posted. alley
  2. Ting, Have you got anyone in Norway that could advocate for you? Preferably someone else with CH? Love you, Bob
  3. Happy Birthday guys!! Who's older??
  4. Xeno, that is a different episode than the one described above, which was titled, "Distractions" and aired the season before "The Jerk."Â But I agree with you about the inaccurate depiction of CH in that show. Quote from "Distractions" episode: Cuddy: "Hey, did you drop acid?" House: "Why would I do that?" Cuddy: "To annoy me, or maybe because you're miserable, or... because you... want to self-destruct. Pick one." House: "How about because LSD acts on serotonin receptors in the brain which can stop a migraine in its tracks? I'm just saying that's also a possibility. http://www.housemd-guide.com/season2/212happiness.php
  5. I stayed with Xeno for four weeks. I was hit pretty hard for the first 25 days, probably from the copious amounts of the above mentioned reasons. Three days before my flight back, I went pain free and much to my euphoric surprise, remained that way for 6 months. That is the longest pain free remission I have had since being diagnosed primary chronic 10 years ago. :-? To this day, I don't know exactly what caused my remission. If Xeno ever opens his CH clinic, I may have to repeat the experiment, minus the copious amounts of entertainment.
  6. While the results are less than gratifying, at least I feel they are looking in the right direction. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1526-4610.2010.01780.x/abstract Bob
  7. Ting, Go to the Clusterbuster Files, and click on "stories and articles." Scroll down to my third post. I think you will find some ammunition there.
  8. My suspicion is that you haven't got a proper 02 set-up. I know there's no way that an oxygen machine would help. You need high-flow oxygen (at least 12 to 15 lpm) and a non-rebreather mask in order for 02 to work properly. Mouse over the "Menu" tab at the top right side of this page, and click on "CH.com Oxygen Page." I wish you luck finding LSD or psilocybin in Israel. Have you considered busting with LSA? I would think that Rivea Corymbosa or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds would be available through the internet. Best, Bob
  9. I think that's the sixty-four thousand dollar question. Really no one knows what causes CH or exactly what happens to stop it when we bust. No one knows definitively whether onset is genetic or if it is brought on by some sort of head trauma. JMO, but I really think you are headed in the right direction. How many have reported having a runny or stuffy nose and a swollen and teary eye -- without any pain? Maybe it's just our 'perception of pain' that is changed. I really don't have a clue, but it all sounds plausible. And then there's the testosterone - or lack of it - connection. Some have reported having good results using testosterone gel. I, personally, have had good results for over two years with clomiphene citrate, which also boosts T-levels. I attached a paper written by Dr. Rozen in Headache about clomiphene and CCH in the Clusterbusters File section under "stories and articles." Bob
  10. I think that you most likely hit the nail on the head colemonster.
  11. Technophobia 'is decided when we are still in the womb' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1320187/Technophobia-decided-womb.html?printingPage=true
  12. Is there anyone still selling and shipping RC seeds in the U.S.?
  13. This from Kim Komando: Learn what Websites know about you 10/12/2010 Q. I saw the Privacy Check page on your site. I'm a bit confused by it. It looks like sites can see some information about my machine and sites I've visited. Why does this matter? —Barbara in Charleston, WV, listening on WCHS 580 AM A. We've all had the feeling that Websites know a little too much. You'll see ads tailored for your location. They may be ads for a local business. Or, the ads mention your city. You'll also notice ads for products similar to ones you've searched for. These ads can seem creepy. But, they're a symptom of a bigger problem. Sites are tracking you online. They're gathering your information and putting it into databases. And the sites can build a very detailed profile of you. By checking the sites you visit, they know your interests. They may be able to determine medical conditions and political affiliation. Other information reveals your location. And they may be able to tie all this information to your real-world identity. Of course, these are legitimate, mainstream sites. They want the information for marketing purposes. Things get worse when criminals get information about you or your machine. They can use the information to attack you. That should give anyone pause. My Privacy Check page shows you some of the information sites can gather. It looks at the data on your machine, so the information is specific to it. The page does not store any of your data. It simply shows you what the Web knows about you. Before I explain what's on the Privacy Check page, do me a favor. Share this tip with your family and friends. Tell them to check their online privacy. Post a link on Facebook or Twitter. Or, send this tip via e-mail. Just click the appropriate button in the sharing box at the bottom of this page. Now, let's take a look at what the Privacy Check page displays. I'll also tell you why you should be worried about the data. First up is IP address. This is a number that is used to identify your computer and other gadgets online. This is generally assigned by your service provider. Sites can use this to determine your location. In some cases, the location may be slightly off. Still, sites can use your IP address to identify you personally. For example, the site could subpoena your provider for your name and address. You really only have to worry about that if you're involved with a court case, though. Sites can also see information about your computer. They know the operating system and browser you're using. They can see your time zone, language and character set. This may not seem like a big deal. But the combination of this information is often enough to uniquely identify you. Or, think what criminals could do with this data. They can target specific vulnerabilities in your operating system or browser. That makes their attacks swifter and more effective. Sites can also see the other sites you've been visiting. This takes a little ingenuity. Sites can't just browse through your Web history. Rather, they need to exploit a browser trick to see your history. Browsers display links you've visited in a different color. This is the default setting in all browsers. Sites can also see how a page looks on your computer. So, a site can add a piece of code that checks how a list of links looks on your computer. If a link changes color, it knows you've visited that particular site. This only works for sites still in your Web history. Because of the way this works, it is somewhat limited. But don't dismiss the problem. A site can check more than 25,000 links per second! My Privacy Check page only checks a handful of links. You can bet other sites are checking more links. It is disturbing to think that a legitimate company is checking your history. Your history gives insight into your interests and affiliations. It can also reveal medical conditions and other information you want to keep private. A criminal can use this for more devious purposes. Think about this for a second: A criminal can determine what banking sites you visit fairly easily. He can better target you with a phishing attack. Now, let's talk about what you can do to protect yourself. You can't block your computer from disclosing your IP address and information about your machine. But you can use a free proxy service like Tor, Privoxy or Jap. These route your Internet traffic through online servers. This will obscure information about your machine and the IP address. To prevent sites from seeing sites you've visited, keep your Web history clean. You can set your browser to never remember history. In Firefox, go to Tools>>Options>>Privacy. In the History section, set it to "Firefox will never remember history." You will still need to clean out your past history. In Internet Explorer, go to Tools>>Internet Options. Find the Browsing History section in the General tab. Check the Delete Browsing History on Exit option. This will clear your history whenever you restart the browser. You also need to worry about cookies. These are small pieces of code that a site or ad places on your machine. They can be used to track you, too. And they can link your online and offline identities. Click here to learn what you need to know about cookies, including how to delete them. Of course, there are also Flash cookies. These are set by Flash Player. They're stored separately from traditional cookies. And they can be used to bring back traditional cookies. Click here to learn how to delete Flash cookies. For more help maintaining your online privacy, check these tips:   * Could a photo reveal the location of your home or your child's school? You betcha! Find out what you need to know about geotagged photos.   * Coupons are a great way to save money. But you'd better be careful. Online coupons may contain personal information.   * Google recently launched an encrypted search feature. Learn if it will improve your online privacy. http://www.komando.com/toolbox.aspx?mode=print&id=9619
  14. JMO, but I'd say go ahead and dose tonight. If you don't get good efficacy, then it's probably because the receptors weren't open. Good luck!
  15. No, I don't think that this weekend is to soon, especially if you are like most and have to pick your times to bust. I love your excitement too! I just don't want you to be too disappointed if one or two busts doesn't end your cycle.
  16. First of all, welcome colemonster! Sorry you had to find us, but glad you did. I hope you killed your cycle with just one dose, but I doubt it. The fact that you are shadowing suggests otherwise. When did you bust? You need to wait 5 days before busting again. This gives the receptors in your brain time to reopen. But that doesn't mean you have to dose in 5 days. I would wait until your activity picks up again. Did you have any hits post dose? Most do. I hope that you did indeed bust the cycle! Keep us posted.
  17. Lee Ann, Right off the bat, I would think that this site is probably safe from 'scraping'. I think that the sites most affected would be the larger, more popular ones. I will dig deeper into all of this when I have a chance.
  18. Right here wise fruit lady!! Seriously, I couldn't agree more with Ron. You are special Ting! Bob
  19. From today's Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703358504575544381288117888.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
  20. That is interesting kaboom! And I seem to remember another mom making the same statement. :-?
  21. The feeling's mutual Ting. I can't wait to meet you!
  22. I would be glad to tell my story.
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