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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. You know, the painkilling effect from these substances, is many times more potent than opiates f ex. The painrelief lasts for many weeks, but will disappear quickly from the system. The opiates stays for long, and will give painrelief for only a couple of hours. Treatment here does something to our frequense. I think so at lest. A growth in grey brain mass, increased hypathalamus, can`t come from TMJ.......?... I think that`s more a symptom coming from the pressure in our heads that we experience.
  2. Bach, i love listening to Bach. He has this thing in his music, it touches every part of your brain. It floates around, like a butterfly, flying, floating between our two parts. Activates emotions and memories where it touch with it`s wings. Light and senses, is what Bach is to me. LOL ;D you should have seen me...... ;D ;D ;D Not in a hundred years you would picked me from looks, out from music selection.... Never, i promise ;D And that is actually so funny, to experience how people treat you, from your looks!!! Very funny ;D Schubert is nice, i really love Tchaikovsky. But you know, it depends a little mix from Tchaikovsky, wait for the overture
  3. Not only does this treatment help us with CH. But it also allows us to have great access into the depths of our minds, and even depressed memories. It`s such a powerful tool, it works trough our mind, like peeling an onion.
  4. It`s what`s left to dig into.... Last memory to face. I actually have his name. I`m gonna do it. But it will take long time, going slow on this one. I don`t think a dad leaves his little girl at three years, if he didn`t want me, he could left me before then. My birth name means gold ray. You dont give such a name to something you don`t want. And after all, he left me his name, he didn`t have to do that.... It have really bothered me hole life, i just made myself not think of it for awhile. But i think i`m ready now. I googled him yesterday, and surprisingly enough, there wasn`t that many with this name. doens`t have to be one of them, but i just gonna get "used" to the thought first place.
  5. Totally off topic here but.... I wonder if my one of my biological parents had/have CH. Maybe that`s why my father gave me away, or maybe my mum had it. I think i decided to go try find him, one day. Maybe. Or just check up, if i can find him, maybe just sell him some cookies at the door.
  6. The nerves that bothers us, lay in a kind of tunnel. And when everything get tighten, this tunnel "collapse". Maybe we develope TMJ when the blood vessels in our heads swallows, everything gets a little bit too tight, and affect our jaw, with TMJ as the result. Maybe that`s way Larynx also get affected after awhile. That will again give shoulder, hand and neck problems. All this are things that will affect Atlas spine. And i actually think it`s logical why we get little bit "wrong centred". Can also excplain why it can be caused by head trauma, car accidents etc. sometimes. Who knows........ Not me.... I think CH came after i lost way too much blood actually. Because i slept in, and i think that did something with hormones. Severe blood loss can do that.
  7. I don`t drink, i don`t eat sweets... I only eat healthy food, always, and when i have worsening in condition, i loose weight. Even if i start eating more fatty food and carb`s. I get skinny as h.. no matter what i do. I`m sure calories get burned faster.
  8. Sorry!! Yes this is a quote!!! John Milton: One of my favorites, and so true!!!
  9. Hi Welcome to you!! Happy to see this is working Amazing treatment this!!! I had alot of migraine, and chronic CH. After busting, there have been just a couple of visit from migrain exitited to see how this will work out, good luck to you
  10. I have the same, periods of that, but not gaining weight!! and so i loose all apetite..... Guess it has to be because of the pineal gland thing..... I don`t know....
  11. What a great feeling, how good to follow the change
  12. Yeah, me too!!! What`s up with this specialist?!
  13. No...... and thank you As an old timer, when did you find this treatment? If that\s something you would like to share.
  14. Jeff!!!1 OMG!!!!!!!!!! That jaw thing is AMAZING!!! To be honest, i have never thought it could make that much fuzz. But today, i have been very dizzy and felt something on it`s way to ramble up. then my jaw gets crunchy, clicking and all that. Dizzy like i don`t get enough blood to my head, or air or whatever. Thought of this link`s, read them and got very surprised....... This seem to match many symptoms. I once considered to get Atlas profilax, but after reading about it, i thought it could be very risky. Atlas profilax treatment, actually in a way would make the same sort of changes this jaw thing are. Half way into excersises, i felt difference, and when finished, BIg difference. My head got warm, and i had more color. that pale color was gone!! i`m not that dizzy, jaw is relaxed, tendencies to shadow`s gone...... Thank you so much Jeff, i`m gonna continue doing this. I think it can make big differences. Try it folks, it works!!
  15. Hi I want to share my last attack with you folks. On top, when pain is so strong, you can not breath properly, you have cramps from pain. Your mind go in all different directions, having very wild pictures and thoughts. Moving from anger, self pity, desperation, gallows humor, tears and you name it!! It`s like you have wires that is burning hot, and some being cold as ice, both things will burn you. Wires with spinning saw blades and sharp knives that are being dragged around your arm, neck and head. Up in head, that`s were the "chief" take place. Controlling the pain out from one point, pulling the levers, sitting on the ic-pick, dragging the wires. And all the tricks he possibly come up with. Jaw breaking list goes on. Having this pain, the last thing that i want to do is breathing trough, at the time, stupid mouthpiece. Nothing seems less logical to do in a way, at that point. Because it`s hard doing it, when you can not breath, and it get interrupted by laughter and crying. Having all this crazy thoughts, a quote came in my mind: "The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven" And then i thought, you know what you have to do, suck it up, and get a grip!! Focus and stop dig into it!! I found a place to stare, laid down on a spike math, focused on the O2, everything got dark around me, focus focus. The devil doesn`t win, i take the charge of my mind, that way he looses his foothold. Of all changes after started this treatment, this is the biggest one. And maybe the most important one. And the fact that i know, it will never come to that point again, because now i know there`s something to do about it. And some pain, i will take. I accept it. It`s not everyday, all day. I can take having twinges and shadows every day, and i have done that almost all the time, until recently. But i`m more than happy, it`s nothing, it`s not painful. And what is 8 months of "rehabilitation", with improvement from the first treatment? Nothing!! It took 14 hours, and all pain was gone. This time around, it almost felt good ;D Let him try, i will slap his face!! And i didn`t consider Imitrex. That tells alot what Imitrex does to you. I`m certain that Imitrex was responsable for hair loss, bad skin, dry skin. Gum, eyes and nose problems, weight loss and making depression worse. I think it can make you depressed on it`s own. And i think it caused much of my suicide thoughts as well. Finishing this, one thought came in my mind. I think we are TOUGH!! I think we are aloud to say this about this group of people, DAMN, WE ARE TOUGH facing this Taking charge of my life, my mind, is the biggest change in my life after starting this treatment. Changing not only this condition, and what follows, but an complete alteration of life and personality. [highlight]I would love to hear what others has experienced as the biggest change.[/highlight] We should be proud of our self. Happy to know all of you Thank you all Hug and PF wishes from me :-* Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. - Kahlil Gibran
  16. I understand, i think. And totally agree. I often said to my doctor i don`t have maybe this and that. I have CH, that`s "all"......
  17. Hi It`s been 8 month`s since i joined this site. If i should describe this site in one word, i would use lifesaving. I have said it before, but i will say it again. I was ready to leave. This place saved my life. And it also give me hope. Everytime i look at my daughter, when she`s asleep, i look at that beautiful doll and the innocence. It`s like she breaths out pureness. You want to protect your child to all what is not good in this world. Knowing the fact, that you may have transferred this is.... You can`t leave, just because of that. If i could wish for one thing in this world, i pray for it everyday, please, let BOL on the marked. And if it wasn`t for Bob W, and the people dearing to spread the word, this couldn`t have come to be a hope for my daughter. I find this place the warmest place i know of. It is a part of my daily life, the place where i also see as the place my daughter in the future maybe will have to know of. And if so, i will do my best, like others did with me, and hoping it will continue to be such a wonderful place. For the those who need it now, and the ones in the future, and that might be our children. So thank you all, for doing all that I am so grateful to all of you, and thank you all for letting me take part in those big changes in life Ron That is wonderful to hear. I`m so happy for the two of you. We came in almost at the same time, didn`t we?
  18. Yep. My economy hasn`t been the best lately. But this will change, not too much longer to wait now, i hope. So, we have decided to go next year
  19. Agree!!!! First time i tottally aborted an attack, i was all of the sudden confused. Surprised and confused. Now, Imitrex isn`t an alternative. That sh..!! Sorry.... I just really mean that Imitrex destroy body and mind. And as time go, i see very clear what it did. I more or less pressed an ECH, in my boyfriends near family, to go for higher flow and right way of using it. Working in health sector, he`s sceptic to what is not given from the doctor. And didn`t want to try!! So, i borrowed his reg, and didn`t return it..... And when he needed his, i didn`t find it..... So, he had to use what i gave back.... He ended his cyclus much earlier, didn`t have to stay home from work, and in general did so much better. An now, he won`t return it ;D O2 is so important!!!
  20. Yep, and eye on same side Can get itchy as h...!! I tried dentist, chiro, manuell therapeut, physio... you name it.... Didn`t work. But once i broke out from being chronic, after starting this treatment, All gone. The jaw stress, wich i actually had started to get really concerned about, neck and all that. But next time, i certainly will try this one Jeff
  21. tingeling


    Hmmmm.... They can be so...... I been told the same at ER. But you know now, that there is treatment. O2 and busting. So hang in there!!!! life can change so much by following the advices you get here Painfree wishes from me
  22. Hi Oh.... Sorry about you`re house.... Hope your both doing ok. Best wishes to the both of you!!
  23. Hi I don`t know anything about this subject..... But there are others who can on the board. But, has he tried busting? Tingeling
  24. I been wondering the same. And it take about two days two get the ear and throat thing using it. Have know clue..... You go grocery shopping around midnight?! You feel everythings coming out of track, or how do you feel? I know i canfeel a little emotional and so certain periods. My best wishes to you
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