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Everything posted by spiny

  1. Pick a few faces in the crowd, name them Jeebs, Bosco, and Jon. Then speak just to them.
  2. My first scan showed 'several' of them and the Neuro mentioned Migraines, along with the radiologist who read the scan. As stated above, they are often see in migraine patients. Just don't let them try to turn you around and now say you don't have CH, but Migraine. It also shows with CH and that too is stated above. In 15 years, I have had 3 scans. The white matter Flairs or whatever they are called have remained the same over time. Even with my dog knocking me out!! Your Neuro will be able to explain it better. I researched my behind off and scared myself silly since they said 'mini-strokes' at one point. There was a caveat there though, as in 'might be'. I have had no issues to date and still function as I always did, so I don't think that I am stroking out. With the consistency of the scans, my neuro does not think I am losing it either. I suspect that CHers are prone to them, just as Migraineurs are. They just have not studied that yet.
  3. I quit 3 years ago and it did not help at all. None of my research supports the idea that quitting would help, but it did state that a higher percentage of CHers smoke than the general public.
  4. Definitely should not be an issue with a cannula. Glare.......................... Any decent Neuro will order an MRI to check for 'other' stuff going on. That makes it important to get in quickly. This may have been a 'one of' situation, but perhaps not. The times that I blacked out on O2, it was when I did not feel the need to breathe. Meaning that I was O2 saturated and my body wanted some CO2 at that point in time. I just nodded off with my head against the tank. Some have blacked out from the pain in my reading, but few and seldom. How I would love that at times!!! But nope.
  5. Yes, see the Neuro!!! That is NOT typical in my experience or from my reading. I really find it upsetting that you were sort of blown off too! You need an MRI to see what is going on up there in your noggin Runners. It will tell them more about what is going on. Please push for that appointment!! Also, were you on a non-rebreather mask breathing only pure O2 when you went out? I have huffed enough O2 on two occasions to nod off, but not from a cannula. That alone might be important. ATB!!!
  6. Thanks all! Agreed, it is hard to get mad at him!! Likely it is lucky that he did not come along till my kids were out of the house and all that. The little clown will take his front paws and put them on your leg and if you don't acknowledge him, he will start to climb. It took weeks for me to figure out that he does that to be picked up!! I can be a little 'slow' at times!!!
  7. Hey, when it comes to leaving their mark, the dog will Shaun!! Wonder what he stood on? Or was it a flying leap and hope for the tie to hit fast?????? OMG I am falling over laughing Shaun!! Not to worry! My cousin has a dog that is OCD. To the point of lining up his toys daily on a mat placed for that purpose!! And the balls are sorted by size then placed on the 'stripe' that he has picked for that size! I copied one pic of his and now cannot find where it went on the PC!! Duh. So I cheated and put in another pic of Anatoly - way up high and in an off limit area!!
  8. Shaun, she shows it too! The 'world' should know her place!!! Bosco, the main thing that I know about breeding a larger dog to smaller one is the mom needs to be the larger breed. Daddy will gladly hop up on a stool to get the job done!! But ya don't want to risk your female by breeding to a larger dog. She will have a hard delivery at best. Have you seen the wolf pack video where the 'not' Alpha wolf jumps one of the Alpha's girls? It is funny and sad at the same time. The Alpha shows and it is too soon. The not Alpha wolf can't run, except in circles and he is frantic cause his is 'gonna pay'!! The female is just plain stuck and will have no repercussions from the Alpha. Critters are very creative when it comes to procreating!!!
  9. Knew a Chihuahua once Jeebs that would put his face on the floor and then push across the carpet with his back legs! So, perhaps it came from 'dad', who I assume was the Chihuahua? The face rub must be Lolas' beauty routine!!! Bosco, if you had Appa, I would have had a guess for breed!!! Assa? I would say you might with going with personality description there? Kindly fill in the blanks!!
  10. Loving your Shih Tzu Poodle family Shaun! The little girl looks so 'proud' of something!!
  11. Abby Doo is having a great time in the flowers!! The flowers remind me of Blue Bells. Yea, ya can see the stink eye in Princess!! Oh, Bosco, lovely to meet you pretty one!!
  12. How about 'The pet thread.' That sounds pretty safe.
  13. Now, pics of your babies Bosco!!!!! You need to share! It is 'your' thread after all.
  14. You are welcome! I have wanted a Russia for a long time too - 30 years or more. These two get along surprising well. Fuzz is 5, so Toly is a problem at times being a teenager! But he just gets wrestled down till he falls asleep. Maybe we need a thread for just fun stuff!!??
  15. Yep, that would promote a trip to other parts from me too. Your thread, so here is Anatoly. In the sleeping one, I have ruffled his fur. It will stay that way till stroked back down. It Is SOOOO plush! And him with his house bro, Fuzz, my hubby's mutt that we adore!! It shows the difference in 'grey'!! That is the Blue part of the name showing and the guard hairs are showing the sparkle on his face in that shot. His eyes will get bright green in the next few months too! In the profile, you can see the straight nose with no stop. Reminds me of an Egyptian cat! Here is Anatoly T My first riding adventures were on that pony. I was bucked off more than once. Then there was the day she let me ride, cause we were headed to the red clover field. When we got there, she decided to get a lick of salt and I almost lost an eye on the metal roof corner. I was not even school age yet! Also the first time I saw my father run! Left the pony in the field and ran to the truck. That was the day that I found out there is another door into the doctors office!!! You know, for when you have blood running down your face through the dish towel Daddy smacked up there and told me to hold!! They don't want you to scare the other kiddos. Hey, it was body temp and I had no idea I was bleeding all over! We lived over 30 minutes out of town too. Four stitches and I was all set with an ice bag on it.
  16. Bosco, I don't play as often as Jeebs and Shaun, et al, but I can play hard.
  17. Yes they are!! They seem to feel your bad mood! I might have been hanging a 'For Sale' sign around her neck from the sideways bunny hops! I can ride, but have little love for horses due to owning a pretty little Shetland named Princess. She thought she was 'queen' and I was dirt!
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ They need an award for the Most Lives Saved! Bob would be TOP DOG there by a mile! (I wanted to say 'Top Gun, but was concerned about offending someone.) Yes, it is in brackets. so not there if it offends!!!
  19. spiny


    Yea, be the BUG!! You need the info and it is their job to help in that arena. I'll provide a tiny push for you!!
  20. spiny


    Any word yet Shawn?
  21. John, we all know that tension is limiting and therefore a bad thing in any fight!!! You know, can you actually throw that punch when you are tense? Nope. Tension holds you back. Relax and punch from your foot, with all your might and controlled focus- like a bolt of lightning is coming up through you from the ground. Yogi was right!! And 'trust, but verify' is always good advice! My kids grew up with 'Quote your source!' to keep garbage out of the conversation and prevent made-up stuff inhabiting my house and car. They still use it today, which makes me feel that I got some things right along that long road.
  22. He is rotten and I am loving every minute of it!!! I did get lucky on the pic, that is no lie. At that age, kittens are sleeping or running!!
  23. Jeebs, that is indeed my new baby!!! Meet Anatoly, 5 months old and helping me celebrate the recent death of our least favorite companion! He is the Russian Blue that I have wanted for 30 years! He is just now getting the 'shimmer' in his fur with his adult coat coming in a bit.
  24. Bosco, just keep doing what you have been doing the last several months: D3 and seeds. I do the D3 year round, you know, just in case. I had my FIRST EVER summer cycle this year. I got it 'ended' on my normal start cycle day!!! So, after a pretty 'perfect' start for years - September 22nd - I no longer have a road sign to pass every year and recognise as 'Hey, you prepared!!' so things will be fine. I am in uncharted territory! So, I have a very 'fresh' reminder of what it feels like to feel a bit lost in the mess. And the 'plan' is to keep on keeping on. In my world, you can relax, if you are vigilant!!! If I missed my afternoon caffeine or bedtime D, I will get hit and reminded not to be forgetful!!! Live and learn.
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