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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Hi Bailey, I suppose it depends on the size of tank you get. The smaller ones usually give me a few hours if I'm being conservative (usually not the case if I'm on the O2).. I'm glad the concentrator works for you but I cant help but wonder if the concentrator works how much quicker you could abort with pure O2?
  2. Ditch the concentrator if a cluster head. They mix normal air with the pure o2 that you need to effectively abort.
  3. Wow @CHfather this response of yours was wonderful!
  4. If it makes any diffrence... I will say that I'm in constant amazement of the people on here. They are beyond kind and definitely the strongest people I've ever encountered in my entire life! I had no idea that there were others like me, others that could understand and respond from the same perspective and understanding of the level of pain. When I found this place and interacted with them I found a new sense of hope! I felt so alone as I've never met a fellow cluster head. I've chosen to stay because if I can help anyone in the way this site has helped me I owe at least that much..
  5. Hey Nick, Looks like you have received some great responses (enough to help with your Dr. Appointment and options to prevent and abort). As for being scared, it's natural to fear pain. I think we have all been there. I know I have and something that helps me is to remember 1. I am not going to die and 2. It will stop. Lastly the more you read on here and adopt methods of self help the better things will get for you.. stay strong!
  6. Well be sure to share any new tips, treatments or tricks when you get back. I wish a conference would come within decent driving distance of me but I'm happy to learn through you guys!
  7. I liked this just so ya know but I have to be straight faced and reactionless for a bit
  8. Exactly! Just like "I'm rubber you're glue what you say bounces off me and sticks to you"
  9. Funny timing jeeb.. I just tried to like your post and got Shauned
  10. I know! Is that not a saying in the UK? A childish one here in wonderland. We used to say it as kids...Fun times:)
  11. I knew it wasn't just me! Thanks for confirming that I'm only partially crazy
  12. Impressive! Looks like they put a bicycle chain in there
  13. Wow that's just amazing. I suppose what's more amazing is that she's up and mobile after being so broken. Nothing less than a miracle!
  14. Oh but you are! No surviving this show without a touch of wisdom, perseverance, willingness, strength and endurance. Shoot if your afflicted with CH and still keeping on... your basically a bad a%#
  15. LOL Shaun... Then I'll have to start calling you the Oracle
  16. Hi HCF, As @Shaun brearley has said, ginger is helpful in curtailing shadows. I am somewhat of a constant shadower (usually have them on a daily basis). I have found that RC seeds keep them at bay for me for 2-3 weeks. I also think curcumin mixed with ginger helps quite a bit. The RC seeds are easy to get your hands on and legal to purchase (just not to consume) but who's gonna know if you do. If you type in RC in the search bar you will get all the info you need on processing/obtaining etc. I found this pinned thread quite helpful I am not sure what causes shadows but I have had them ever since my first battle with CH. Sometimes they seem to be a warning prior to a cycle and other times they seem to just be aftermath. I also feel like the longer you go without being in a cycle and allowing the cluster bunny to take your brain out and stomp on it, the more intense the shadows become (almost like a cist that really needs to drain) gross analogy I know but... Anyhow I hope this helps.
  17. I don't think there is any solid evidence that it helps. While it would benefit you in other ways I don't believe it would do much to help with CH. I quit a few years back by using the juul and gradually lowering the nicotine. Did noda for my CH.
  18. I've seen @CHfather mention Hemicrania continua a few times as being somewhat similar and often misdiagnosed cases between CH and HC .. I hadent heard of it prior to his mentioning. When looking the condition up it seems to be close. I believe he mentioned a test of sorts with medication that is effective for HC but not CH...
  19. Hi HCF, I had something similar with my last MRI.. exact wording was (Overall unremarkable MRI of the brain. Tiny foci of T2/FLAIR signal abnormality within the RT external capsule is likely of little clinical significance.) When I spoke to my neuro he explained it to be "white matter" most likely some scaring/scar tissue. I certainly can believe that these bangers have caused some scaring... He also mentioned that it can be somewhat common in people with migraine or CH. I did the same research thing that you are doing and only scared myself worse than I needed to. Talk to your neuro about it and you will most likely feel much more at ease. It's really easy to research yourself into a fright.
  20. That just made me laugh out loud.. We work with Architects, Engineers etc.. and I am constantly trying to figure out the letters after the name. (LEED AP, BD+ C, CDT..) Then you opened with Bloodyhell and I swear I read the comment in Ron's voice from Harry Potter
  21. Thanks Jeeb I'm still wrapping my brain around it!
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