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Ear Ringing a Real Thing?


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My last attack (a while back thank God) started directly after a piercing ear ringing in my CH sided ear. I thought it was happenstance but did a quick search on here and it seems I am not the only one? I've been doing fairly good during these past 8 weeks of high stress and broken sleep due to my injured Abby girl. She has decided that 3am is poop "O" clock which has been most unwelcomed especially in this ark building weather we are experiencing in CA:wacko: We are so close to removing the cast and seeing if her tendon will engage but boy have we had some set backs.. Infections of the urinary track, infections of skin in high pressure areas under the cast blah blah.. We are so close! 2 weeks to go and I am praying on a daily!  I have not been as good as I should have been about taking care of my brain so I am soaking some seeds to dose with tonight, anyhow, I  suppose I am more so venting than much else. Possibly in this post I am giving an example of high stress and the body's innate ability to function under it. I was particularly happy to read of Kat's success in flying this Monday as it really gave me renewed hope (Doesn't get much better for a Monday morning read). IDK I may just be in need of finger exercise although it would be nice to learn what folks do immediately after a ringing  in a effort to prevent an attack?

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Escorting a dog with a leg cast outside in atmospheric river style flooding at 3am every night, and that's just for tip of iceberg starters? Wow, will you be overjoyed when the flooding clears and Abby heals - just hang on a bit longer!

The best of results to you with tonight's seeds bust!

I get random ear ringings year round, in or out of cycle, so, I got nuthin' to offer in that dept., sorry.

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8 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

I get random ear ringings year round, in or out of cycle, so, I got nuthin' to offer in that dept., sorry

No worries Jeeb. Truthfully.. I think I'm just getting tired.. 


9 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

atmospheric river style flooding at 3am every night,

Yep this is the part wearing me down.. I've got my faith so thank goodness for that (i know your not religious) but you sure are a good friend!  Uff.. I've looked for sanctuary many a time here and am delighted to say I've always found it. Everyone here has been so amazing! I do miss @Shaun brearley and his smart quips. Lots of cool folks on here for sure.  

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I have Tinnitus, so ringing is daily. Mine is caused by living in a house with an elder who was very hard of hearing and refused hearing aids. His 'old ones' did not work well, so he was not wanting to use them at all nor invest in more expensive ones!!! And he was old, so the tube was his sole entertainment for the last several years of his life. 16 hours a day of your house blasting TV worse than a depressed teen, with a play list, will destroy your hearing.  

So, no help at all. So sorry! 

But, getting up nightly with an ailing pet gets nerve wracking. Been there! You are so concerned for them, but after a while, you get concerned for yourself too! Only a few weeks to go Bosco, and that nightmare will be over. Then you can rest and relax for a change. You have earned it too! 

I look forward to seeing Abby all healed and walking on all fours!! :wub: That means that you are getting well earned better quality sleep! Praying for you and Abby sweetie. I'm really southern, so sweetie is a compliment! ;) 

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Glad pup is recovering, I do not notice ear ringing but in a similar line I do tend to get what I assume is 'exploding head' as I fall asleep I will hear a huge ringing kinda wooshing odd noise that startles the hell out of me. A lot of those nights iirc I will end up getting hammered pretty hard on the rem switch timing hit.

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