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Article on psilocybin as treatment for PTSD


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Is it the same study as this video posted by Ricardo July 5th? I've seen similar articles go by on Facebook recently.


Since Uruguay just voted legalization of cannabis, I say that, little by little, especially with social medias like Facebook, the anti-drug propaganda that has dominated the scene for 40 years will be pushed aside in peoples' mind, and that a pressure from the public will push for more studies on alzheimer, PTSD and other more widespread illnesses

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Is there any information is PTSD somehow "connected" to cluster headaches ? Like someone wrote on another thread, some clusterheads probably have something that might be described as PTSD after surviving severe CH era. But I am thinking more in a way are there same mechanisms for cluster headache to be born? I finally got around reading about it and the Wikipedia page alone rings all kinds of bells. Any articles, theories, anything, I would be most interested.

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That's so true about PTSD and CH. One can only go so long suffering and not get some form of other mental issues. No matter how strong you are or how you think you deal with the CH. I am certain I'm a grump with my wife and have a fair amount self inflicted CH negativity in my life. I have zero financial concerns and or any real stress other than CH- I am the first to admit I suffer from some form of depression, and who would not after 20yrs of fighting the beast.  If for no other reason than I'm 20 yrs in a back log of normal sleep...

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are there same mechanisms for cluster headache to be born?

That's a good question. At first I thought: probably not

Reading the symptoms, it's easy to see we clusterheads suffer also PTSD.

That would be the 2nd form, the Avoidance type of PTSD, according to this link



    Emotional numbing or feeling as though you do not care about anything

    Feeling detached

    Not able to remember important parts of the event

    Not interested in normal activities

    Showing less of your moods

    Avoiding places, people, or thoughts that remind you of the event

    Feeling like you have no future

But there could be a link

I don't know, maybe, I'd need to read more, but this from Wikipedia (PTSD) tells me there could be common grounds;

Other studies indicate that people that suffer from PTSD have chronically low levels of serotonin which contributes to the commonly associated behavioral symptoms such as anxiety, ruminations, irritability, aggression, suicidality, and impulsivity.[18] Serotonin also contributes to the stabilization of glucocorticoid production.

Dopamine levels in patients with PTSD can help contribute to the symptoms associated. Low levels of dopamine can contribute to anhedonia, apathy, impaired attention, and motor deficits. Increased levels of dopamine can cause psychosis, agitation, and restlessness.[18]



:-? :-/

low dopamine, low serotonin couldbe related to clusters,  but then again... Do PTSD sufferers have clusters? If they don't more than the usual ratio in general population, it would could show there is no link except both conditions show low serotonin and dopamine, but then again, I'm not even sure clusterheads have low serotonin and dopamine levels... probably, since we probably suffer PTSD also. Does the PTSD we suffer triggers more cluster crisis/cycles? Those are all questions  :P Who has an answer? :-/


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Yes, I need to research the subject more too, with thought when my good ol' head works :)

Abnormality in hypothalamus sounds pretty familiar, more closely HPA axis.

"In addition, most people with PTSD also show a low secretion of cortisol and high secretion of catecholamines in urine,[60] with a norepinephrine/cortisol ratio consequently higher than comparable non-diagnosed individuals.[61] This is in contrast to the normative fight-or-flight response, in which both catecholamine and cortisol levels are elevated after exposure to a stressor.[62]

Brain catecholamine levels are high,[63] and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) concentrations are high.[64][65] Together, these findings suggest abnormality in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.

The HPA axis is responsible for coordinating the hormonal response to stress.[28] Given the strong cortisol suppression to dexamethasone in PTSD, HPA axis abnormalities are likely predicated on strong negative feedback inhibition of cortisol, itself likely due to an increased sensitivity of glucocorticoid receptors.[66] Some researchers have associated the response to stress in PTSD with long-term exposure to high levels of norepinephrine and low levels of cortisol, a pattern associated with improved learning in animals.

Translating this reaction to human conditions gives a pathophysiological explanation for PTSD by a maladaptive learning pathway to fear response through a hypersensitive, hyperreactive, and hyperresponsive HPA axis."

The fight-or-flight response interests me because of what I have read about it, the chemical imbalanses in it seem to be pretty close to us when we are in cycle or in an attack... Les Genser wrote a lot of stuff about hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in Liquorice root protocol. I think liquorice root "works" directly in here and busting may do similar things in similar places. I curse my bad english not being able to explain it better, the way I am thinking :)



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